Thursday, October 30, 2008

More Breathtaking Hypocrisy From The Fundies:

This upcoming Saturday, Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego will be filled with tens of thousands of rabid Fundies for a fun-filled day of fasting and prayer, aimed at getting Proposition 8, the ballot measure that would ban gay and lesbian marriage in California, approved. Among other evangelical luminaries, Focus on the Family founder and chairman James Dobson will be attending.

Here's a promo for this demented event:

The evangelical group that's putting this event together maintains that it's a "prayer for a spiritual awakening", not a political rally.


If this was a sincere "prayer for a spiritual awakening", they wouldn't need to rent out Qualcomm Stadium. They wouldn't need to build a big-ass stage to hold all the hypocrites proselytizing about the evils of gayness. They wouldn't need to charge attendees parking fees of $15.00 ($45.00 for buses and RVs).

No, if these jackasses were sincere, they could pray and not eat in the privacy of their own homes and churches. I'm pretty sure their magic sky daddy will hear them, even without the benefit of Qualcomm Stadium's PS system.

You know, I can't help but remember that the magic book that these hatemongers purport to put so much stock in had a few things to say about such behavior...

Matthew 6: 5-8, 16-18

5 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.

6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.

8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

16 "When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.

17 But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face,

18 so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

If only there were some Christians who would actually read their Bibles and follow these teachings...

Oh, wait...there are! On 10 AM on Saturday, there will be a "Making the Right Call service" held at St. Paul's Cathedral, 2726 Sixth Ave., San Diego. Admission is free, and they aren't charging for parking, either.

You can find more information on this event here:

(Yes, that's right...the ones who actually heed God's edicts are also the ones who are working to defeat this hate legislation...go figure...).


  1. $25.00 to noonprop8 from me. They're being badly outspent by the Mormons and Catholics.

  2. Uhm... So are we resisting the flood or embracing the wave? People please, I get how you love the water metaphors, but seriously is one coherent statement too much to ask?

    Metaphors. Stop mixing them.

    Additionally, that voice over is très creepy.

  3. This is nothing more than an excuse for fundies to come together to hate together and celebrate their own stupidity at what is obviously a political rally.

    If there were a god and he were truly omniscient, what would be the point of praying and fasting? Would he not already know what you were going to pray for before you asked him for anything? Why would he want you to be hungry when you prayed? Does god favor empty stomachs over full ones? Maybe so since he's still letting all those kids in 3rd world countries starve to death.

  4. I hear you get really authentic revelations when you fast for 40 days. You know, the king that tells you things 'in a way that you can be certain'. This is allegedly especially effective when you go to a desert to do it.

    So, when are they scheduling a 40-day open-air fasting festival in the Mojave?

    $50 says it ain't gonna happen.

  5. kind
    the word is kind, not king.

    how come this box keeps fudging my spelling?

  6. Nicely put together Trip.

  7. Here is a fun one from the yes on prop 8 people.

    Think of the CHILDREN!!!!

  8. TM -

    What section has the information about the 'noonprop8' meeting at the church?

    Don't know if it was me or what, but couldn't find it. If it was in one of the videos, that would explain it (haven't watched them all yet).

  9. Beamstalk, I really can't tell if that's a serious add or not. I really, really can't tell.

    Also - the fasting and prayer was done like a wrestling promo, including a guy who sounded like Mick Foley had sex with the Macho Man. I wonder if THAT was intentional.

  10. laof:

    Check out the first link I provided, and look for "No on 8: Making the Right Call service".

  11. TMM, I agree with the general sentiment, but not with how you reasoned your way to it.

    The fact that they spent money to organize and execute a gathering doesn't really have anything to do with whether it's political or spiritual.

    And I don't necessarily buy into the idea that it's guaranteed to involve "hate". I think that those who simply strive for the advancement of Biblical values often get lumped in with the (ever-present) bigots.

    With that said, it's obviously a political event, and one in which not all Christians (as you pointed out) are eager to attend.


    What creeps me out is that people are so eager to try to alter the course of the physical world by "feeling strongly". It's just weird...

