Monday, September 22, 2008

Copyright and Blogging

Has anyone else considered whether Ray might be using his blog as the basis for one of his new books..?
If so, and he's planning on using the comments in his book, it would be worth considering the copyright issue.

All of us making comments have copyright in the creation of those comments. As soon as you create work "fixed in any tangible medium" (paraphrase), you have copyright. I'm British, but as I understand it, the copyright law on this particular point is identical on both sides of the Atlantic.
The law is somewhat blurred, however. When posting a blog comment, you are clearly granting the blog owner a licence to display your copyright work, but the limit of that license is somewhat unclear.
I am sure that none of us here would like to think of Ray using our words to profit (or indeed 'prophet'*... ). He has, as you will have seen, a set of guidelines, but they refer to the importance of capitalising the name of jeebus and his friends, not using bad words, and worst of all, the use of links that might possible assist his readers in seeing through Ray's dishonesty. From a little research, it seems that best practise is to include a 'Terms of Service' to clarify the sitation. This might state something like the following (from where I've got some of the info for this piece):
Information Rights. The Proprietor does not claim ownership of Content you submit or make available for inclusion on the Service. However, with respect to Content you submit or make available for inclusion on the Service, including without limitation comments you post to the Service, you grant the Proprietor world-wide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty free, non-exclusive, fully sub-licensable license(s) to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, publicly perform and publicly display such Content (in whole or in part) and to incorporate such Content into other works in any format or medium now known or later developed.
Although that might appear scary, it's not actually unreasonable and is enforcable... as long as your readers are aware of it before posting. With Ray's blog, there's no clarification on this matter, and therefore, it cannot be claimed that a person could be reasonably expected to know that they were giving away their rights to their copyright material.
I therefore propose that until such time as Ray introduces such a Terms of Service, that all posts to his blog contain some sort of following caveat:
"This comment is copyrighted and is licenced for use on only. No licence is granted to further use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, publicly perform and publicly display such Content (in whole or in part) and to incorporate such Content into other works in any format or medium now known or later developed without the written permission of the copyright holder."
* sorry...


  1. Awhile back, maybe around the time the "strike" began, Ray said he was planning on using comments made by atheists as the basis of one of his "books". Something about "atheist's questions", as I recall. He habitually quote mines, I doubt if he cares about copyrights.

  2. There's no way a reasonable person could know that their comments might be used in such a way.

    While he has "fair use" on his side, he would need to be very careful if he directly quoted.

  3. I've wondered the same thing. I suspect it will come down to context and, as baldy suggested, the applicability of "fair use".

    It's all freely public and, just as you often quote Ray's blog and comments on your own blog, I suspect he'll readily quote things from his own blog however he wants to.

  4. I'm glad that ya'll are all twisted up about Ray's blog. That means that he is getting to you. But truly it is G-d that is working on you and drawing you in.

  5. Dear Kanderson,

    I've thought long and hard about how to express my response to your post.

    I want to be very sure that it comes across exactly as I intend it. I want comment to make it abundantly clear that you're about as far off-target as it's possible to be. I would like to ensure that you know that, far from 'Ray getting to [me]', my concern is exactly as expressed in my original post; namely, that I would object to anything I said being used by Raymundo to either a) profiteer or b) indoctrinate anyone into believing his evidence-free, reality blind view of the world and existance. I need to make sure that my response makes it abundantly clear how magnificently wrong you are in every facet of your reply.

    To this end, I have spent quite a long time considering the exact words I need to say. I have concluded that my message to you should be as follows:


    "Dear Kanderson,

    "You are more wrong than Mr Wrong, the wrongest man in all of wrongland. You have utilised all the raw wrongness in the universe, and now everyone else will have to do without being wrong until we make some more."

    "Boom Shanka,



    Do let me know if some of the more nuanced aspects of my response have evaded you, won't you?


  6. Kanderson-

    The only thing "getting to me" is the fact that Ray arbitrarily censors posts that locigially and critically refute his biblical bullshit.

