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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Is Ray getting desperate already?

"Atheism is a disease of the soul before it becomes an error of understanding." -- Plato


Now he's posting something he has posted before. Is he saying we're diseased, trying to lure us back to defend ourselves? Ray cracks me up.


  1. Let's all prove that we are indeed the more rational by not giving into his spineless baiting and emotional appeals.

  2. Awwww, listen to him blubber, quoting an unfindable Plato quote (seriously, does anybody know where this quote is from? Because I don't know where it is. No websites seem to have a citation). The guy has truly lost his way, I think.

    Any money he is going to start coming here and ripping off comments and posts to get his material.

  3. You know what the best part of that quote is?

    Plato is referring to Zeus - not Jesus.

  4. I KNOW he's going to come here and rip off comments.

    He already did it to Clos.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. He is effectively saying, "come back atheists, I need you". By not posting, you are telling him, "Fuck you, jackass". Oh, and Ray, I know you read this blog, so you can quote me on that....it would look like this if Ray posted it:

    "By not posting, you are telling him, "#*$@ &$%*@, @&#*$* @*#*@@* !*@*#*!*@ *#&$^#."

  7. LMAO

    I googled the plato quote, so far I've only gotten Christian sites..

  8. Wow, Ray. I'm convinced. I'm now going to start worshipping Zeus.

  9. Wow! The man is so sad and pathetic that I almost feel sorry for him. Then I remember that he revels in it, along with his ignorance. Now he's changed the Plato quote to the Newton quote about atheism being so senseless. Since newton denied the trinity, I'm fairly sure Ray would say he wasn't a true Christian.

    And unfortunately, DisComforting Ignorance broke under the strain and posted;-). But then, I might be next.

  10. dont do it rufus!
    it's okay that someone asked for a source, it makes Ray look bad.

    but, we should continue on.hes offering bait. like a dumb fisherman, though.

  11. OH MAN you're right, he changed the quote.

    Got caught in his ignorance and changed it. I bet he's also attempting to make his critics look bad by talking about one that wasn't even there.

    Oh Ray. Ray, Ray, Ray. Just admit you're wrong. Hell, you can probably mention the few times I was wrong, and I'll admit them. Be a man, Ray.

  12. Ray and his fellow "true Christians" are True Believers. They all say that Jesus is the most important thing in their lives. More important and their spouses, their children, everything. They'll most likely never admit they're wrong about anything, let alone about Jesus. They come up with all kinds of pretzel logic to explain away anything that might cause them to experience even the smallest, slightest doubt. And Sye Ten B is their king. He's so wrapped up in his vicious circle that if he began to acknowledge any doubt at all his head would explode like someone's in the movie Scanners. I've tried to follow these words from Spinoza "I have made a ceaseless effort not to ridicule, not to bewail, not to scorn human actions, but to understand", but folks like Ray and Terry Burton and the like make it near impossible.

  13. Therine wrote:

    Wow, Ray. I'm convinced. I'm now going to start worshipping Zeus.

    Hey! That's a variation of a joke I did on Ray's blog the last time he quoted Plato!

    You owe me a nickel!

  14. Lance

    You're too expensive. A nickel? Go easy on us.

    That's almost as bad as cussing. :)

  15. *gives virtual nickel*
    Happy now? :-P

  16. *gives virtual nickel*
    Happy now? :-P


  17.      I posted a response to (I think it was Brittany) pointing out that the http address still testifies to the original wording. Not only is Ray lying, but he is doing very badly at covering his tracks.


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