Thursday, December 4, 2008

All hail science!!! (and reductionistic materialism)


  1. For so long I've pussyfooted around subscribing to the CleeseCast. No more.

  2. Another fine example that the 'lab coat' automatically makes you the true authority.

    Silly scientists

  3. "Another fine example that the 'lab coat' automatically makes you the true authority.

    Silly scientists"

    That comes from a person who admitted that he starved his sick wife to the point that she was puking green bile.

    The sick and twisted logic you employ on your own blog is never gonna make it here.

    I will not take the time to show that you are a twisted mother fucker because anyone can go over to your blog and see for themselves.

    You are very talented to a certain degree, and that talent is totally directed at escaping any logical argument that comes before you to defend what seems to be an irrational belief system that you use to keep your family under your total control.

    You are very very sick puppy, Dan.

    I especially love it when you totally dismiss a person's logical argument because you think they were not "civil" or some other horseshit excuse.

    Yes, Dan, I know you better than you know yourself and I can prove it if I want to.

    You might just want to get your righteous ass back to where it came from because you are interfacing in a well vetted blog where nothing is taken for granted and even regular posters are called out on mistakes in logic.

    You do not operate on logic. You operate on infantile whining and sniveling excuses for your irrational belief system.

    You are totally culturally conditioned to your belief system and it has left you without any ability whatsoever to introspectively investigate your motives even though they are readily apparant to everbody else.

    Having said all that,

    Have a nice day, butthole.

  4. Dammit, I've always wondered why I keep watching Nicholas Cage movies. There like a hormone replacement program to cure it you think?

  5. I was at a well vetted blog once, but the well ran dry, so I had to get the vet trucked in.

    Damn near lost 2 dogs and a duck.

    (Psst - Rufus, now you say
    Why a duck?)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Froggie,

    "I especially love it when you totally dismiss a person's logical argument because you think they were not "civil" or some other $#%# excuse."

    I have moved past that a while ago. In fact the guideline for commenting are as follows:

    "11/17/2008 New rules:

    Bring your "A" game. If you have one."

    "You do not operate on logic. You operate on infantile whining and sniveling excuses for your irrational belief system."

    Mwahahahah Did you just read your comment? The whole comment to me is "one big infantile whining and sniveling."

    Thanks for the laughs, at least I can count on you for that.

  8. Dan,
    You said,

    "Mwahahahah Did you just read your comment? The whole comment to me is "one big infantile whining and sniveling."

    No, actually it was a professional observation. I was descibing you. Describing the countenance of another as I see them is no way connected to what you do.

    That is one of your infamtile ploys; projecting. It is seldom successful and is never used in serious debates.

    You are busted again.

  9. By the way, Dan, I can prove that you have not moved "Past that."

    I an elated that you admit the error of your ways, but all sociopaths do that same thing. "I did it but I won't do it again"

    I hope you are not beating those beautiful children of yours. Please..if you are stop it now.

  10. Froggie,

    So you are upset that I don't "conform" to your way of doing things? You call me twisted and a very very sick puppy among other things.

    Are these not abusive terms to induce the party its directed towards to conform to your way of doing things or thinking? You are in tern trying to control me.

    You said that I am "totally culturally conditioned to your belief system"

    So this upsets you because it doesn't conform to your way of thinking or belief system?

    You said: "You might just want to get your righteous ass back to where it came from ..."

    Mwahahahah OK control freak!

    Take your own advice: It is obvious that you are incapable of discussion without your "guidelines."

    You might want to add hypocrite to your list of 'acceptable behavior' to discuss things with you. Pfft!

  11. Dan,

    Sociopaths like you always leave a long list of clues behind them to anyone trined in recognizing this behaviour. You don't know you do it but you do it.

    Here is an example. At one point you mentioned those bad people at your work were mean to you.

    You also admit that you cannot find work and you stay home every day. You are incapable of figuring out why you are not accepted in the workplace.

    Do you want to venture a guess why that is?

    Maybe people are not going to stand to be controlled by a foolish and ignorant person?

    You better step back and thin about this. I think you are in deeper trouble than you are ready to admit, and if that is the case, I would be ready to help you in any way that I can.

  12. "So you are upset that I don't "conform" to your way of doing things? You call me twisted and a very very sick puppy among other things."

    Here we go projecting again.

    You are the one that makes up all the rules for anyone that wants to communicate with you. Not me. And I will not tolerate your irrational arguments.

    You came here on an even playing field and you cannot take the criticism without falling back on your irrational claims. Like I said. That hoseshit won't work outside your "Guidelines."

  13. "So this upsets you because it doesn't conform to your way of thinking or belief system?"

