Thursday, September 18, 2008

Terry Becomes Skeptical of Ray?

I checked out the profile and this seems to be the Real Terry.

Enjoy. (Terry) said...

@forgiven37, you said "why don't you post under your own name and stop mocking terry ? "

Thank you brother, I appreciate you taking a stand for me. It shows how 'low' the atheist will go with identity theft.


I asked once before, why do you allow the post to be published?

I have not made an issue with my personal picture / Rufus with you, but I am with my email address and name. Blaspheming God with my name is stepping 'over the line'.

You can tell its not me, but you allow the post, and you remain silent. You could simply DELETE, but you do nothing.

What gives Ray? Is this all just for the 'sales'? Prove me wrong brother. Please respond!

In His Love,

Terry Burton

September 18, 2008 7:05 PM

UPDATE: I should have read down the thread further. Terry's hero Ray Comfort, completely dismissed his plight with the following:

...and how do I know this is the real Terry? Besides, there are about 1,000 comments a week and I can't read them all. I mainly check for dirt, blasphemy and URL's. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
UPDATE 2: Warning. Read the comments to this post at your own risk. Especially if you thought Terry Burton was a good, upstanding Christian. The language he uses will shock you. His disrespect of women will sicken you. His insanity is more apparent than ever.


  1. So he's more worried about the blasphemy under his name?

    I didn't think God was so feeble as to be unable to discern between two different people on the internet.

    Wait! Perhaps we found a loophole? God must not be able to trace your IP address. So the internet is the "hole in the sheet" that makes it all permissible. Checkmate, God!

  2. You can always spoof an IP address. I wonder if God can follow a Mitnik Attack?

  3. Funny that Ray can't find the time to ban Fake Terry, but can find the time to tell off Christ Follower (no longer) several times, before finally banning him.

    If Terry's head has already imploded... what will happen now?

    If you'll excuse me, I'm going to try to hitchhike a ride away from the danger zone. I'll see you all when I get back from Alpha-Centuri.

  4. Crazy Terry Meltdown in 10...9...8...7....6.....

  5. Because, terry, only idiots and people with no need for privacy post under their own name on the internet.

    In short, because don't much feel like mountains of free Korans being delivered to me, unlike to say...

    Terry burton
    804 Eisenhower Dr
    Key West, FL 33040

  6. I don't know, Ray has got to be tired of Terry too. If Terry wasn't there we might have to tone it down at Ray's place.

    With Terry around there is always a bigger loony in the room.

  7. I posted the following, because I figure that if Ray telling off Terry will cause a meltdown, how much more destruction would be caused by an Atheist taking his side?


    Ray Comfort wrote:
    "...and how do I know this is the real Terry? Besides, there are about 1,000 comments a week and I can't read them all. I mainly check for dirt, blasphemy and URL's. Sorry I can't be more helpful."

    Ray: I can vouch for Real Terry. The Terry that is asking you to delete the Fake Terry's account is in fact the "Real" Terry Burton: his profile matches the profile that we all associate with Mr Burton, and he has been around long enough and has come out with so much insanity that he is almost as "popular" as you amongst the Atheists on this blog.

    We all know that the Real Terry Burton would never apologise for a wrongdoing, or accept that he was wrong. We also know that he is incapable of typing a post without "HBKS!" on the end of it, which the Fake Terry did on September 18, 2008 2:42 PM, thus giving himself away as a fake.

    In addition, Fake Terry's profile indicates that he is "interested in becoming a better human being and trying to be nicer to people. I am interested in spreading niceness and truth not lies and erroneous hurtful speculation about others." We all know this to be a false claim about Terry Burton, and one he would never make.

    Would you therefore take the Real Terry Burtons comments into consideration and look into this matter? Identity Theft, no matter how well meaning, hilarious, or whether or not it falls under the real definition of Identity Theft, is something that should not be tolerated on your weblog, especially since this Fake Terry is creating the illusion that Terry Burton is more sane than he actually is.

    Thanking you in advance,
    - On behalf of client Terry Burton.


