Saturday, November 15, 2008

Introducing FrodoSaves

About FrodoSaves:
"A co-re-discoverer of Frodology after The Faith was lost in the annals of history, and main contributor to this blog. It is my purpose to inform, educate, and welcome people to The Faith."

Frodo, Nice blog! I love satire. While I am from a competing Faith, Frogology. I love your "take" on these issues. It is fitting that the Frodo that I am aware of is a Protagonist.
Down on the "Genesis Contradictions - Chapter II" Frodo says:

"Incidentally, has anyone considered that creationism may just be a fallacy hinged on an incorrect interpretation of the verb 'to let'? 'To let' something happen means to refrain from taking positive action to prevent it from happening, and implies no constructive role in bringing that thing about. Thus when God said 'let there be light', could he not have just been voicing his agreement that the sun could do an admirable job on its own, without his interference?"

That left me without words and I have never heard it stated in that manner. That is a great observation, and possibly something to gnaw on in place of responding to the daily inane arguments of Misterfreethinker who does not have a clue what free thinking actually means.

I'd hope some others have some views on this.

Thanks man! Great observation.


  1. And when the night is cloudy,
    There is still a light that shines on me,
    Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.

  2. ".....Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
    Let it be."

  3. This notion is sorta semi-right. I am not sure about Hebrew or whatever language the Pentatuch was written in, but this may be an example of the third person imperative. English doesn't really have this verb form; all our imperatives are second person. That is to say, you can only tell another party what to do: "Go to the store," "Accept Jesus," or the like. In Greek, however, when we translate Euclid to say, "Let there be a triangle ABC," what he's really saying is something like, "Be a triangle ABC." He's calling something into existance by fiat, in the same way that God is said to do in the Creation account.

    Of course, I don't know that Hebrew also has has this verb form, I suspect that that's what's going on.

    Interesting idea, though.

  4. I don't speak Hebrew, but in Latin this is 'Fiat lux'. Fiat comes from 'facere' which means 'to create, to make'.
    Doesn't prove anything, though. Everybody knows that the 'Vulgata' is full of mistakes

  5. Thanks for the kind words and promo job, Froggie!

    I was being semi-facetious about the 'let there be light' thing, as I thought it would just be hilarious if creationism was completely undone over a simple misinterpretation. Kind of liking getting Al Capone for tax evasion. Still, worth a closer look perhaps. We'll just have to wait for the resident linguists to provide an opinion.


  6. Frodo,

    I love new and original ideas. Even if they don't pass the test, it is still fun to explore!


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