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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rufus the Centurion

Just a quick word to congratulate Rufus on being the first Raytractor to publish 100 posts - well done that man!

Best know for your
Love for Ray Comfort

and appropriate use of the word:

you have done much to balance our growing hatred of all things mustachioed; we salute you.


Oh, and Clos; you just hit the big 5-0!


  1. Congrats Rufus! Now I don't feel so bad for posting so much! ;)

  2. Grats Rufus. You've turned me onto some interesting stuff since I've been here - keep up the good work...

  3. When I read the title to the post I read it as if Rufus was a hundred years old!

    Thanks Rufus!

  4. Well, thank you all. I owe it all to my faith in... Actually, it hasn't been easy. I've went through three desks and a shitload of Alleve since discovering Ray's blog (which led to Terry Burton, Dan, Jean, Daniel et al). But the Raytractors has been a cool experience. I don't know about being referred to as a centurion, though. Someone might accusing me of sticking a spear in a certain someone's side while they were hanging on a cross. I wouldn't do that to anyone. Well, almost anyone.

  5. When I read the title to the post I read it as if Rufus was a hundred years old!

    I read it as if he was even older than that. And a skirt wearing Roman.

    Hey Rufus, you know that picture I'm drawing? I've just had a great idea...

    [insert maniacal laughter]

  6. The side-stabbing Centurion was in my mind when I wrote the title, iconoclast and all that - though I'd never insinuate that you would actually contemplate deicide...

    ... or would he?

  7. Deicide?

    Man, is that a new word? A logodadaly?
    Either way I'm gonna use it for a synonym of Iconoclast.

    Gods are rather fragile creatures. They can disappear in the smoke of reason or a wisp of logic.

    I'll se ta later.
    ***The Frog hopping off to partake of some deicide*

  8. Deicide:

    There's a quote, by Agnes Reppler, I think: "only false gods are laughed off their pedestals". Unless that clip I posted today counts.

  9. Rufus said...

    There's a quote, by Agnes Reppler, I think: "only false gods are laughed off their pedestals". Unless that clip I posted today counts.

    I have to look up Agnes Reppler!

  10. Heh, too late. Beside's it's hard enough to draw you (as depicted in your avatar) anyway. I ended up half-tracing you, which means you've got a hand to your cheek. I'm currently trying to work out how to position you without that looking weird.

  11. Update on the Jean story:

    see last post.


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