Sunday, September 21, 2008

You cracked him

There it is again.
Somebody remembers his comments, because they 'mysteriously' vanished?
Is Ray a coward or a hypocrite?

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Further to the Atheist Challenge

For some unknown reason, this post completely disappeared without any trace. For those of you who asked about its whereabouts, I will rewrite it from memory, and add a few thoughts:

I (Ray) said, "Besides, for an atheist, life has no rhyme nor reason..."

Adam Nordoli replied: "Dude! That's not true and you know it!"

Okay. What is the purpose for human existence? I don’t mean, what do we do while we are here--finding happiness, partying, helping people, etc. I mean, Why are we here--what’s our purpose?

There was a deafening silence from those folks who normally make comments, and those that did comment readily conceded that they didn't know why they exist.

This is because it's true that the atheist has no idea where he came from (his origins). He has no idea why here is alive (his purpose in being alive) and he has no idea what's in store for him after his death (his eternal destiny). Again, this was made very clear from their comments.

The sad and pitiful atheist is like a lost sheep, waiting around for death (like a vicious wolf) to take him by the throat. How bewildering and even frightening for anyone who thinks about the heavy issues of life.

Dictionary: Lost: "Having gone astray or missed the way; bewildered as to place, direction, etc.: lost children."

The Bible: "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way . . . " (Isaiah 53:6)

Jesus: "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost" (Luke 19:10)

My own testimony: "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found. Was blind, but now I see."

Posted by Ray Comfort on 9/21/2008 08:17:00 AM 0 comments


  1. I can't help but think that Maragon's post saving that entry helped him put this crap back up.

  2. At least, he got rid of a lot of nasty comments. And if we don't bother (I won't) to rewrite our comments, he'll take it as a proof, that we don't have a clue...

  3. What I don't get is his insistence that not knowing something is bad.

    I would sooner readily admit that I don't believe in any ultimate purpose to the existence of our species than ascribe to a false one to make myself feel better about everything I don't know about the world around me.
    Simply because an answer is pleasant or convenient does not make it correct.

  4. Simply because an answer is pleasant or convenient does not make it correct.

    That's a much too complicated thought for Ray.
    He'd wet himself if he lost his secure, narrow-minded world view.

  5. Personally, I think my purpose on earth is whatever I make it. Nothing more, nothing less.

  6. Well, I'm not really shocked that he'd take any answer over not knowing. Look at him with evolution. Rather than say "I don't know the theory of evolution" he makes up his own version.

  7. NM,

    Some fundies caught on to your profile pic and posted about it. However, Ray still hasn't caught on and is allowing your comments to pass through.

  8. I think this is actually one of the fundamental weaknesses of evangelical christianity: it falsely asserts that lacking such knowledge is scary.

    If Christianity (as a whole) felt its beliefs were justified and unassailable, it wouldn't need to try to convince people that (by lacking belief) they're scared.

    Similarly, note their repeated insistence that everyone actually believes in God, no matter what they might say to the contrary.

    It's a tacit admission of the fact that their justification is human, not divine

  9. I think the major difference between our posistion and theirs is that we admit to the possibility of being incorrect.

    Atheism, skepticism, whatever you want to call it is FALSIFIABLE. Many many different things could happen that would force us to re-think our posistion. We could be presented with evidence for a deity, or ghosts or psychic phenomena. And if that evidence were verifiable and repeatable and whatever else, we would be FORCED to re-think our worldview.

    This is never the case for a theist. For many of them, there is nothing you could say or do that would convince them to critically examine their ideas. Because their deity is untestable and unprovable, they can ascribe anything they'd like to it and change their beliefs accordingly. They are able to use the ambiguous nature of god to justify any and everything.

  10. What I don't get is why he retro-actively deleted it in the first place. There wasn't anything particularly earth shattering in it that would call for it to be deleted.

    So... has anyone bothered to compare the new post with Maragon's screenshot.

  11. MJ,

    I saw that. I just wonder how many times I can make it through comments over there before Ray finally bans me and has to go back and delete everything I posted.

    So far 6 times, going for 8.

  12. Benjamin Franklin said...

    Is Ray a coward or a hypocrite?


    Tought so...

  13. You don't need a screenshot. The original post is in google's cache.

    I've commented the original content to Ray's new posting, and kindly sent him a link to the google cache in a separate post.