    No. I have been shown to make mistakes many times and I use logic to work through those criticisms and the validity thereof.
    You, as a sociopath must be right each and every time or you are never satisfied. When confronted with a completely logical argument, do through copipus gyrations but your only objective is to try to win an argument, no matter how dishonest and disengenuous you need to be to do it.

    You are a sociopath and nothing you can say at this point is going to change my opinion.

    I have spent several months at your site and I have come to these conclusions.

    You came to conclusions about me the first time I commented on your blog and you were way off base.

    I have been watching you and trying to communicate with you and now I am merely presenting my opinion.

    You need a good kick in the ass for your hideous rationale. n I just hope you are not hurting your family in the meantime, but I suspect that they are also victims of your sociopathy.

    Yes, I am concerned and it is you who have sparked this concern with your irrational comments.

  14. BF,

    It is telling that Dan portrays himself cringing, insecurely clutching his bible.

    That is how sociopaths like to portray themselves; the misunderstood pathetic losers while making their own rules for eveyone else to conform to their own pathetic beliefs.

  15. Froggie,

    "Here is an example. At one point you mentioned those bad people at your work were mean to you.

    You also admit that you cannot find work and you stay home every day. You are incapable of figuring out why you are not accepted in the workplace.

    Do you want to venture a guess why that is?"

    Now this is getting rich and your honor is on the line. Since you obviously have no clue where I worked I am now very curious as to where you got your information.

    Please prove to me that you know what you are talking about and I will listen.

    Please prove the following points:

    1) Show me where I said "bad people at my work were mean to me and please keep it in context.

    2) Show me where I admitted that I cannot find work and that is why I stay home every day.

    3) Show me proof of me being incapable of figuring out why I am not accepted in the workplace.

    Otherwise you are a fraud for all to see here.

    I am getting my popcorn for this one. I can't wait.

  16. BF,

    I didn't know the Ebert's thing existed. This one right?

    I never liked Ebert and being from Schaumburg, IL I heard his dribble a great deal growing up. I was more of a Siskel fan myself. But I will read it.

  17. Dan,

    Remember, we are not playing by your "rules" here.

    I have taken eveything from your own words. I am leaving this to the opinion of asnyone that wants to read your blog.

    You don't work.

    You starved your wife.

    You spank your kids.

    You have admitted all that.

    What would you have us conclude?

  18. Froggie the fraud

    You see! Let it be known to everyone on this blog that Froggie could not answer my three simple requests of proof for his vial accusations.

    Froggie lashes out to those who love him, like myself.

    Take care Golem oh I mean Froggie. I still love you and for whatever its worth I forgive you.

    PS. you're evil.

  19. Dan defends hinself thusly:

    "I never liked Ebert"

    There you go. You fend off all criticism with that statement. Nobody is falling for that type of lame excuse.

    I hope you realize that if I am under fire from a critic who quotes a professional as a source, all I have to do is say is " I never liked him."

    Dan, as I said earlier. your rationale only works at your own blog where you make up the rules to support your sociopathathic views. It does not work here.

    I could use the same line whenever you post the words of one of your gods, like Spugeon, or whoever,

    I could merely state. "I never liked him."

    You have no basis in fact or actuality and you are digging your hole deeper and deeper.

  20. Froggie said "Dan defends hinself thusly:

    "I never liked Ebert"

    There you go. You fend off all criticism with that statement. Nobody is falling for that type of lame excuse."

    Pshaw! Is anyone here buying this?

    First my little student named Froggie, you did what is called a "quote mine" to my comment. Yes I know you know full well what it is but obviously you need to be schooled on it again.

    I don't even need to repeat what I said because there it is. Just to help you out Froggie, what I was doing was called being friendly and sharing with an acknowledgment that I would indeed read it.

  21. Dan.
    You merely dig your hole deeper and deeper.

    As I said earlier, I ask no one to take my word, but to peruse the achives of your own blog.

    If I have erred in any manner I am ready to owe up to it. In fact, I have probably made some minor mistakes. But that does in no way invalidate my opinion or evaluation of your sociopathic condition.

    My advice to you is the samje that I give to my own children; get a job.

  22. Dan says,

    "First my little student named Froggie, you did what is called a "quote mine" to my comment. Yes I know you know full well what it is but obviously you need to be schooled on it again.

    I don't even need to repeat what I said because there it is. Just to help you out Froggie, what I was doing was called being friendly and sharing with an acknowledgment that I would indeed read it."

    Typical word salad.

    Dan, You must realize that word salad is recognized here as... word salad. That statement makes no sense whatsoever.

    deeper and dig your hole.

  23. Dan.
    What you are trying to accomplish is to discredit me. You cannot do that because I have used your own words to show what you are.

    You don't seem to realize that once you make those irational statements, they reside in the record for anyone to see. You cannot erase them.

