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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Jesus Runs Away from Boating Accident Unscathed


  1. It's a muricule, Jeebus is back!

    Very funny,thanks dale.

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  3. Okay, I'm really offended by this.

    Jesus walked on water. That guy is clearly running.

    It's not Jesus; it's The Flash.

    Come on, people. Really.

  4. Lance,
    You need to reread the title of the post. hehehe :>

  5. I just spit crap all over my computor screen.... Thanks a lot.

    are you absolutely sure it's the flash? What form of logic are you using to make that claim, and how does it necessaraly apply to the picture?

  6. are you absolutely sure it's the flash? What form of logic are you using to make that claim, and how does it necessaraly apply to the picture?

    DC Comics has made it known to me in such a way that I can be sure.

    And Dale, Jeebus would simply walk away from the accident. The sheer fact that the guy is running proves that he's the Flash.

    Come on, this is simple logic.

  7. Andrew-

    Now that you've reminded me, just wanted to let you know that it looks like Sye is trying to bait the idiotic joshua s black into an argument over at Ray's - take a look at the last couple of posts in the "A Letter From An Atheist" thread.

  8. Dale, stop borrowing from Lance's worldview.

  9. But lance,
    it isn't in any way clear that the individual in the photo is in fact running. How can you be sure that he simply isn't doing the splits as some form of strech workout on the water?

    Further more,
    if your simply assuming that, as a result of the picture being taken in action, that he MUST in fact be running; how do you account for he uniformity of reality in this case? Where in DC comics does it reveal that nature is uniform?

    End of the atheist thread, I'll have to check that out.

  10. How does your worldview account for your worldview?

    gee, seems like we just can't stop it...
    I guess if one of us writes a book someday, some sort of Sye character's going to be in it.

  11. Where in DC comics does it reveal that nature is uniform?

    That would be in Crisis on Infinite Earths. Okay, I'm a geek - sue me!

  12. How does your worldview account for your worldview?

    This made me laugh so hard I nearly choked.

    gee, seems like we just can't stop it...
    I guess if one of us writes a book someday, some sort of Sye character's going to be in it.

    The story I'm writing right now already borrows heavily from the twisted logic of Ray Comfort. ("You have to read the Bible with an open heart!") I'm sure Sye will sneak in there as well. Basically, in my story, Ray's god is the villain.

  13. Would it not be the scam of the century to find that Sye is actually a parody by some high school geek craving attention?

  14. "Presuppositionalism is an ingenious, elaborate mental trap by which some otherwise extremely bright people manage to keep their minds locked inside the hardcore Christian box."---Diane Vera

  15. sorry lance, I didn't mean no harm, honestly.

    But seriously, you didn't answer the question. How does your worldview...

    *buries head in hands* I'm sorry *sob* I can't stop it *sob* forgive mefatherforIhave...

    *SLAP* That's better. Thanks.

  16. Felix,
    Yes, you should be ashamed of yourself. Straighten up.

  17. Lance sez:

    Ha! Sye is just the joke that keeps on giving, isn't he?

    He's certainly giving over in the "Hijacked!" thread. c^_^ɔ


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