    Not surprising though, Christianity has a long and sad record of censorship, and failure to accept reality if it challenges it's delusions and the stories of Bronze Age, Middle Eastern nomads, who couldn't comprehend the science a 5th grader knows today.

    Evangelical fundamentists willingly choose to stay mired in centuries old thought. They do nothing to advance our civilization, merely try to hold it back.

    All this serves to do is to reduce the US to a third rate technological nation. It is estimated that by 2010, 90% of those students getting PhDs will be Asian. Technology and science advances despite the bleatings of bible thumpers. The only question is what nations will advance, and which will stagnate.

  7. While I understand your frusrtation with the educational system in the US. Your current understanding of the followers of Christ is the Catholic or Christian church as it stands today. They have their form and function and still deny him by their religious rules. Listen if you will. Believers and followers of the Messiah know him and have to share with everyone else. All we want to do is tell you of him and his Gospel (love for us). A relationship with him is better than anything this world has to offer. The comment from Ben Franklin was that "Not surprising though, Christianity has a long and sad record of censorship, and failure to accept reality if it challenges it's delusions and the stories of Bronze Age, Middle Eastern nomads, who couldn't comprehend the science a 5th grader knows today." If what you have said is true. Then how did all of the uneducated Jews that wrote the scriptures come up with so much wisdom and not only that but something that has changed the world?

  8. Kanderson,

    You seem to have a questionable understanding of what constitutes as wisdom, but I assure you the majority of the contents of the bible doesn't qualify.

    There's no doubting it changed the world though, but that doesn't mean it changed it for the better.

  9. Your understanding of wisdom would be through Greek minded eyes then and not Jewish eyes, am I correct in that understanding? So if you read the book of proverbs you find no wisdom there? Don't get me wrong I know that most of you if not all on this blog are very intelligent, I respect that.

  10. Kanderson-

    It all comes down to power, and control, not belief in fables.

  11. Kanderson,

    What exactly is a "relationship with God?"

    People keep saying they know him personally, they know him (they usually italicize it), but when asked whether you hang out with him in person, they say "Well no... but I speak to him when I pray."

    When asked if he directly responds in speech, most will say "No, but he responds to me in mysterious ways" or something equally as ambiguous.

    It seems to me that a "relationship" with God can also be seen as a "relationship" with air particles, or with weather systems, or constellations. There is absolutely nothing really responding, but you're forcing things into a framework of "response" because you want to hear an answer.

    So I ask again: what is a "relationship with God," and how is it concretely described to be truly real?

  12. So I ask again: what is a "relationship with God," and how is it concretely described to be truly real?

    Thanks for the question I really enjoy it. It's that I know I can talk to him at any time. I can speak or just talk in my own my mind to him. I read his word and I have everything in it to answer my questions. The biggest is when you pray to him and you see the answer to it. For instance when I first became a believer I asked him to take away a cist I had if he was really there. Within hours it started to desolve and within a couple of days it was completely gone. I was told by a doctor that it would have to be surgically removed. Since he does answer prayer when it is according to his will. I have watched him work in situations in my life that have worked out that no one else could have known or had a hand in. It is really hard to explain but I am sincerely trying.

  13. To Benjamin Franklin:

    I don't want any power over you or to control you. I do want to tell you what I know with compassion. It's really not a fable and it's only because I care. (I know you say that I don't really but I do.)

  14. It's that I know I can talk to him at any time. I can speak or just talk in my own my mind to him. I read his word and I have everything in it to answer my questions.

    I don't mean to be rude, but don't you think that might just be your imagination?

  15. Jill D,

    Your not rude. He doesn't talk back. No it's not my imagination. I know he knows my every thought and even more he knows my intent. He knows my motivation even now while answering you.

    Any questions are welcome. If it will help in any way.

  16. It's that I know I can talk to him at any time.

    I'm best described as a cautious deist - I wont talk about my beliefs unless I'm asked sincerely about them; otherwise, I talk about valuing logic and reason.