    I'm too nice to him....

  14. "My own testimony: 'Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found. Was blind, but now I see.'"

    Did anyone else think this song went " sweet the sound that saved a wrench like me"? Because I know that's what I was singing as a kid.

  15. SS,
    Yeah, I thought that too.
    And when they'd say the Our Father, I thought it said, Our father, a wart in heaven.

  16. lol!! I also though John 3:16 said "For god so loved the world that he sent his one and only forgotten son".

    I mean what kid knows what "begotten" means??

  17. I see Robert Madewell has changed his avatar to be more in a maragon:sensual pose.

    Nice one Robert.

  18. I always wanted to hear about the bear with vision problems.

    What bear?

    Gladly the bear.


    Gladly, the cross-eyed bear.

  19. And of course the name of God is "Harold"

    Our Father
    Who art in heaven
    Harold be thy name...

  20. This is never the case for a theist. For many of them, there is nothing you could say or do that would convince them to critically examine their ideas.

    To be fair, this is true only of fundamentalists.

    Additionally, put a moderate theist (regardless of religion) into a debate where God's existence is binrary, and you'll see them getting defensive. People who perceive themselves as being attacked will often portray their views in black/white terms.

    I'm not saying this is logical - but it does appear to be typically human

  21. Hey Guys!

    How's it going? Hope all is well with you. Just got back from a great weekend in the country!

    What happened with Ray and that post? I give up! What happened to Kaitlyn's baptism? Anybody got some pictures to show it?

    Well, I will close for now. I love the post here! Especially this part:

    "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found. Was blind, but now I see."

    God Bless! Have a great work week.


  22. @Whateverman,

    What happened to your handsome picture>? eh? I wish I looked that good ... these days.

    That picture of me is 10 years old.
    The one you were using.

    Praying for you atheists! Take care.


  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. The sad thing is, I posted a comment to his orignal post in which I really did figure out the ultimate answer to the question of the entire meaning of life. But now I forgot what it was and he deleted it. Darn.

  25. Charles,

    Maybe that's why Ray deleted the post ;-)

  26. Life is short and ya'll are wasting A LOT of time blogging.

  27. blogging is a surprisingly easy thing to do while multitasking. Especially for people who have to be near a computer anyway.

  28. It was the message 'Hell's Best Kept Secret' that set me on fire to evangelize the world. I wouldn't be where I am or who I am today without God having spoken to me through that message. I spent 3 years doing non-stop tract and personal evangelism from the time I first heard the message at 15 years of age until I left to go to Peru and China in 2002 after graduating from high school. I have now been a missionary for about 5 years . . . in the foothills of Tibet ministering to Buddhists and Muslims. I have prayed and longed for the day that 'Hell's Best Kept Secret' would no longer be the secret that it once was, and I am overjoyed to see all that God has done and is still doing!!!! -- Eugene West

  29. Terry, I'm really very anti censorship, but with your triple postings you are just asking for your comments to be deleted.

  30. Removed the duplicates.
    Don't spam, Terry, please.

  31. Life is short and ya'll are wasting A LOT of time blogging.

    I disagree, I think blogging has given us something we were losing to TV and to videogames, and that is communication. Blogging I have learned a heck of a lot about people, about my own communication skills (that need improvement, and have improved through blogging), learned names of fallacies that I did not know, and have communicated with people I would have never talked to in real life, like schizophrenic religious zealots.

    Of course, there is a hell of a lot more to life. But blogging is not that much of a waste of time.


  32. Terry,

    I think that very deep you truly like us so much you cannot wait to see what we will say next.


  33. Just returning the treatment you gave us! God Bless you atheists!!!

    It was the message 'Hell's Best Kept Secret' that set me on fire to evangelize the world. I wouldn't be where I am or who I am today without God having spoken to me through that message. I spent 3 years doing non-stop tract and personal evangelism from the time I first heard the message at 15 years of age until I left to go to Peru and China in 2002 after graduating from high school. I have now been a missionary for about 5 years . . . in the foothills of Tibet ministering to Buddhists and Muslims. I have prayed and longed for the day that 'Hell's Best Kept Secret' would no longer be the secret that it once was, and I am overjoyed to see all that God has done and is still doing!!!! -- Eugene West

  34. Wow. I'm going to have nightmares now NM

  35. I double dog dare you to post with THAT picture now...

  36. I just said something over there in comments before I changed my avatar pic that pretty much summed up why I did this. Other than the fact I'm a bitch.

