Sunday, December 7, 2008

Chritmas Card From a Hooker in Minneapolis (With Silent Night Intro)

Kind of off topic guys, but since it's that time of year, I'd like to wish everyone (even you trolls) Happy Holidays.

Here's one of my favorite Christmas songs, from one of my favorite artists ever, Tom Waits.

This is what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.


  1. It's even funnier when you think of him talking to Charlie Brown =D

    This is my kinda Christmas music for sure!

  2. Indeed, it is great to know that there are other Tom Waits fans around.

  3. Thanks for that, NM! I love Tom Waits...

    Mr Doyle, I've only been to one live appearance, but it was extremely memorable.

    Tom showed up at the Orpheum in Boston maybe 10 years ago; it's small and holds maybe 3000 seats, and the decor is straight out of the old school theater - bright red curtains, columns etched and painted with all sorts of stuff. Balcony seating for groups of 5 or 6. Fantastic place.

    Anyhoo, when our 6 friends were waiting to get into the show, we met a guy with his son who were walking around outside trying to get tickets. He must have been in his early 50s, and his son was probably 14 or so. We had 1 ticket that no one had purchased, so we sold it to them.

    The guy said he wanted his son to go, and talked with us a bit to make sure it'd be ok if we watched after him. He spent a lot of time talking about how he wanted his kid to understand what real showmanship was all about, and that today's music lacked sincerity and depth.

    The son loved that show just as much as we did :) It says a lot, imho, that Tom's appeal spans several generations...

  4. WEM,

    That's a fantastic story. That just made my day.

  5. I have no comment about Waite.
    I just wanted to post something with today's date.

  6. LAOF,

    You just wanted to post in my thread. Just admit it.

  7. LAOF, I'm sincere when i say this: Tom Waits is very much worth spending time trying to understand.

    He's a bit of a musical Bukowski: full of flaws, sad and happy and bitter and jaded and funny and very cautiously hopeful. It literally took me 3 years to finally "get it" - most of that time I spent being annoyed by his voice.

    The Tom Waits Tree

    I now understand and love the guy :)

  8. And he ain't a bad actor when he puts his mind to it.

  9. NM -

    You've got it! But no snarkiness.


    It's not that I haven't heard of Waits or enjoyed his music before... I just had nothing significant to add.

    (apology to TW for mispelling his name in my first post, wasn't really worth the effort to repost to change one letter.)

  10. NM,

    You have to check out Tom Waits and others on this Disney album...

    I'm not a Disney guy, but this CD is truly great:

    Scroll down and listen to the samples...


  11. Thanks so much for posting this. I'm somewhat of a Waits fan but I had never heard this...and such a beautiful version, too.

  12. NM,

    When I was a college freshman and alone in my dorm room on quiet nights, Tom Waits was very often what I listened to as I drank the beer that the Korean deli sold me without checking my ID.

    You know that feeling of great and dramatic sorrow that people feel at that age... Waits holds a special place in my heart and brings up weird emotions that I haven't felt since I was much younger.

    ...and he gets of the therapist's couch and strolls to the fridge for another beer from his Saranac variety case.

  13. Geoff,

    You know that feeling of great and dramatic sorrow that people feel at that age...

    Yep. I'm still feeling it. I have a blog that is totally and completely separate from anything here that has been dedicated to years of it.

    I've always thought you of as intelligent and insightful, due to our emails. Now you've confirmed it. :)

  14. Wait -

    So, NM, you confirm Geoff as 'intelligent and insightful' by his choice of music?


  15. LAOF,

    I thought of him that way before.

    Now, without further ado, take your troll ass out of my thread.

  16. Wow - and I thought we were free to leave our comments 'so long as it's on topic and not spam'.

    Trolling or not...

  17. LAOF,

    You are free to. I asked you not to. Is it really that hard to understand?

    Why do you care what I think about Geoff? What possible difference does this make to you?

    It doesn't.

    It's just Tuesday- morning- asshole- time- with- LOAF.

    Not interested.

  18. Actually, NM, it was just a question.

    I'll do as you ask. Sorry for this last post.

  19. LAOF,

    What I'm frustrated with is the seeming lack of ability for a lot of folks around here to pass Reading Comprehension 101. It goes like this:

    Someone makes a post. 5 people in comments ask 35 stupid questions that could have easily been answered just by reading the post.

    It makes no sense. It didn't used to be that way.

    In my comment to Geoff I said that I thought of him as intelligent and insightful due to our emails.




    It's right there in black and white.

    His taste in music was a secondary confirmation.

    How hard is it to read a comment and ascertain that?

    Not very.

  20. The kid that is highlighted in this video, I predict, is the next Joe Cocker, only better.


Unlike Ray we don't censor our comments, so as long as it's on topic and not spam, fire away.

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