Saturday, September 20, 2008

An avatar for Maragon

In light of Ray's comment that Maragon should be more modest in regards to her avatar, I think I found what Ray must be asking for:

Lust away, Ray, lust away.

Edit; HA IM IN UR POST NM.....

Or this one:

EDIT: Sorry, Maragon, your arm was still showing. MUST NOT SHOW FLESH!!!

EDIT X3: Erikloza wants to know "Why include more than your face in your picture?"

Sorry again, Maragon: (the wall was showing and so was your hair)

I don't know why, but of all the things Ray's done to me, I think that this one bothers me the most.

My appearance has nothing to do with the validity of my points.

Shame on you, Ray, for picking on me for the way that you would claim your God fashioned me to look.


  1. LMFAO!! Maragon, please post at Ray's using the second pic!

  2. This probably won't get through at Ray's:

    erikloza said...


    Question: Why include more than your face in your picture?"

    That's the angle at which my fiance took the picture?

    Are you suggesting that I should never have pictures taken of anything but my face?

    Should I cut off any pictures of me from the neck down simply because someone may find something about my body offensive? Maybe someone else won't like my calves or arms, shall I censor those too?

    Maybe I find mustaches offensive. Am I entitled to ask all men with big mustaches to cover them in my presence?

    Way to delete all my comments Ray. That's really mature and indicative that you're not a shallow bigot.

    My appearance has nothing to do with the validity of my points.

    Shame on you for picking on me for the way that you would claim your God fashioned me to look.

  3. ray is dumb, I should find a cool picture of a mustache with an X over it.

  4. Well... No. Wait. Not a mustache. It's Ray's face that offends me.

    A picture of Rays face with an X.

  5. I wonder if Ray finds my picture offensive.

  6. Even with all the cropping, I still see a pair of sexy eyes. Those will stir Ray up.

  7. Rufus said...

    " Even with all the cropping, I still see a pair of sexy eyes. Those will stir Ray up."

    When we start censoring the female form, where do we draw the line?

    Cleavage isn't okay because it inspires lust - what about eyes, like you said? What about lips? Lips can invoke sexual thoughts.

    I think that instead of censoring whatever makes us 'uncomfortable' we should learn to accept responsibility for our own feelings.

  8. Rufus said...

    " Responsibility is the thing. Ray thinks lust is such a terrible sin, but he doesn't blame himself. He blames you, or whoever. Men blaming women for lust is pretty damn old. We don't like that power you have over us. I asked Ray if he would blame you if you were raped. That's right where that kind of "thinking" leads."

    Lust is only an issue when you become fixated on it.

    Every single day I leave my house, and every single day I see attractive men and women. I note them in my mind and go on with my day. It's natural and normal to observe and note people and your surroundings. I don't think that it's lustful to acknowledge that some guy has nice arms or that the woman on the treadmill in front of me has a hot ass. I don't let these thoughts consume me because I recognize them as something normal and then go on with my day.

    The issue with these theists is that they are so focused on trying to follow the rigid, pointless guidelines of a made up god that they make so much more out of a 'lustful' thought than everyone else does. They fixate on lust because they don't accept it as a natural function of the mind.

  9. Poster bound for glory at AC turned this whole thing upside down all of a sudden:

    "maragon put a black strip across your eyes and leave the rest as it is. The rest is just your body but your eyes and your gaze show the wanton lust that is in your heart."

  10. Just an observation. If I hadn't seen your photo before the censoring it would fuel the imagination. What could it be she's covering up? The mind reels. If I was a sexually repressed, self flagellating, pleasure denying born again freak, I might be fighting to keep my hands on the keyboard right now.

    I'm not but maragon, You may have made things worse for the boys at Rays' place. Let's hope so. (smiley emodicon here)

  11. replace "worse" with "harder". Yes. Much better.

  12. "maragon put a black strip across your eyes and leave the rest as it is. The rest is just your body but your eyes and your gaze show the wanton lust that is in your heart."

    Yeah, it's all about eyes ;)
    Why is nobody complaining about the look in storeytwin's face? That one is really annoying me...


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