    Personally, I already have a relationship with God, like you described. The maddening thing about Ray's blog is that he is not asking for open-mindedness when it comes to belief in God. He's talking about believing in Ray's personal vision as to what God's like, what he wants, etc.

    In other words, as someone who believes that God may exist - I too am in league with Satan, and hell bound for rejecting the God of the Bible.

    I'll put it plainly: Ray is fucking ignorant, and doesn't care. He believes his own interpretation of Biblical verse, and has faith in THAT, rather than in God.

    I have zero respect for him, if only for the fact that he refuses to discuss religious issues honestly. He can quote mine me all he wants - any money he makes off of it (and forgets to repent for) ensures him a warm seat in Hell.

  17. To Whateverman:

    Ouch!! You have some issues with Ray and I'm not sure how to direct you to work them out with him. May I ask you who do you say that G-d is? Maybe that is what Ray is trying to ask in his own way. As far as how much money he personally pockets I can't say. I would imagine that most of it goes back to the ministry. T.V. show, radio, and etc.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Ouch!! You have some issues with Ray and I'm not sure how to direct you to work them out with him.

    There is nothing to be worked out. Our relationship will improve when his behavior improves. Given that he's convinved of his own righteousness, however, that's unlikely to happen.

    May I ask you who do you say that G-d is?
    This blog is primarily an atheist resource - although I feel pretty comfortable here. As such, I really don't want to spend the time discussing my beliefs; I don't feel this is the right forum for it.

    I'll keep it short and sweet: if he exists, I have very little idea of what he wants. The books people have historically looked to for understanding are horribly polluted by humanity:

    * multiple translations
    * were the authors speaking FOR God or OF him?
    * religious/cultural conflicts
    * the very human desire for power prevents those who would lead/teach others from doing so correctly

    What is God like? I have no clue. I can only guess that, assuming he caused "life" to happen somehow, he's interested in the health & prosperity & maturation of that life.

    Simply put, he's a humanist.

    Maybe that is what Ray is trying to ask in his own way

    Ray isn't asking anyone anything; he's talking AT people. If God exists, he laughs at the ignorance portrayed as wisdom over at AC

  20. Have you looked at the dead sea schrolls? There is a complete book of Isiah that has been found and has shown that the current translations are accurate. The Jews have done a very good job in protecting G-d's word.

    Sorry that Ray has made you so angry. We are here to try to tell you the truth (I know that you don't believe we have the truth, but just saying.) I appreciate you talking with me. I do however want to help you in any way that I can. You can count on the word of G-d. The Jews are the chosed people and have guarded his word as they were supposed to.

  21. The Jews are the "chosed" people?

    And by the way, pick up The End of Biblical Studies by Hector Avalos.

  22. I'm sorry. Chosen is what I meant. I forgot to proof read my post before I sent it.

    Yes they are his chosen people. I'll try to check out the book. Why do you think that they have been so hated?

  23. Why is any group hated? They look or act different.

    Sadly, this is true. And when that group claims it's been "chosen" by a supremely powerful creator deity - well, you can just imagine what might happen.

    I have nothing against any religious group, ethnicity or belief system - so long as members of that group aren't telling me I'm doomed because I don't believe as they do.

    I have to say, however: unlike Christianity and Islam and the Jehova's Witnesses and the Mormons, no one has EVER tried to convert me to Judaism :)

    Hats off to you, my jewish brethren!

    PS. Yes, the jews being persecuted is in part (but not entirely) due to their behavior. You'll note that fundamentalist Christians these days (in the US) claim to be experiencing persecution - and if it's true, they have no one to blame but themselves.

  24. Would you like to convert to Judaism? Kidding Glad that you guys have been patient with me while I conversate with you guys. Really we don't wake every morning trying to convert you, we are just living our lives like you. But we will try to help others when we can. You may not always like what we have to say or certainly agree with it, but we do want to pull you out of this world system that enslaves all of us.


Unlike Ray we don't censor our comments, so as long as it's on topic and not spam, fire away.

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