    Ray whining about FULLY COVERED woman pissed me off like nothing he has ever said before. So maybe my avatar, if the ignorant fuck ever notices it, will give him something to whine about.


    I'm considering it.

  37. OMFG NM!!!!! ahahhahahahahaaaa. I don't know what to say.......

  38. and a cyber thumbs up.

    That picture owns. The sad thing is... Ray might have a legit one in his closet somewhere.

  39. Important Note to Atheists

    Thanks to those of you who think it's funny to sneak through pornographic pictures in your profile, I am seriously considering permanently shutting down this blog.

    A large publisher wants me to write two books by December 15th and that means a lot of work, so it might be just as well. I'm sure many of you will be pleased if I do decide to wrap this up. Let me know your thoughts. I have enjoyed getting to know many of you, and wish you the best. Thanks.

    Posted by Ray Comfort on 9/21/2008 07:25:00 PM 0 comments

  40. you guys broke Ray's brain. now he's off to make more money from books and stuff.
    boooo! damn you, ray-tractors.

  41. pretty soon, we should send him tons of pictures of his books beating chewed by dogs and next to the porn section in book stores.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Ray quoted the Amazing Grace lyrics. Therefore:

    "Amazing Grass, how sweet the puff
    That fills my lungs for free
    There is no charge to smoke this stuff,
    Some dude, he shares with me

    Amazing Grass, 'Tis short but strong
    Columbian, I know
    It won't stay lit, don't last too long,
    Inhale, hold in, and blow

    This grass will teach my lungs to breathe,
    Good grass with beer, enjoyed
    How fortunate my friend bequeathed
    Since I am un-employed

    There are some dangers, like vice cops
    So don't turn on the dome
    With grass I have been safe, why stop?
    Just never smoke at home

    This bud looks awf'lly good to me,
    Won't drop it on the floor
    We'll alternate what portions be,
    Until there is no more

    Now as the embered roach grows short
    We'll burn our fingers not
    I'll say so long, and thank you Sport...
    That really was good pot"

    Do you think it would get through if I posted over at A-C?

  44. "Do you think it would get through if I posted over at A-C?"

    Maybe, I mean he still has a pic over there of him with a dildo so I guess anything is possible. ;-)

  45. IF he does shut down the blog/make the blog to boring/unmanageble to comment then I would like to see us collectively agree to go try elsewhere.

    The goal NOT to be specifically to hassle some othe fundie into shutting down, but to bring the same level of rational debate to someone elses blog.

    Raytractors only bared their teeth in retaliation, a situation that escalated. A situation that probably would have escalated anyway given that Ray and his minions had no answer or rebuttal to rational dialog, and so were forced into their passive/aggressive baiting and insult.

    Before all that happened I enjoyed and learned from the comments that y'all posted. I'm CERTAIN it had a powerful influence on any fence sitters that dropped in.

    I think the same good work could be done elsewhere.

    Plus, I like all the Raytractors and feel I've come to know some of you. No Ray = no raytractors and we few, we band of brothers will dissemble without focus.

    If we can find some other blog that posits superstitious nonsense but also will allow dialog then taht would be excellent

  46. Stew,

    I agree that I don't want to make it look like we are out to destroy blogs. Maybe to avoid that we could rebuttal numerous blogs and websites (i.e whatever we find and want to start a dialog with). We do some of that on this blog already anyway. More of that could help us spread out a bit and not get into the habit of being involved in fights.

  47. In my own opinion, with the information I have right now, I think I will go over there and say, "Ray, if I had a land fill next to my house and they asked me if they should shut it down, the answer is obvious."

    If he shuts it down and gives us credit for it happening, WE WON.

    Let them go underground where they belong and where they won't be freely spreading their pollution.

  48. GE said:
    I disagree, I think blogging has given us something we were losing to TV and to videogames, and that is communication. Blogging I have learned a heck of a lot about people, about my own communication skills (that need improvement, and have improved through blogging), learned names of fallacies that I did not know, and have communicated with people I would have never talked to in real life,

    Yep, with blogging, I get to be ignored by a whole range of people I wouldn't normally get to speak to.


Unlike Ray we don't censor our comments, so as long as it's on topic and not spam, fire away.

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