Sunday, September 21, 2008

Will he do it?

In Ray's latest, he hints he might shut down his blog.

I really don't care if he does or not. But, what about YOU?

PS. Don't worry Terry, you can always watch and slobber over his television show. 


  1. He talks big but I don't think he'll do it. At least not stop blogging. He could still change the name and "shut it down".

    As far as him writing two books, so what? His "research" so far has been the responses from a blog, hardly scientific. He could really pull new books out of his ass in no time, unless he has some totally new incite on a 2000 year old story.

  2. yeah. Ray pretty much recycles everything and calls it 'new' anyway.

  3. I meant insight not incite....although it does fit.

  4. ...uh...umm...well...

    You're 'dark sided'! YOU'RE NOT CHRISTIAAAAANNN!!!

  5. I don't care about his blog either. I think he's going to play the persecution card though. The timing of his post is good evidence that he's been watching this blog, for some reason that creeps me out. My god doesn't he have enough books???

  6. I hope he does. One less mind virus.

  7. I'm going to recycle a comment...

    "pretty soon, we should send him tons of pictures of his books beating chewed by dogs and next to the porn section in book stores."

  8. ...And doesn't he have enough people on the pay-roll to continue the blog?

    What am I supposed to read for laughs every morning?

  9. True true.

    We could also bag on the Discovery Institute.

    But Ray is just soo stupid it hurts. I'd miss him. Or rather, his lack of intelligence I so find disturbing.

  10. Unfortunately there are many fundies to blog about.

  11. We need to think about a new direction for Raytractors in case he does.

    I also am proud to have been a part of what may have finally caused him to snap.

  12. Did anyone read Ray's comment to Kaitlyn on his new post? Made me sick.

  13. Skep,

    Yes, I responded to it also. He most likely will not let me comment anymore.

  14. NM,

    You could repost it here so you'll be heard.

  15. I wonder why God didn't tell him those pictures were getting through.

  16. Skep,

    It just said something to the effect of Ray, you might not have anything to gain by her 'salvation', but you have about 20 bucks to gain if she buys one of your books and even more if you can convince her to buy your other junk.

  17. NM,

    I was thinking something along those lines as well. At first I thought the pilgrim book was one of Ray's, that would have been really funny.

  18. And yeah, Terry will lose what tiny thread of his mind is left if Ray shuts down his blog.

  19. "One other thing. Ask yourself why I would talk to you like this? I have nothing to gain by your salvation."

    He really tries to make it seem that his "ministry" isn't really a business.

    While looking through some crap about him, I found out he wrote a book called "Who Is the Lord of the Ring" in 2002, when the second LotR movie came out. At the end of the book title, there's a small snake making the title appear to be about the book series. In reality the book is a retelling of John's gospel.

    Now I give credit to LotR fans and other nerds like myself to not fall for such bullshit, but it was clearly a calculated move to scam some poor schmuck of their money.

  20. yaeger said...

    "Now I give credit to LotR fans and other nerds like myself to not fall for such bullshit, but it was clearly a calculated move to scam some poor schmuck of their money."

    Evidently it didn't work. I've never heard of it.

  21. You can buy it used on Amazon for $0.01 and have it shipped for $3.99.

  22. I replied to Ray's post.

    It'll probably be censored so I'll toss it up here:

    ""One other thing. Ask yourself why I would talk to you like this? I have nothing to gain by your salvation."

    And some book sales.

    I'm sorry that you feel the need to shut down your blog to censor pornography. However, I feel that people were probably trying to point out how silly it was that you made a big fuss over a postage sized picture in which the extreme upper portion of my clothed right breast was partially visible. You've always picked and chosen your battles, Ray, and I think in that case you lost sight of the larger target to make an issue out of something that no one noticed until it was pointed out.

    I'm not condoning what they did in any way and neither did I participate but when you act belligerently towards others you shouldn't be surprised when they give it right back to you.

    I wish I had never found your blog. I thought alot more of Christians before I had.

    Good luck in your future monetary endeavors."

  23. What does Ray have to gain? (besides the book sales)

    reinforcement of his own world-view.

  24. I wrote

    Thomas Jefferson said-

    "Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched. Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear." -

    Then I told him to shut down the site, it would be no loss.

  25. I'll miss his blog some. I'll have to find some other fundie blog to camp on now. Ray's blog is nice because the arguments are easy.

  26. He just wants reassurance from his adoring theist fans. If they think they're in danger of losing him, they'll rush to support him - probably monetarily.

  27. If they think they're in danger of losing him, they'll rush to support him - probably monetarily.


  28. I also very much doubt his publisher wouldn't be willing to push back the date for his book. Looked up more stuff about Ray and found that most of his books are published by Bridge Logos, a company which mostly publishes Christian books. Ray is too much of a money maker for them to drop him. He's creating a false dilemma.