  8. Maragon,

    Sorry, I don't do requests!
    Just drive the "A"s crzy.

    Less of you allows the gospel to be spread, and 'deserving ones' to be saved.

    Your part is in the Lake of Fire. Burn Baby. You little tramp.

  9. @ Quasar,

    Don't need you to defend Mr. Burton, what you should do, is watch your 'own back' Jack.

    10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

    ... poof! Your vaprized. On your way to hell.

  10. Terry,

    I'm sorry that Ray doesn't like you. It must be hard because I can tell you really look up to him.

  11. mjarsulic,

    Is that your brain exposed on your profile pic, or your nuts cut in half? eh? lol

    Another waste of flesh, atheist.

    What we should do in America is gather up the minority of atheists and put them on a military C130 and drop them over Siberia in the winter.

    The wildlife needs something to eat. Right ? ha ha ha

  12. Maragon,

    Why are you showing just one tit?

    Did you forget to expose the other one? Or, did you sell that the other fake one??

    How much you charge for an hour HOney? i rather have a Thai.

  13. I would say that this isn't Terry, but the collection of horribly organized blogs on the profile has me second guessing that claim.

  14. "You little tramp."

    Who have you been talking to?

    You guys ALL promised we would keep it a secret...

  15. "Maragon,

    Why are you showing just one tit?"

    It's my favorite one.

  16. so your curious, eh Yaeger?

    Ever heard of "curiousity killed the cat"? :)

    Keep prying and I will send some of the boyz over to give you a private flight to Siberia.

  17. I have to correct you.

    Your - shows ownership.
    You're - contraction of you are.

  18. @ Maragon,

    "It's my favorite one."

    Why not show both? I believe in equal opportunity. :)

    How often do you need a 'reboob' done ? Every 1,000 feels? ;)

  19. It's just Terry's sockpuppet: Man With A Badge.

  20. Yaeger,

    You just WON a private flight!
    You will dining with polar bears in the near future.

    Congratulations Atheist!

  21. " USA said...

    @ Maragon,

    "It's my favorite one."

    Why not show both? I believe in equal opportunity. :)"

    My fiance has some sort of problem with me posting pictures of my unclothed breasts on the internet. He's such a controlling jerk.

    " How often do you need a 'reboob' done ? Every 1,000 feels? ;)"

    Whenever they start to get saggy. The amount of time depends on how rough I am with them.

    When you have boobs as nice as mine, sometimes you just spend hours feeling them.

  22. Rufus,

    I really do feel bad for him. As the days go by, it becomes more obvious that he needs to seek mental help.

  23. @ Maragon, "When you have boobs as nice as mine, sometimes you just spend hours feeling them."

    I think I am in Love! Man with Badge wants to share his handcuffs with you! ;)

    Ohhh yeahhh.

  24. "And this Man is going to shove his badge where the sun don't shine all the way up your rear!"

    Way to be subtle with that analogy. Luckily I caught the meaning

  25. The thought of Terry jerking it to my profile picture is terrifying.

    Just sayin'.

  26. But this is nothing new. When I first started paying attention to COmfort's blog, Burton had two or three sock puppets and threatened people.

    Psycho:I wouldn't like your dimestore badge, but I love your butt-buddy Ray's tongue in my ass.

  27. Coming from soneone with 'half his nuts' exposed.

    Here's my advice to you Bucko, go get a Life! Try to find you a woman like Maragon, and have some kids, and settle down.

    Feel her up good. ok?

    Stop being pathetic.

  28. Terry,

    Did you cry when Ray dissed you?

  29. Rufus,

    Just as i was told by your unit, you were kicked out on a section 8 Homo discharge.

    The reason you don't go to VA for medical is that you were given a Bad Conduct discharge. Just another criminal on the streets.

    You went home to Mommy & Daddy in West VA. Still at home Rufus? sucking on Mommy's tit? lol

  30. I wouldn't worry about that Maragon. I'm sure Terry couldn't get it up with a truckload of Viagra. I bet his Asian bride has the largest dildo and vibrator collection in Kentucky.

