Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Breaking News

This just in-

Ann Coulter has finally shut up!

Her jaw was broken, probably due to the enormous loads of shit constantly streaming from between her lips.

Her mouth is now wired shut.


  1. Good news everyone! Ann Coulter's mouth has finally been wired shut. Also, I taught the toaster to feel love.

  2. I should maybe rethink this god thing.

  3. I read that she broke her jaw falling down stairs.

    She probably tripped over her adams apple.

  4. First of all, I always get this feeling that she is actually a man. And, she definitely has issues!

    Also, something doesn't smell right with the falling-down-the-stairs story.

  5. Anytime I need a chuckle I read

  6. Karma in the more antiseptic, "what goes around comes around sort of way," not as in the Universe is out to get you.

    OK, I admit it's pretty weak...

  7. I loathe that woman. She is so vapid it's almost unbelievable.

    I had TMJ surgery the old fashioned way about 20 years ago, however, and I can tell you that while not painful in the least, there is nothing you could pay me to make me go back through the experience of having my jaws wired shut for 7 1/2 weeks. She's in for a bit of a rough ride.

  8. I couldn't think of a better Holiday Miracle.

  9. Ann Coulter makes me use a word that I never use otherwise.

    Ann Coulter: SUPERCUNT!

  10. When I looked up the word harridan in the dictionary, what I found was a picture of Ann Coulter.

  11. Her pimp probably Pimp slapped her too hard

  12. Actually, I like Ann Coulter.

    (but you guys knew that already)

  13. Yeah, it's one of your less redeeming qualities.

  14. I thought we said witches do not exist ... hope MFT is not watching.


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