  29. If he actually goes through with it, there's a blog I follow ( that some of you might find entertaining. She doesn't update anywhere near as often as Ray and very heavily censors comments but she's priceless entertainment value, and I legitimately believe that the way she's raising her kids is psychological child abuse (to borrow Professor Dawkins' genius usage.)

    As an interesting side note, she is the wife of the (extremely) unhinged Independent Fundie Baptist pastor Steve Anderson who is so popular on YouTube for his sermons about Jesus wearing pants, men peeing standing up and the like.

    In fact... Even if Ray doesn't shut down his blog, I'd still recommend checking that one out. She's pretty first-class crazy, and funny to boot.

    (Sorry, Terry she is already married, but Arizona's pretty far from Florida anyway, so...)

  30. If he does shut it down, I'll be disappointed, but also oddly relieved.

    I used to get scientific insight, and learn things I'd never heard before, about evolution, cosmology, etc. from the evolution vs creationism debate. It was thoroughly enjoyable.

    At Ray's blog the fundies don't even try to defend their beliefs logically. I haven't learned anything new, or had a good intellectual debate, in quite some time.

    Even my opinion of theism in general has fallen, and I try my hardest not to let anything affect my opinion of a catagory as a whole, because I hate stereotypes.

  31. To clarify:

    I don't find the idea of child abuse (any kind) to be entertaining in the slightest. Those were probably the wrong 2 points to stitch together.

    What I mean is: She is entertaining in that morbid-curiosity kind of way that lots of fundie's are, and worth a good laugh or a big gasp. Unfortunately, as a result of her extreme fundie-ism, her kids are suffering from a very peculiar home life and childhood, which side-effect actually really upsets me.


  32. I have to agree that Ray really isn't intellectually challenging anymore and even if he doesn't shut down it might be good to blog about other people's ideas.

    Kelley R,
    I totally understood what you meant. Fundamentalism is horrifying and also intriguing.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. I won't cry if he discontinues the blog, but I'd probably miss it to some extent. If he hadn't jumped on Maragon about the photo she'd been using ever since she began frequenting his blog, we probably wouldn't have responded this way. It looks as if he deleted nonmagic's post from the Further to An Atheist Challenge thread, but not from the Who is the Enemy thread. And all my "light switch" comments are there.

    Nonmagic, please send a full sized copy of the threesome photo.

    And if Ray does shut down, Terry will be so lost and so angry at us. Watch your backs, folks.

  35. "If he hadn't jumped on Maragon about the photo she'd been using ever since she began frequenting his blog, we probably wouldn't have responded this way."

    If he hadn't...
    1. Overloaded his blog with censors to the point where a discussion is impossible. OR
    2. Attacked a poster for a perfectly decent and not in any way inflammitory image which she'd always used as her avatar. OR
    3. Continually posted hypocritical, insulting and dishonest misinformation, lies and general stupidity.
    ... we wouldn't have reacted at all.

    If he had avoided any one of these, his blog would even now be profanity free.

    Except maybe the first, but even then I doubt it would be more than the occasional swearword.

  36. Quasar said... "Even my opinion of theism in general has fallen, and I try my hardest not to let anything affect my opinion of a catagory as a whole, because I hate stereotypes."

    It almost makes me want to apologize for theists in general, being one, you see. I know I can't, and that even if I did it wouldn't do any good. I'm just sorry that everyone has to abide with the likes of these.

    I wish I could tell you this wasn't at all typical of Christians and that most were perfectly logical people once you got to know them. I wish I could say that most Christians emulated to the letter the example of love that Christ gave us. But as you very well know, I can't.

    So I've resigned myself to this: I can't change how other Christians come across to you, but I can change how I do. So, I'm not going to try to patronize you, or force on you any ridiculous excuse for science or theology or what have you --I just want to to see who Christ actually is, b/c IMO, no one else is acting much like Christ these days, so I hope I can be like Him all the more.

    It's just that it agonizes me to no end to see Christians spew their hatred and folly at atheists as if they're demons or something, while, its painfully obvious that most of them are just trying to reason it all out for themselves and coming to the best conclusion they've found. Who are we to talk of truth if we can't live it? If we have all the answers that we say we do, why do we have so many questions?

    But the rub of the matter is that we don't, you see. We don't have all the answers. In fact, the more we talk the less answers it seems we have. Yet we just keep talking --we just keep clanging them cymbals.

  37. You know what Ornitheologist? I think you just raised my opinion of theists (in general) back up to where it was to begin with. Awesome. Thanks for that!

  38. Ornitheologist, too bad Comfort isn't more like you.

  39. If we wanted to be mean, we should probably follow kaitlyn's lead, and tell him we hope he does shut the blog down because we're beginning to waiver in our atheism.

    Then once he decides he's having an impact after all start messing with him some more. The question is, do we want to be mean?