  31. usa, profile number

    Man with a Badge, profile number
    (on the date April 24, 2008)

  32. Maragon,

    With all due respect to the one tit, I've seen, and feeled a whole lot better!

    The ex wife was a 38 double D.
    This one now puts you shame, all over. Sorry to crack you ego! :)

  33. If that's Terry, he really appears to have gone off the deep end.

  34. "The thought of Terry jerking it to my profile picture is terrifying."

    I believe it is actually called Terryfying.

    Wakka wakka wakka

  35. Yaeger said...

    " "The thought of Terry jerking it to my profile picture is terrifying."

    I believe it is actually called Terryfying.

    Wakka wakka wakka"

    You win the internets.

  36. It's Terry. Either the meds stopped working, or he stopped taking them again.

    Psycho: I don't go to the VA because I pay for my own health insurance. And my mother and father have been dead for about twenty years. I was sucking on your Mom's tit. You know what she was sucking.

  37. Do you guys think Terry manifests his other personalities through these sockpuppets?

    This would make a swell case study.

  38. Terry,

    Now that Ray doesn't like you, who will you worship now?

  39. "If that's Terry, he really appears to have gone off the deep end."

    Talk about a pathetic CT.
    Maragon, your fired. You could never get it right in C school.

    If you are going to show a tit, show both. Don't come up with some lame story of your boyfriend.

  40. That's it. Ray dissed terry, and it's caused one of his psychotic breaks.

  41. Rufus,

    What do you know about Viagra? your too busy licking A holes in the service, out of the service and going AWHOL.

    The short phrase for it is:

    "cowardly freak"

  42. "Talk about a pathetic CT.
    Maragon, your fired. You could never get it right in C school.

    If you are going to show a tit, show both. Don't come up with some lame story of your boyfriend."

    What's "C school"?

    And the picture isn't supposed to be of my tits - it's of my face. Hence why my whole face is in it and only a part of one breast.

    If I wanted to post a picture of my tits, you'd know it. Because you'd be looking at a picture of my tits.

  43. Psycho: I don't know anything about Viagra. I don't need it. Ask your mom. She chews on my wood like a busy little beaver.

  44. Quick! Distract him with Magic: The Gathering!

    Yaeger taps two islands.
    Yaeger casts counterspell on Terry's drivel.

  45. "She chews on my wood like a busy little beaver."

    sorry Rufus, she does not like little 'tooth pricks!' lol

    ha ha ha ha

  46. Terry, quick, tell me I'm going to hell! It'll make you feel better!

  47. Maybe if he plugs HBKS it will snap him out of it.

  48. If only the Christians on Ray's site could see Terry now. They would be so disappointed in him.

  49. OH! Oh! I want to burn in hell!

    I've been such a naughty girl.

  50. Since Ray broke Terry's heart, Terry probably won't be promoting HBKS anymore. That's why he's here.

  51. "Maybe if he plugs HBKS it will snap him out of it"

    Everyone, start chanting! It might send him to sleep!


  52. Who's the guy in usa's(terry's/man with a badge's) photo?

    Why is he so obsessed with "homo"'s?

  53. Why do funny things always happen when I'm about to go to bed?

  54. @ Maragon,

    "I've been such a naughty girl."

    Yes, you have! Come here, and bend over my knee. Here it comes, Rufus will lick your "A" hole.

    Next time, get both boobs done on the operation. Equal Rights for all! and to all a good night.

  55. "H-B-K-S-H-B-K-S-H-B-K-S"

    It's not working! He's eating my brain! NO! NOOOOOO!!!!!


  56. Jill D:

    It's the picture I was using on my profile, but Terry is using for his USA/Dufus/man With a Badge profile. It's Javier Bardem from No Country for Old Men.

  57. "Why do funny things always happen when I'm about to go to bed?"

    Its that 'feeling' thing that you do Maragon. It gets you all wet and bothered. Then you can't sleep, so you look for a door knob.

  58. maragon,

    You should have learned from last night not to look at the comments of my posts before bed. For some reason, they seem to attract a certain psycho.

