Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I've been feeling in a really good mood recently, and I think it's partly because I found a new comic strip: Count Your Sheep. It's just so cute, with the occasional philosophical moment. Plus, it has an imaginary sheep as a main character.

I thought I'd spread the joy around.

EDIT: OK, I laughed out loud at this one. Girls, please don't kill me:


  1. I like the attitude in the second one, about the terrible day. That's how I cope currently - it could be worse, and I'll win in the end.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can't really enjoy cartoon strips with precocious child protagonists bouncing their clever observances about the universe off cuddly, anthropomorphic imaginary-friend-animals.

    I just cynically assume they're all Calvin and Hobbes imitations by writers trying to be the next Bill Watterson.

    Sorry, but no one can beat Calvin and Hobbes.


    Uh. Looks cute, though...

    *Slinks off to be an ass hole somewhere else.*

  4. I'm not a big fan of cute, but I do like the combination of philosophy and optimism.

  5. Kelley -

    You took the words right out of my mouth - I could not have expressed it more accurately or succinctly!

    Long Live Calvin and Hobbes!

    (Except I'm slinking off to contemplate something else...)

  6. I love this !! C&H is great, but this is awesome too.

  7. Yeah, the author is a big C&H fan (as am I), but claims he is in no way trying to imitate them.

    CYS's style has similarities, but... well, here's what wikipedia says: "As mentioned before, the comic draws from Calvin and Hobbes, but in a complementary way. The "quiet humor" of the strip strongly contrasts Calvin and Hobbes' rough and tumble nature. Katie and Ship would talk at home and have discussions while eating cookies, or carry potted plants, while Calvin and Hobbes had their red wagon, the sled, the tree fort and Calvinball (not to say that CYS isn't active at times). Calvin's parents were generic middle class parents who seem to be little more than boundaries to compare to Calvin's youthful nature. Laurie is a young, financially struggling, single mother, and the fact that she can still see Ship (who often is the most adult of the three) reflects just how different she is from Calvin's parents."

    Clearly written by a fan (it sounds a bit defensive), but accurate nonetheless.

  8. OK, OK, stop the arguing, C&H is phenomenal, but let us not forget Asterix and Obelix, AND, mais oui, Mafalda (supposed to appear in English one of these days). After that there is nothing else. Nope! Stop, there is no discussion. That is that!


  9.      Okay, Ramos is a Calvin and Hobbes fan. Watterson was a Pogo fan (and it influenced his work.) Kelly was a Krazy Kat fan (influence can be found there, too.) I don't know if any old comics influenced Herriman's work. None of that is that important. I tend to believe that Count your Sheep was not intended to mimic Calvin and Hobbes. The author says that his original intent was to do sheep-counting jokes exclusively. The characters seem to have taken on a life of their own. Although, since Ship is Laurie's imaginary friend, I'm not sure why she imagined a boy sheep.

    Kelley R:

         Pogo still best Calvin and Hobbes. And the idea of imaginary friends has been around longer than Calvin and Hobbes. That piece of a theme can really be considered generic.


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