    I think it was severely fucked up for Ray to hassle maragon. Attractive women aren't doing anything wrong by showing off a little--hell, that's one reason of many I'm glad I live in a 'liberal' democracy rather than Saudi Arabia or the Vatican. Her shot was restrained, really. I think had she chose, maragon could have put up a much hotter pic.

    But it's like somebody else said--Ray really did provoke this by being such a prude.

    Maragon--You should put up the Hooters owl as your avitar for a few days.

  40. I always thought it was funny that they complained at Maragon for attracting "pervs" to herself.


  41. Err that was hasty. I really shouldn't have used such a cliche phrase because the "always" in this case is just a few days.

    Also it's probably obvious enough, but all I mean is that anybody who just wants to see some tits is fifteen seconds away, max.

  42. Capt.,

    Yes,Ray did bring it on himself for being such a prude, which is mostly the reason I did it.

    Him whining about a fully clothed woman and telling her to change her photo to something 'more modest' was finally more than I could take. Figured I give him something for him to whine about.

    Now I see that he has made it so that avatars con not be displayed on his blog, which he will then whine that he was forced into doing by the bad old atheists. No, he wasn't forced into doing shit. He could have deleted my comments and moved on, but Ray lovesssssssssssss to play the victim.

  43. captain howdy said...

    @skeptical sorcerer--

    Fuck, how am I suppose to sleep tonight? Terry is going to want to kill us all!!!!!

    That definitely settles it. We sleep in shifts.

    Shouldn't be a problem. We Europeans will stay awake for you

  44. He won't shut down the blog. He'll, probably just post less frequently and farm out the moderation.

    It does make me wonder about 'god's plan'

    see, ray like all fundies will have spent much time in prayer before starting the blog and before changing the name to Atheist Central. he would have prayed about it with his other chums at Living Waters and finally decided to go with it because God had 'told him'. So now, months later, when it's all going pera shaped and he's got penises appearing on his blog, was that God's plan too? Was it the plan that the blog would eat up all his time and make him look like an arse?
    Is this the direction God intended for his ministry to the atheists? That he would run out of ideas to blog on and have to put up inane, half-arsed posts that get ripped to shreds?
    And was it God's plan that said blog would end up intefering with God's latest plan - the new book?

    He'll probably resolve the dichotomy by telling himself that it was a way of God to strengthen his faith or something.

  45. I'm not American, so I'll probably get this wrong.....but wasn't Jefferson a big part of the separation of church and state and ensuring America wasn't run by christians.

    If so I'm sure for Ray, he is like the devil's right hand man.

  46. I'm with Maragon on this one.

    I'm near-obsessed with the train-wreck that is Ray's blog but... while there is some perverse humour to be found among the rantings of the fundies who gather there, it really has shown me a side of Christianity I never knew existed outside of one or two crackpots.

  47. Sceptical Sorcerer-

    You are absolutely right. It was, in fact, Jefferson who coined the phrase "wall of separation" in his letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in which he clarified the establishment clause of the Bill of Rights.

    In it, he said-
    "Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man & his god, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state."

  48. Benjamin Franklin,

    Thanks for clearing that up :-)

  49. I highly doubt he's going to shut it down, it looks like just another attempt to show how nasty and evil atheists are and get everyone all fired up.

    On the off chance he does though, I'd be disappointed. I need my daily fix of nonsense and it is always a good source.

  50. Ray Comfort's blog has been going downhill since he changed the name from Comfort Food to the Soapbox and then to Atheist Central. His attention has been wandering at least from the strike if not before. He reposts the same things over and over (sometimes verbatim!), he is inconsistent in his moderation, slow to post comments, and rarely bothers to reply. This latest tempest in a teapot has given him an excuse to bow out gracefully in the eyes of his followers. Managing the blog has turned into a full time job, especially when he has set up so many rules to follow. I am not surprised that Ray is ready to throw in the towel. The bit with Maragon was totally uncalled for- he never would have said anything about her picture (and had no reason) except for the fact he picked up on Terry's unhealthy obsession. A normal person would have reprimanded Terry not point a finger at Maragon. Atheist Central is a farce- Ray baits the atheists and fools his sheep. I was for the strike and if we were instrumental in shutting down his blog then so be it. Hopefully we will all, believers and skeptics, meet again in another forum. Until then- Long Live the Raytractors!

  51. JicamaEater said...

    " I always thought it was funny that they complained at Maragon for attracting "pervs" to herself."

    Funny, the only people obsessed with my amazingly hot tits were the Christians....

  52. Maragon-

    I was not obsessed, merely appreciative.


  53. Maragon-

    I was not obsessed, merely appreciative.


  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. I'm not sure why that double posted, maybe one for each?

    ( * )( * )

  56. I admit. I am obsessed;-).

    Or is it possessed?

  57. " Rufus said...

    I admit. I am obsessed;-).

    Or is it possessed?"



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