Thursday, October 30, 2008

I Can't take It Any Longer

I just finished reading Ray Comfort's latest post, The Atheist Lie Test, for the second time. Ray Comfort is a arrogant, self-righteous, hypocritical, lying sack of Christian shit. Of course, we all know this. But it's finally gotten to me, broken me down. At the very least, I need a break from his constant stream of rank, diseased feces. I hope it's a permanent one. I'm not going to give that vile, putrid, maggot infested blog any more of my traffic. Anyone that can, you're better than I am. Of course I will continue to check out The Raytractors, and I look forward to the forum.


  1. my sympathies, Rufus.
    The worst thing is that he didn't even read the quotes he copied and pasted. Just scanned for the word "god". (Sorry, "God")
    I wonder if he will allow my second comment to come through...

  2. I know what you mean, Rufus. He is absolutely hammering on the sensibilities of any logical thinker.

    I assume that he is trying to show, as he has in the past that there are no atheists, just agnostics. But even if he would be successful, I can't figure out what advantage that would give him.

    He sure spends a lot of time dreaming up this twisted thinking.

    It is possible that the latest craziness may be more of the same- create obfuscation, doubt, fear. His minions feed on that.

    Ray posts this stuff and they are saying, "see there," when they don't have a clue what he is trying to achieve.

    Pathetic, that.

  3. I go through phases, Rufus. There are times when I simply can't stand that idiot - and then there are times when I feel like abusing myself and go right back to reading/posting.

    I've found that taking a break often helps keeping it all in perspective. In the meantime, rest assured that he's going to continue being an idiot in your absence :)

  4. Just remember, Rufus...our purpose isn't to convince Ray of anything...nor is it to persuade any of his inner circle of jingoistic sycophants. We're there to refute his bullshit for the benefit of others who might otherwise swallow his lies.

  5. I am in a phase of not really posting over there right now. They way the place works you cannot have any kind of discussion. It is just mental masturbation for Ray.


    Just in case he doesn't post my response there.

  7. Rufus,

    I read that tripe and two times I started entering a response, but both times I said "what the fuck for?" and wiped them.

    All those on Rays list of thought that the bible and religion, particularly the brand that Comfort peddles, is hardly more than bullshit.

    Thankfully, albeit slowly, more and more people are thinking rationally and casting off the intellectual shackles of religious rubbish.

    Comfort, of course, ignores the challenge to show any good, or any progress produced by any of today's crop of fundamentalist faith pushers.

    I certainly don't have anyone that comes to mind.

    But shamem like Comfort and his ilk have hardly ever advanced anything but their various offerings of the "Sin and Salvation Shuffle", so they never have to prove anything in this life, which makes it very easy.

  8. What's really irritating is that about 60% of my posts from the past few days haven't made it on the the blog.

    I had a lengthy response to vera's bigotry, and one to dani'el's ignorance, and a lengthy list of CONFIRMED atheists to add to the most recent post.

  9. Hey Matt D. good to see you here. I got your email the other day about the Hell House, and I was looking for you and few others I would recognize from the show. That place was crazy. I still think it is funny people thought I was working for the church while I was wearing a JREF shirt. Okay that was me being off topic....

  10. I only really go to the Swamp when you guys post something of interest about it here. Otherwise, this place is much more entertaining, with much more appreciable people of both the faithful (LAOF, this does mean you; I also miss Rob Penn a great deal) and the non.

    We have fun here, I look forward to the forum.

  11. I agree with Rufus. Head. Explode. Can't take the Stupid ... no, it's the pride in being Stupid - in being a class-a, atomic-powered, steamiing lying sack of runny shit Stupid scum-sucker - that's making me resolve to stay away from Ray's 'Tard Traveling Goat Circus for a while. I'm too young to have my eyes melt out of my head. Must not expose myself any longer.

    Unless Vera posts something so utterly retarded that have have to go see for myself.

    God, I'm a self-enabler.

