Thursday, September 18, 2008

Because Rufus LOVES LOLCATS !!!

Sorry, Rufus, it had to be done.


  1. Ray says...

    So, the next time you are upset about God and His judgments, remember that if cats came by the process of evolution (and all cats die), God didn’t kill them, evolution did.

    You know, can somebody explain this to me. for some reason, Ray's making no sense.

  2. Captain Howdy, you know, eventually you'll have to put a picture of Ray's mug on your display if you keep that up.

  3. Does Ray's follow-up post have a time-stamp earlier than the original post?


  4. FIRST POST (kittens): Posted by Ray Comfort on 9/18/2008 01:06:00 PM

    FOLLOW UP POST (question): posted by Ray Comfort at 8:34 PM on Sep 17, 2008

    It's offical, Ray can travel time

  5. Oh dear, I forgot one more thing-

    Ray's post where he asks what's the purpose of life, well, he's asking the wrong question I think.

    Who necessarily said life NEEDS to have an ultimate meaning. Ray implies life has that meaning. If it doesn't? Well, Ray simply can't accept that I'd say. He wont accept anything that doesn't make him feel important. I'm sure he'd still do this even IF he didn't really have as much of a belief, just because he can't accept reality (or, perhaps, an alternative system).

    Hey Ray, I hope you don't stay up too long come December, Santa Claus WONT show up- Again!

  6. r.s. said: Ray implies life has that meaning. If it doesn't? Well, Ray simply can't accept that I'd say. He wont accept anything that doesn't make him feel important.

    I disagree, but only in terms of semantics. I believe Ray wont accept that he hasn't found the ultimate source of truth.

    His belief that he has is the source of his pride, but that's only incidental to his comfort (doh) in believing that he's "in the know".

    He likes to believe his intellect has led him to the answers that everyone else lacks.

    (Ok, sure, I could say the same about myself. At the very least, I don't walk around telling everyone I've found those answers; it's clear I can barely comprehend the complexities of euclidian geometry, let alone "Why are we here?")

  7. How long until someone over there says atheists are nihilists?

  8. I answered the "Purpose of Human Existance" question civilly over at AC, but forgot to copy it, so I can't post it over here until it get's through the 4 hour censor process.

    Condensed version:

    rhymeAndRythm != purposeOfHumanExistance;

  9. I'll let that one go, nonmagic, since it uses Ray's stupidity.

  10. Yaeger said...

    " How long until someone over there says atheists are nihilists?"

    They'd have to figure out what a nihilist was first...

    And you can't read about that in the Bible, now can you?

  11. Jill D said:
    "It's offical, Ray can travel time"

    Future Quasar: Oh shit, I left the keys in my time machine! Ray stole it!

    Timeline so far:
    - Future Quasar responds to Jillions of Kittens on RayTractors (at exactly the same time as Past Quasar responds to "Torture != Torture")
    - Future Ray Writes Responce to Future Atheist Responce to Jillions of Kittens.
    - Past Ray Writes Jillions of Kittens.
    - Past Atheist Responds to Jillions of Kittens.
    - Present Quasar wonders where the hell Future Quasar got a time machine.
    - Future Quasar warns Present Quasar that Future Cyborg Ray Comfort is right now going to be attempting to destr- *Ksshhhhhhhh*

  12. Maragon:

    I don't know. Maybe Ecclesiastes is nihilistic. It's certainly different from most of the books of the Bible. It and Job are the only ones I return to of my own accord.

    But your right; I figure most of them wouldn't have a clue about nihilist without looking it up.

  13. whateverman said...
    r.s. said: Ray implies life has that meaning. If it doesn't? Well, Ray simply can't accept that I'd say. He wont accept anything that doesn't make him feel important.

    I disagree, but only in terms of semantics. I believe Ray wont accept that he hasn't found the ultimate source of truth.

    His belief that he has is the source of his pride, but that's only incidental to his comfort (doh) in believing that he's "in the know".

    He likes to believe his intellect has led him to the answers that everyone else lacks.

    (Ok, sure, I could say the same about myself. At the very least, I don't walk around telling everyone I've found those answers; it's clear I can barely comprehend the complexities of euclidian geometry, let alone "Why are we here?")

    Hmmm... Good points. I recant what I said about Ray, this seems more likely. Maybe this was what I wanted to get at, but my mind has been devoid of cuhfee four ey why-ol....


  14. They'd have to figure out what a nihilist was first...

    ... and then remember how to spell it

  15. - Future Quasar warns Present Quasar that Future Cyborg Ray Comfort is right now going to be attempting to destr- *Ksshhhhhhhh*


  16. Rufus only loves Rufus.

    That's why I could never get emotionally involved with him.
    We talk in the break room from time to time, but that's all.

    Well, I guess I should be honest, There was the broom closet on wx shift ... a few months ago. Sure hope the hallway cams did not get us! lol

  17. @Whateverman,

    Is that what you look like in real life? I just love your profile picture. :)

    I have a confession to make, I have been lieing to all of you.
    I am a 'witch', a black majic witch.

    Terry guessed it the other day.
    He knows what he is talking about ...most of the time. :)

    I get my jollies with pretending to be an atheist. I know there is a God, but I serve Satan instead.

    He is my Lord, and Master. I am bound for Hell, but he has told me I will be greatly rewarded.

    At least I think he will. Could he be lieing to me? hmmm... Anyway I love to deceive people, as it gets me off something fierce.

  18. Kate = 15355896606457674317
    Fake Kate = 09130668015379989408

    Hi Terry, Now you're pretending to be Kaitlyn!

  19. jill D said: Hi Terry, Now you're pretending to be Kaitlyn!

    Damn, I thought my avatar was gonna to get me some action



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