    You have damned yourself and shown yourself to be a sociopath, making his "rules" that everyone else must obey.

    You might abuse your family with that, but it's not going to work with the general popualation. Your "rules" and "guidlines" don't work outside your limited sphere of influence.

  24. Here we find the words of Jefery Dahmer, immortalized by a quote from Dan:

    "Take care Golem oh I mean Froggie. I still love you and for whatever its worth I forgive you.

    PS. you're evil."

    You love me as you demonize me. Good stuff lil buddy!

  25. Dan plus cross plus's writings appear dangerously similar in feelings and emotions to that notorious email written by Tripplehorn.

    Are fundamentalist pressuppositionalists predisposed to madness, and eventual suicide?

    I suppose.

    Or do I presuppose?

    I can't be 100% certain.

  26. It is very common for sociopaths to starve and beat their family members into submission, and I have communicated with certain others on this very blog that have confided with me about this type of abuse.

    Sometimes I wonder why I am so concerned with this since I did not suffer it myself.

    The reason why is because of a couple personal experiences that I went thouh when I was a young man.

    It is very apparant that the contributors to this blog have been quite frank about their own experiences, That dares back.

    Suffice to say that certain of us are not going ro be taken advantage of due to the precpts of the christian bible.

  27. BF,

    "I can't be 100% certain."

    Welcome to the club!

    Those that do consider themselves 100 per cent certqain are only fooling themseves and no one else.

  28. "First my little student named Froggie,...."

    There you have it again. Dan tries to frame it as though he is the superior being.

    Dan. You might run roughshod over you r wife and kids, but, as I said before, IT Does Not work with rational adults.

    I am sitting here trying to imagine how you must bully your wife and children. I am supposing that it would not be much different from what you are trying to do with us. Are you the POWER over them? I would bet you are, since you have stated that is your goal.

    I'll bet you are very proud of yourself.

  29. "You love me as you demonize me. Good stuff lil buddy!"

    Yea, its called rebuke.

    May God show you the way...

  30. You are right, I don't belong here since I am against juvenile insults and goading.

    I will leave you alone now Froggie It's obvious you feeling are hurt.

    BTW thanks for attempt at admitting that you exaggerated all those lies you said. Thanks for proving my point about you. Instead of getting into spirited discussions and friendly banter you say awful things about me and my family.

    Shame on you, dude.

  31. The Podcast: I laughed. I laughed alot. And Nick Cage is awesome, leave him alone! (Sorry, I watched National Treasure again recently...)

    The argument:
    It's like watching two friends have a scrap. Awwww...

    Froggie: I think you're extrapolating a bit too much from the available information. Dan's got some strange views and is completely unable to examine any evidence that opposes them, and he's done some things that I wholeheartedly condemn (which you mentioned), but somewhere underneath it all I think he's an honest guy with a strange sense of humor. I really do think you're going a bit overboard.

    Dan: Well... like I said, you do some stuff on your own blog that I heatedly disagree with, but there's not really much in this thread to rebuke you on. Oh, here's one: your first post made absolutely no sense whatsoever. What did you mean?

    And now that I've manage to alienate both of you, I'll sink back into the darkness from whence I came.

    "I'll get you next time, Gadget!"

  32. "And that's the meaning of the word: 'Disingenuous'".

    "You use that word, I do not think it means what you think it means..."

    You can gauge how much I've drunk the ingenuity by my posts, can you not?

    "Wait, that's not the opposite of Dis-"
    "What are you, the language queen?"
    "Yes. [British national anthem]"

  33. Quasar,
    No worry mate.
    I won't allow you to alienate me.

    I was hoping someone would stick up for Dan. It's obvious that he does not posess the wherewithal to defend himself.

    Now I feel bad for ripping on him because as my Dad used to say, it is best not to due battle with an unarmed opponent.

  34. 'Disingenuous'

    1. Not straightforward or candid; insincere or calculating

    That would be Dan.

  35. Froggie,

    If you know where he lives, I'd suggest calling social services.

  36. So you are upset that I don't "conform" to your way of doing things?

    I for one am upset that you acting out your fantasy will result in someone ending up dead one day.

  37. how can anyone ever criticize anything Cleese says?

    His whole 'speil' always turns around and attacks and ridicules itself so many times... That's why he's a favorite of mine.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. @ Froggie

    You wrote "I was hoping someone would stick up for Dan."

    I volunteer your lordship.

    Your honour, ladies and gentlemen of the jury...

    Granted the accused is an absudive, irrelevant twat.. An asshole, if you will, with no more right to live on God's green earth than a weasel.

    But your lordship...the defence...rests

    Sorry Danny boy it was the best I could do.


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