  12. "When a religion is good, I conceive it will support itself; and when it does not support itself, and God does not care to support it, so that its professors are obliged to call for the help of the civil power, 'tis a sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one."

    [Ben Franklin, _Poor Richard's Almanac_, 1754 (Works, Volume XIII)]

    Focus on the Family is the most vile organization-EVER.

    Did anyone happen to watch Dr. Phil yesterday? I don't normally watch because I get home too late, happened to get off work early yesterday. Anyway, they were talking about "gender confused kids" and Dr. Phil had two "experts" on. One was Dr. Dan Siegel a clinical psychiatrist and professor at UCLA. The other was Glenn Stanton an author and research fellow at...

    Wait for it....

    Focus on the Family!

    When Dr. Phil introduced Glenn he did mention that he was from "A Christian organization called "Focus on the Family". He neglected to mention that FotF is a dominionist organization "focused" on the eradication of homosexuals, promoters of "Pray the Gay Away" camps etc.

    The crowd cheered every time the douche said anything (very depressing). His advice was basically "You are the parent, You need to tell your child that he/she is male/female and needs to act as such. That is your job as a parent."

    If I had been in the audience I would have walked out the minute that assclown was introduced. The fact of the matter is Focus on the Family only cares about the evangelical fundamentalist christian family-PERIOD.

    I'm not sure the people in the audience realized this. Most people hear "focus on the family" and think it sounds like a wonderful organization. More people need to be made aware of exactly was this organization is about.

    Sorry for the rant.

  13. Whateverman sez:

    The fact that they spent money to organize and execute a gathering doesn't really have anything to do with whether it's political or spiritual.

    If it was sincerely spiritual, they could have accomplished it without all the expenditure, and used that saved money to help feed the world's hungry.

    And I don't necessarily buy into the idea that it's guaranteed to involve "hate".

    Denying people equal rights under the law because you disapprove of what they do with each other behind closed doors is pretty hateful, any way you care to slice it.

  14. "So, when are they scheduling a 40-day open-air fasting festival in the Mojave?"
    They should but I don't think the government would want people wandering around that long. I doubt they would approve. I only it was 2000 years ago. It would be more fun

  15. Liz wrote much and ended with Sorry for the rant.

    I'm gonna tread dangerous territory here :)

    When I was in college ('91 grad - yikes), I knew several girls who were experimenting with lesbianism. To be perfectly honest, it was more about hypersexuality than with an actual search.

    I didn't (and don't) care what anyone else did with their naughty bits, so long as it didn't involve shoving them in my face without invitation. With that said, I came to the conclusion that there's a segment of the population that pursues non-heterosexual behavior for reasons of "fashion" or rebellion.

    And it seems like it's grown in the last 15+ years.

    It bugs me. It's shallow and juvenile; weilding sexual identity as a weapon against society is frikkin stupid.

    Still, I'm not gonna tell anyone what they should or should not do with said naughty bits - they should be free to do what they want in order to decide whether it's right for them.

    But I *do* sympathize with folks who are annoyed by Sexuality As Identity (regardless of whether we're talking Hetero, Homo, Androgeno, whatever-o).

    Is it possible that (FotF issues aside) the audience on Dr. Phil contained people who feel this way? If so, does this group have a valid point to be made?


  16. Whateverman said:

    "With that said, I came to the conclusion that there's a segment of the population that pursues non-heterosexual behavior for reasons of "fashion" or rebellion.

    And it seems like it's grown in the last 15+ years.

    It bugs me. It's shallow and juvenile; weilding sexual identity as a weapon against society is frikkin stupid."

    WEM - I agree wholeheartedly with this part of your statement.

  17. WEM:

    My rant was more about Focus on the Family than Gender Identification Disorder actually.

    When talking about the latter I'd tend to agree with you. The kids on the show were very young though (age 8) so I don't think this was a case of rebellion or experimentation. It could just be "confusion" on the child's part and they very likely would grow out of it at some point.

    They mentioned that some parents actually give their young children hormone injections to enhance the desired gender (males getting estrogen etc)which I am 100% against. That is a decision that should not be made until the child is an adult and makes it themselves. I'm not saying not to support your child, but that, IMO, is a very dangerous slope simply because the child could change his/her mind around puberty and now they are a male with breasts or a female with a mustache and then what?

