Saturday, September 20, 2008

Apparently being pretty is 'immodest'....

Ray Comfort said...

"Maragon said...There’s nothing more important than where you will spend eternity. Not even the life that you are currently in possession of? Y'know, the one that can be empirically proven to exist?"

Maragon...two things. 1. Please provide empirical evidence that you exist. 2. I would be grateful if you could replace your photo with something more modest. Thanks."

So, the photograph that's smaller than a postage stamp that I've been using there for weeks is all of a sudden 'immodest'?


  1. I asked him if I were physically ugly and this was somehow offensive to him whether or not he would still ask me to change it.

    I could no more help being ugly than I can help having D's.

    And as I mentioned to you guys before - I work out at the gym alot. I'm happy and proud of all the work I've done to make myself as attractive as I can be. Why should I be penalized?

    It's not like you can see a nipple....

  2. Ray
    Maragon...two things. 1. Please provide empirical evidence that you exist. 2. I would be grateful if you could replace your photo with something more modest. Thanks.

    My reply to Ray:
    Good grief, Ray. What is with you? There's nothing wrong with the picture. Besides, isn't it showing that she exists?

    Wait, I remember: You have problems with the female body, (Monday, March 10, 2008 -- The Female Form) don't you? Even when it's mostly covered up like in Maragon's picture.

    Gott, I've got to hit the gym sometime...

  3. Seriously. That picture isn't supposed to 'hilight' my boobs.

    I thought the shirt was a pretty colour, and my hair looked nice, and my makeup was well done and I have cheek bones ...whatever, I thought it was a nice shot.

    When you have breasts that are fairly large anything less than a men's large tshirt will 'show them off'.

    I'm not a muslim woman and I won't be shamed for being attractive.

  4. This is insane. Maragon, you have nothing to be ashamed about!

    We love you just the way you are!

  5. Maragon,

    I have the same problem, being a D myself, they aren't going anywhere and you can't hide them.

    Ray must have lusted over your pic and now he's blaming you.

  6. I think that if anything, this shows how totally sexually repressed these people are. I mean, for Pete's sakes, you're not showing that much! I never even thought about your cleavage until all this silliness started!

    Dammit! They're putting lustful thoughts in my brain! I have commited adultery in my heart. Am I a good person? Jesus said...blah blah blah 10 Commandments written on my heart...blah blah blah...

  7. Lance, you should go watch HBKS so you can repent.

    Sorry, couldn't help it.

  8. "Maragon...forcing Ray Comfort to commit adultery in his mind since 2008."

  9. So, what, your userpic for all of Blogspot should be dictated by the whims of some sexually repressed, greedy inquisitor? Pfft.

    Don't do it. That picture is fine. Your userpic is bound by Blogspot's ToC, not his.

  10. Nonmagic,

    Our breasts are hell's best kept secret.

  11. Ask Ray why he dyes his hair... Who is he doing it for?

  12. LOL Maragon. I thought I saw my D's floating around in the background of that video.

  13. Someone should claim that they find mustache's offensive and ask Ray to censor his.

    At least he can alter his facial hair without expensive surgery....

  14. Hmm... Yeah.

    Ray, your mustache reminds me of a pedophile.

    They are criminals, remove it please.

  15. Maragon,
    You aren't getting it.
    Ray is afraid that his pathetic and emotionally stunted, sexually repressed minions are setting around beating their meat all day while looking at your pic and thereby sinning the sin of...whatever... :>

  16. He deleted my reply asking him why he found it offensive.

  17. I think he thinks it set terry off. You evil satan seductress. It's a very tasteful pic. Your shirt sets off your eyes. I'm a little offended by the composition but some cropping can fix that. You fill the frame nicely.

    Also, feel free to mention nipples and hot girl on girl anytime. A cheap thrill for us dirty old farts. Can I get an amen Dale?

  18. I've now updated my avatar to something more appropriate. In solidarity.

  19. Moustache fans... change your avatar to Tom Of Finland... Warning, contains men with moustaches (and other stuff).

  20. Notice how Ray does not chastise Terry for calling Maragon a slut but does reprimand Maragon for having an immodest picture. Funny how that works.

  21. Well Milo,
    Clearly it's my fault that Terry wants to bang me. After all, I do HAVE tits, and I didn't bind them out of sight using electrical tape and 10 yards of fabric.

    I deserve whatever Terry(or any other man) wants to do to me. I wore a low cut shirt.

  22. Maragon:

    What did your recent post at AC say? Did they remove it because of the post's content, or because of your photo? If it wasn't because of the photo I was going to suggest we all do another Terry, for those of us who might post at AC; use your photo for awhile.

    If the photo had showed nipple I'm sure Ray and his male (probably some female followers too) would have saved it and blown in up by now.

  23. I've been raping, plundering, and pilliaging continuously since Maragon posted that avatar.

    I need a break. This is exausting.

  24. After I'd been commenting on Comfort Swill for months, Ray whined that he found the term "imaginary friend" condescending.

    Apparently he expected some change in my behavior.

    So on a subsequent comment, I made a point of using the phrase five times (or was it six) in two sentences.

    Ray made no comment on my changed behavior. Boo fuckin' hoo.

  25. Rufus said...


    What did your recent post at AC say? Did they remove it because of the post's content, or because of your photo? If it wasn't because of the photo I was going to suggest we all do another Terry, for those of us who might post at AC; use your photo for awhile."

    I told Ray that I would be glad to change my avatar if he could explain why a picture that's smaller than a postage stamp that I had been posting under for weeks now was now considered offensive.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I wonder if Terry's been in touch with Ray. It wouldn't surprise me if he's the one that stirred up this bit of mischief...

    EDIT: spelling

  28. Good thing Maragon's name wasn't "Christ Follower" then you'd have the perfect storm.
    Doesn't Ray do his open-air preaching at a beach? Does he hide if a lady walks in her swimming outfit?

  29. I was raised by a very evangelical minister. My dad preached from the pulpit that women shouldn't wear makeup and should wear clothing below the knees. He didn't like cleavage either.

    Hey, how do you like my new avatar? Ray'll have a hissy fit!

  30. Hey, how do you like my new avatar? Ray'll have a hissy fit!

    That blog definitely needs more cheesecake!


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