  59. Thor loves you, Terry. Even if Jesus and Ray don't. And as a bonus, he's the God of Thunder. Which is nice.

    and to all a good night.

    It's 2:42 in the afternoon here! Don't go!

  60. I have to go as well, Terry. Your Mom has the KY Warming Jelly out. You know what that means.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Maragon,

    With all due respect to the one tit, I've seen, and feeled a whole lot better!

    The ex wife was a 38 double D.

    you forgot to mention that she was 350 lbs.

  63. I have thought that Freud's theories were mostly bunk, but now I see some merit in them.

    Never have I stated my sexual orientation (straight if you want to know) but Terry seems to think I'm gay because I'm an atheist.

    If there was ever a case for the psychological projection brought up by Freud, this would be a good one.

    In my opinion, you are a latent homosexual and are projecting the hatred for yourself onto others.

    For your (not you're) own mental health, accept the truth Terry. We're supportive of you!

  64. Jill wrote
    "It's 2:42 in the afternoon here! Don't go!"

    Hey, me too! Do you live on the east coast of Australia as well?

  65. USA said...

    ""Why do funny things always happen when I'm about to go to bed?"

    Its that 'feeling' thing that you do Maragon. It gets you all wet and bothered. Then you can't sleep, so you look for a door knob."

    I know you're trying to offend me Terry, but I gotta tell you, this whole thing is really funny.

  66. 'No Country for Old Rufus'

    What this I hear? You were thrown out of the Marines for dereliction of duty, failure to obey an order, and all around dirt bag ?

    Confess Rufus! Why do you hide in the mountains of West Virginia like a billy goat?

    Hope to see your sorry ass at Transformed seminar, WV. :)

  67. USA


  68. No Maragon,

    I am getting turned on by the one Tit, and the thought of the other one in my hand.

    Remember, I'm ex-military from South America. I love big boobs.

  69. LOL

    "Hope to see your sorry ass at Transformed seminar, WV. :)"

    Who wants to bet that security doesn't let Terry anywhere near Ray?

  70. Rufus,

    don't run away crying. Just run away from the Marines! traitor.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Doesn't seem like you Terry. I thought you were into the whole abstinence thing.

  73. USA said...

    "No Maragon,

    I am getting turned on by the one Tit, and the thought of the other one in my hand.

    Remember, I'm ex-military from South America. I love big boobs."

    Who Would Jesus Do?

    Atheist chicks, apparently.

  74. maragon,

    Good point. For some reason, I'm picturing security guards walking around with a printout of Jill's collage.

  75. WWJYODS?

    What Would Jesus Yell Out During Sex?

  76. "USA


    sorry, I don't have blow up dolls of Ray to replace the one that Rufus gave you. Ask Maragon to help you, between the fingering.

  77. mjarsulic,

    If I were Ray, I'd be a bit scared right now.

    Hell, I'm a bit freaked out.

    I did mention that I live in like...the remotest part of Antarctica, right? Right?

  78. USA said...

    " "USA


    sorry, I don't have blow up dolls of Ray to replace the one that Rufus gave you. Ask Maragon to help you, between the fingering."

    I'm pretty sure the bible or jesus or god or some guy said something about it being bad to look at a woman with lust in your heart, Terry.

    I'm pretty sure that thinking about me fingering....something.....qualifies....


  79. "Who wants to bet that security doesn't let Terry anywhere near Ray?"

    Didn't I tell you?, I own stock in the company. In fact Ray said that i was a "major supporter" on one of his posts.

    He can't shit without me telling him to do it. Kirk is in my back pocket as well.

  80. Let's invite Terry's fellow believers over to The Raytractors so they can see what has become of him. Most of those who've post at Comfort's blog know Terry's sockpuppets. Now they can see the real Terry Burton.

  81. OK, I'm starting to feel a little Bun-bun-esque. This is cruel. We should leave poor Terry to wallow in his psychosis: if we keep this up, he may end up killing someone.

    Terry: In the words of Agent Washington: "Well, goodbye. Good luck with your empty base and your raging insanity."