    My entire beef with the program was that on one side you had an actual clinician and on the other you had an author with a religious agenda given equal weight in the argument. I just think it was intellectually dishonest for Dr. Phil not to mention that Focus on the Family has an "anti-gay" agenda (as well as an anti-muslim, anti-catholic, anti-anything that does not adhere to their strict interpretation of the bible). Had that been made known, and the audience still cheered the author, I would just have to accept that a lot of people feel that way. I don't want to believe that though.

    More ranting, blame WEM ;)

  18. Liz wrote The kids on the show were very young though (age 8) so I don't think this was a case of rebellion or experimentation.

    See? This is what happens when I try to debate without knowing WTF I'm talking about :)

    My entire beef with the program was that on one side you had an actual clinician and on the other you had an author with a religious agenda given equal weight in the argument.

    Aye, I would agree with you - both in regards to the imbalance and FotF

  19. The voice sounds familiar. I think it's the same twit that was in 'Jesus Camp'.

  20. ""You know, I can't help but remember that the magic book that these hatemongers purport to put so much stock in had a few things to say about such behavior...

    Matthew 6: 5-8, 16-18

    5 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.

    6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

    7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.

    8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

    16 "When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.

    17 But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face,

    18 so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

    If only there were some Christians who would actually read their Bibles and follow these teachings...""

    And that folks, is why I would NEVER accept analysis of the Bible from someone who denies its authority. It's kind of like receiving serious medical advice from a just know it's gonna be inaccurate.

    In your "in-depth" study of the Bible, you seem to have missed a couple of scriptures:

    Hebrews 10:25
    Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

    1 Timothy 2:8
    I will therefore that men pray EVERY WHERE (emphasis mine), lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.

    Apology accepted in advance.

    By the way, how do you know it wasn't the owners of the stadium who were charging for the parking??

    I guess the benefit of the doubt only belongs to those who embrace your atheistic worldview/religion, huh? Feel free to discuss this amongst yourselves.

  21. SCMike sez:

    And that folks, is why I would NEVER accept analysis of the Bible from someone who denies its authority. It's kind of like receiving serious medical advice from a just know it's gonna be inaccurate.

    Here we go...

    Every time you use the Big Golden Book of God to point out the hypocrisy that runs rampant among the godbotherers, a godbotherer shows up and complains that it's not being read right. You can set your watch by 'em.

    In your "in-depth" study of the Bible, you seem to have missed a couple of scriptures:

    Hebrews 10:25
    Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

    1 Timothy 2:8
    I will therefore that men pray EVERY WHERE (emphasis mine), lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.

    Mike, all you've managed to do here is reaffirm how ridiculously internally inconsistent your magic book is. Thanks for the assist.

    Apology accepted in advance.

    I'm very sorry you're so abysmally stupid you think pointing out internal inconsistencies in your holy book is somehow a valid argument against me. Honestly, I am.

    By the way, how do you know it wasn't the owners of the stadium who were charging for the parking??

    I don't. Please enlighten us as to why that matters.

  22. scmike

    * Age: 29
    * Gender: Male
    * Occupation: Insurance Agent

    Hey Mike, do you insure against acts of God?

    Only I've got a hot tip on some Godly destruction due next year and I'm wondering if there's some cash to be made out of it; any advice?

  23. Hey Trip,

    You said:

    "I'm very sorry you're so abysmally stupid you think pointing out internal inconsistencies in your holy book is somehow a valid argument against me. Honestly, I am."

    Why are internal inconsistencies not valid according to your worldview?

    FSM Bless,

  24. tripmaster monkey,

    ""Mike, all you've managed to do here is reaffirm how ridiculously internally inconsistent your magic book is. Thanks for the assist.""

    Not that I agree with your assessment or your gross misunderstanding of the Scriptures, but why are internal inconsistencies not allowed in your worldview?? By what standard are they "ridiculous"?? Take your time.

  25. expatmatt,

    ""Hey Mike, do you insure against acts of God?""

    Sure do. As a matter of fact, I have a free "fire" policy that you might want to look into. As your new agent, I highly recommend that you don't die without it. Take care.