  12. Thanks for the AE post, Matt D. I'm glad I read that one instead of Ray's -- Robert Frost is a favourite of mine and I'm sure I would have started bleeding from the eyes if I'd seen his words glinting through Ray's muck.

  13. Oh, and let's not forget the fundies' hands-rubbing glee at the thought of so many millions of people burning forever in hell. That's kinda hard to take too.

  14. Charles,

    "Unless Vera posts something so utterly retarded that have have to go see for myself."

    That could happen at any moment of any day!

  15. Nonmagic wrote:
    That could happen at any moment of any day!

    That does happen at every moment of every day.


  16. Mudley,

    I've taken to saving copies of my comments over at the the event that the crack team of moderators over there decide my post is not Rayworthy, I post it here, in either an existing related post, or in one I create myself for the purpose.

    Plenty of the Raytards regularly read the Raytractors...kind of a morbid appeal for them, I guess. My literary barbs may not see the light of day at the Swamp, but I have no doubt they're still hitting the mark.

  17. I pretty much ignore Ray himself for a couple of reasons.

    Firstly, he has an obvious agenda. This itself isn't so bad, but it is frustrating that he is so wedded to his agenda that everything revolves around pushing his message.

    Secondly, Ray's message to atheists is not one of salvation. It is one of ridicule, which is laughable given his beliefs - if he even sincerely hold them. I question this latter point.

    And finally, Ray rarely participates in the ongoing conversations in the comments. When he does it is merely to quote scripture - pointless Ray! - or to try to worm his way out from the constant word traps that he sets for others but inadvertently traps himself in.

    I continue to participate because I do get value from some of the believing commentators. Some of them are obviously intelligent people, if misguided in their faith. I include Dani'El in this category. I enjoy my debate with him but I am concerned about him for obvious reasons. He's not a Terry or a Mark W. Laine though. Mark in particular was a waste of space.

    Thinking more on Ray himself, I think his lack of participation indicates a little bit of fear of us, as it must be very difficult to maintain an argument that is patently ridiculous - especially when one realises that it is in fact ridiculous. This is another reason why I question the strength of Ray's beliefs.

  18. I haven't been reading his site too long, but the situation kind of reminds me of that old classic Simpsons Halloween episode (appropriate for today) where the advertizing mascots come alive and start destroying the town. The terrified citizens manage to defeat them by ignoring the monsters. My question is would Ray be able to come up with such a constant stream of vitriolic material if he didn't have our frustrated indignation to feed off? I realize that it pertains your raison d'etre, so I won't pry too much ;)

    Obviously the point is moot as deluded morons attract detractors like a pile of shit attracts flies... an uncomfortable analogy maybe, but I'd take the fly over the shit any day. Suffice to say while he's still polluting minds and the internet at large by blaspheming against bananas, we'll always be heading to idiot country to feed.

    So, an exercise in futility? Possibly. But entertainment? Absolutely.

  19. Frodo,

    I always have to keep in mind that it is futile. That's actually a great way for me to look at it. That way when my head hits the desk from the stupidity from Ray's, it hurts a little less.

  20. Alphageek wrote Thinking more on Ray himself, I think his lack of participation indicates a little bit of fear of us

    I disagree. In my opinion, he really doesn't care what we have to say; he lobs a grenade and lets the fun ensue. Every once in a while something interesting or quote-worthy is said, and he adds it to his list of plagiarized material he intends to make money off of.

    Frodosaves wrote would Ray be able to come up with such a constant stream of vitriolic material if he didn't have our frustrated indignation to feed off?

    Possibly not. I'm pretty sure that the relationship is co-dependent, at a minimum :)

  21. Whateverman said:

    "I disagree. In my opinion, he really doesn't care what we have to say; he lobs a grenade and lets the fun ensue. Every once in a while something interesting or quote-worthy is said, and he adds it to his list of plagiarized material he intends to make money off of."

    Yes, I think you're closer to the mark actually. I wonder if Ray bangs his head on his desk in frustration out OUR stupidity? :P

    Or maybe he just does it for the lulz...


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