  82. Actually, after that last USA post, I'm beginning to wonder.

  83. oops! is one bigger than the other?

    Let me fix that! I have Sucking Training for big boobs and medium size as well.

    Boobs of the World ... Unite!!!

  84. Blogger Quasar said...

    Jill wrote
    "It's 2:42 in the afternoon here! Don't go!"

    Hey, me too! Do you live on the east coast of Australia as well?

    From Victoria, Yay!!

  85. Boobs of the World ... Unite!!!

    Repetition is funny.

  86. Rufus,

    You came back? Did you have enough nerve to come back ???

    Its a shame you never did that with your unit in Iraq. Thanks to you we lost several good men.

    Ever heard of hacking an old profile Rufus?! your number will be up soon 'numb nuts'!

  87. Queensland! Sunny Bris-Vegas!

    Hooray for Australia!

  88. K, I'm all creeped out.

    Night guys.

  89. "Boobs of the world... UNITE!"

    Is this the motto for the Transformed seminar?

  90. Boobs of the World ... Unite!!!

    Letz elect Maragon as our Queen Bee! Then we can clone her and have all the boobs we ever wanted.

    Ohhh Yesss! I LOVE BOOBS!!!

  91. I was never in Iraq. I was in Kuwait. And when your Mom gets done with me, my nuts are numb, and empty.

  92. I can only hope that he is completely sloshed right now and wakes up tomorrow (today?) regretting all of this.

    For now, goodnight everyone!

  93. Please stop, everyone. This is no longer funny. This man is unbalanced, and making sport of him is sick. I can't ethically participate any longer.

    Terry: please, call the hospital. Get help. I knew you weren't entirely there when I first met you, but I didn't realise how bad your condition was until now. Please, just get help.

  94. "Mom gets done with me, my nuts are numb, and empty."

    I am not your priest, confess your dereliction of duty to someone who cares! Your Mom must be very special to you.

    Ciao Baby!

  95. G day! No Worries Mate!
    ( i use that loosely )

    .... GET AWAY .. I was joking! :)

  96. Oh... You were already stopping. Thank you, everyone.

    Terry: go to bed, or call the hospital. You're either drunk, or insane. Please. For the sake of your own health.

    Goodbye Terry.

  97. Quasar,

    Get a life, get out of the Outback and get ready for the afterlife.

    Counting kangaroos is no way to go thru life.

    Here's a coin, call someone who cares Mate! Shove off.

  98. Quasar,

    Go find the Crocodile Man and ask him for advice. Talk to someone who might give you the time of day MATE.

    G-day !!! Aussie Boy!

    Ciao Baby! Ciao !!!

  99. Please stop, everyone. This is Aussie is never funny. This man is unbalanced, and making sport of a Aussie is sick.

    I can't ethically participate any longer. I need to go down under !!

    ha ha ha

  100. Terry, did you do any research for getting me saved yet? I just checked my email again and nothing came up.

  101. Hey Quasar, let's go find the Crocodile Man and ask him for advice. Then it's back to the Outback for us Aussies.

  102. Terry wrote:

    So corrupt, disgusting, and 'no good'. Right? G day As!


  103. Jill,

    I know for a fact that Aussie chicks give the best blow jobs.

    They jump for joy when a USA man gets in bed with them. The Aussie men treat them like dogs with their little pricks.


  104. kaitlyn,

    i wrote that, not Terry. I am Man with a Badge, ... Mr. USA.

    Your sweetest dream come true! :)

  105. Oops, thought you were Terry with a new name.

    My bad. When you used the word, "Blow***," I knew you couldn't be Terry.

    Terry is too sweet to use such language. :)

  106. Hey Baby,

    Let me save you! How do you like it? just let me know. I'm all yours.

    Love that sweet Smile of yours.

  107. well .. "Blow" me down ..

    There she BLOWS ... cup cake island ... full of delicious treats for you BABY!

  108. Kaitlyn, Jill: there is nothing to be gained here, and much to be lost.

    Leave this thread as a memorial to the innocent mind this man was born with, as a warning to those who would think to emulate him.