  26. OH MAN! ExPatMatt, you are my new God! Did you call it or what?!!

    Sheesh, Scmike, you must have read Expat's comment, surely?

  27. TMM wrote FSM Bless

    11/10 for nailing it


    ExPatMatt wins Raytractors today, for channeling SCMike's presupp idiocy 30 minutes before SCMike spewed it forth himself.

    Congrats, ExPatmatt. And congrats to you too, SCMike. You've managed to become a recursive parody. Well done.

  29. Thank you, thank you. I couldn't have done it without you, scmike; thanks for being so darn predictable - it's almost as if your nature is uniform or something!

    I'll try not to die in a fire any time soon, thanks for the concern.

    Right, I'm off for a celebratory beer...

  30. tripmaster monkey,

    ""ExPatMatt wins Raytractors today, for channeling SCMike's presupp idiocy 30 minutes before SCMike spewed it forth himself.""

    Yep. He won fair and square. Congrats to EPM for recognizing the inconsistencies in your worldview first. I'll try to be quicker next time!!

    P.S. I noticed you didn't bother to answer either of us (don't worry, I know why). ;)

  31. what a fascinating blog. i remember receiving several ray comfort books and tapes in college.

    please check out my rant:

  32. SCMike sez:

    Yep. He won fair and square. Congrats to EPM for recognizing the inconsistencies in your worldview first. I'll try to be quicker next time!!

    If you actually want us to believe you don't recognize ExPatMatt's comment as the uncannily accurate satire of you it so clearly was, you're officially too stupid to find your way home at night, let alone hold a conversation with adults.

    P.S. I noticed you didn't bother to answer either of us (don't worry, I know why). ;)

    Really? You know that ExPatMatt's question was satire, and yours wasn't worth replying to?

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. TMM wrote you're officially too stupid to {...} hold a conversation with adults

    I came to this conclusion twice, and went back for more. I've decided to not make the same mistake a third time.

    The concept of intellectual integrity is foreign to Babbles (aka SCMike)...

    EDIT: clarity

  35. "I came to this conclusion twice,"
    Account for the standard of rationality you use to come to this conclusion.

    Sorry couldn't resist :)
    You're just afraid you'd get intellectually massacred and your claims to certainity destroyed by scmike (like every other atheists he talked to did)

  36. MFT wrote You're just afraid you'd get intellectually massacred and your claims to certainity destroyed by scmike (like every other atheists he talked to did)

    A) I'm not an atheist

    B) I'm not afraid of any one or anything on the internet. I'm here to discuss (among other things) religion and god and atheism. I have little patience for people who pretend to be similar, but are really more interested in running their opponent around in circles without ever backing up their own claims

    C) Are you asking to be dismissed as well? You could help me banish this notion by answering the question I've asked here

  37. tripmaster monkey,

    ""Really? You know that ExPatMatt's question was satire, and yours wasn't worth replying to?""

    Yup. I'd try to avoid answering questions like that too, if I was in your position.

  38. SCMike sez:

    Yup. I'd try to avoid answering questions like that too, if I was in your position.

    When you wrestle a pig, you both get dirty, but only the pig enjoys it.

    Myself, I much prefer my position outside the pigsty, but to each his own.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. @ everyone

    EPM wrote "I couldn't have done it without you, scmike; thanks for being so darn predictable - it's almost as if your nature is uniform or something!"

    Hmmm. Do you think it's possible that scmike is actually an interactive computer program? It would explain the utter predictability of his arguments. Why he rarely, if ever answers a question. Why he engages in so much ad homs rather than just discuss things.

    If its true congrats to the computer programmer. You made the world's first interactive schmuck. Well done!

  42. Hi, Mr FreeThinker! I haven't been around much lately, so I need to remind you: Did you ever produce that evidence for the existence of a god -- you remember, the evidence that you bragged you would have "no problem" with?

    If you did and I missed it, please point it out to me.

  43. @ TMM

    You wrote "When you wrestle a pig, you both get dirty, but only the pig enjoys it."

    I bow to your wisdom & delete my comments. :D

    Though I will say one thing. sc really showed up on the right thread. :D


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