Thursday, December 4, 2008

Obama does a shit

Do what?
In Catalonia (Spain) it is traditional to make little nativity scenes with figurines.

And to add to these, little figurines of famous people having a crap.

At this link there is a slide show of the kind of stuff they do, including Obama, merkel and Sarkozy all with their pants down


  1. People are weird.

    I suppose it's just a reminder that everyone's just a bag of meat, including the people who shape world politics and government (?)

  2. Jeebus is so not just 'a bag of meat' you big pants-head!

  3. But to put them in amongst the nativity scene?

  4. Speaking of doing a shit...guess who's popped up again on another blog. Only unlike the ownage he got here, this time the guy is admired by the blog host.

  5. I'll confess something: Dan and Dani'el ar almost sycophantish in their support for Sye. It's a little nauseating.

    Sure, I've been guilty on occasion of some backslapping, but never as overtly as these two.


    I still feel badly at having to dismiss the guy, but I'm just not going to put up with well-constructed arguments that are intended to keep you running in circles. To date, I've found nothing intellectually honest in Presupposition...

  6. Debating, or arguing philosophy and philosophical viewpoints with presuppositionalists like syetenb is mental masturbation.

    It may feel good while you do it, but there's no chance that any worthwhile, tangible results cum from it.

    word ver = inest

  7. "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."

    Where sye's argument fails is that even if one does accept supernatural intervention as a presupposition for logic, it does not neccessarily follow that the creator is the Christian god.

    That is no more than his personal belief.

    I'd like to see him "logic" his way out of that without using biblical circular reasoning.

  8. Ben,

    Why is circular reasoning invalid according to your worldview?


  9. One more thing, Ben; I hope you don't mind, but I stole your recent post on the age of the earth to use in a discussion with John over at his blog.

    His response was the typical hand-waving and ad hoc excuses that creationists employ when faced with actual evidence. I was kind of disappointed; I thought he might at least take a look at what was on offer.

    I think the following quote typifies his response;

    "Naw, I don't think so." response to the 700,000 ice layer thing! How do you argue - not even argue, how do you converse with someone like that?

  10. ExPatMat asked

    Why is circular reasoning invalid according to your worldview?

    I don't know if it is invalid, as much as it is insufficient.

    If someone says that the flood story is true because the Bible says it's true, and the Bible is true because the Bible says it's true- That is insufficient without offering additional justification that the Bible is, indeed true.

    The definition I use is-

    Circular reasoning is the basing of two conclusions each upon the other (or possibly with more intermediate steps). That is, if you follow a chain of arguments and conclusions (a proof or series of proofs), one of the conclusions is presumed by an earlier conclusion.

    While arguments made using circular reasoning can be considered valid , either side of the argument leans heavily upon the other under an assumed truth basis.

    An example-

    Deductive Reasoning (Valid)

    Sports Fan #1:
    What makes you say Australian Rules Football is the most exciting sport in the world?

    Sports Fan #2:
    Because it is the fastest and highest scoring form of football, and whatever is the fastest and highest scoring form of football must be the most exciting sport in the world.

    Circular Reasoning (Fallacious)

    Sports Fan #1:
    What makes you say Australian Rules Football is the most exciting sport in the world?

    Sports Fan #2:
    Because it is.

    Did that help?

  11. in response to the 700,000 ice layer thing! How do you argue - not even argue, how do you converse with someone like that?

    Being the Elitist Bastard™ that I am, I would probably give them a nice bible coloring book, and some crayons, and let them have at it!

  12. I don't know if I find this funny or not, but it doesn't seem that they 'discriminate' since they have other world leaders in the same 'pose'.

    Crazy fer-ners.

  13. LAOF-

    The caganer (lieterally defacator) represents fertility and equality.

  14. literally

    note to self- preview is my (your?)friend.

  15. Send a Caganer video Happy Holiday card to your friends-

    Jingle Bells!


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