  109. Sweet Hart,

    I hate to do this, get a BJ, and run, but the wife is calling me to bed.

    She wants some too! Sorry, catch ya another time. You be good Baby!
    I got a special treat just for you in a few days. See YA!

  110. You already admitted you were Man Without a Badge. And a few months ago Terry admitted he was Man without a Badge

    Terry Burton said...


    Dale is right. Get a haircut. Or you could get an awesome hat like mine.

    In his love, Terry AKA Wild About the Gospel, AKA Man with a Badge!
    May 4, 2008 7:05 PM

  111. I agree with Quasar. We should probably leave Terry alone right now.

  112. Blogger Quasar said...

    Kaitlyn, Jill: there is nothing to be gained here, and much to be lost.

    Leave this thread as a memorial to the innocent mind this man was born with, as a warning to those who would think to emulate him.

    September 19, 2008 12:24 AM


  113. Anymore contenders want to take me on ? sht heads?

    Do yourselves a favor! Leave Ray and Terry alone. The next time I come back here, it will not be to 'hack' this account and push you atheists around.

    Next time it will be personal, and in your face Rufus and feinds.

  114. Dude, you can hack accounts? How did you do it?

  115. Dude, I'm reading the thread. And all's I gotta say is "INTERNET. SERIOUS BUSINESS."

  116. Dude, I'm reading the thread. And all's I gotta say is "INTERNET. SERIOUS BUSINESS."

    What dream world are you living in ?

    Internet has poker, porno sites, hate sites, atheists, and scams galore. Wakeup and smell reality.

  117. Adam,

    time for you to take your medicine and go to bed. Understand?

    Beddy Bye time for Gonzo.

    Nite Nite

  118. Wow,

    Terry is really scaring me, is he some kind of psycho, or what?

    The man is definitely on a rampage of slamming, and posting different IDs. How can we flag him without a profile disclosure?

  119. Blogger Whateverman said...


    Terry is really scaring me, is he some kind of psycho, or what?

    The man is definitely on a rampage of slamming, and posting different IDs. How can we flag him without a profile disclosure?

    September 19, 2008 1:44 AM

    Terry is now using the name "Whateverman" !
    profile number = 09130668015379989408

  120. Hey, that's fun! I can post the most stupids comments I can think of, and if I regret it later, I just say it was Terry impersonating me...

  121. Tilia said...

    Hey, that's fun! I can post the most stupids comments I can think of, and if I regret it later, I just say it was Terry impersonating me...
    September 19, 2008 2:46 AM

    :-) Heh, but we can see your profile number (hover the mouse over your name, it's probably in the status bar). If it matches the name that you joined with, then we know it was really you!

  122. That's the funniest thing I've read for years.

    Too bad I only came along after you all sterted to feel sorry for the sick bastard.

    You can see why he hates atheists: we always maintain that there is morality without god, yet Terry knows that without hus fear of Jesus to keep him in check he is bat shit crazy and has no moral standards whatsoever.

    He naturally assumes that everyone in the world is like him, so he is sure that we are as bitter and nasty as he is when he lets go of the rudder.

    It's also so sweet that he calls it hacking. It's in line with his CIA/Yakuza/Special OPs fantasies.

  123. I don't know if the post will be allowed through, but over at AC I invited Terry's fellow believers to have a look at this thread, see the evidence of the ID numbers and then check out Terry's posts. Maybe they can help him.

  124. @jill d

    I knew, there must have been a bug, but at least, I learned something about how Blogger works, thank you. :-)

  125. Wow, I just got through reading this....Terry, are there pills in your boat you can take? Notice that this fervent Christian has no respect whatsoever for women. Terry, if you want a blowjob so bad, just get some peanut butter and have your dog go to town. If it works for Jesus, it'll work for you. Christpower!

  126. Damn, I came to this one too late. Terry's multiple personalities are like something out of a bad American psycho killer movie.

    Hey Quasar, I'm in Brisbane too. Isn't the start of storm season grand!


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