Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Youtube Goes Widescreen!

Well, not too many people are taking advantage of it yet, but I bet widescreen webcams are going to be sold like hotcakes soon. I want to share this video with everyone. This video exemplifies exactly what Youtube was made for.

EDIT: Here's a video of Ray Comfort getting absolutely owned by an atheist! Ray even starts to cry at the end.


  1. Kaitlyn, I thought better of you....

  2. I hate you.

    I read of a guy who saw a link to "never going to give you up" thought "hey, i haven't heard that for a while", clicked it ...

    and got reverse rick rolled to a vid of Chocolate Rain

  3. veeeeerrrry funnny.
    Why am I not laughing?

  4. "This video exemplifies exactly what Youtube was made for."

    What exactly IS that, which is exemplified by this video?

    A community where users can post their own videos? Or is your meaning something deeper?

  5. OK,

    That does it!

    I'm going to let loose with some puns, sorry-ass jokes and bon mots that will leave this whole blog groaning till Christmas.

    Buahaha ba rum pum
    (evil laugh with rimshot)

  6. Has anyone rickrolled Ray?

    I'm proud of you for the rickroll, K.

  7. Dear Kaitlyn,



  8. How could I have gotten so old and out of touch that I have no idea what the joke is?

    Sad, really.

  9. "What exactly IS that, which is exemplified by this video?

    A community where users can post their own videos? Or is your meaning something deeper?"

    A community where people can post individual videos with a purpose that otherwise would not have seen the light of day.

    I thought the story and video was absolutely wonderful. And the message was spectacular about accepting people regardless of their sexual orientation. Don't you agree? Didn't you like that video?

  10. I thought the story and video was absolutely wonderful. And the message was spectacular about accepting people regardless of their sexual orientation.

    I take issue with the production values. The lighting was poor, the animation unconvincing. The frame rate clocked in at about 1 per second, and I even saw the director's hand at times. Laughably amateurish!

    Pwah ha ha!

  11. NM wrote:

    "Has anyone rickrolled Ray?"

    No, because he would be the first person in the history of the world to get rickrolled, listen to the whole song while tapping his feet, and then hit replay.

  12. Aw man, I got rickrolled.

    I did the ultimate rickroll to someone on another forum, though: I posted a printscreen of the Youtube video, and someone admitted to thinking it was an actual video (despite not being able to post video's on that forum), and that it might some sort of parody and thus worth watching, and attempted to click it.

  13. And Geoff: you just won the golden jetsparrow. (Yet another obscure reference)

  14. You have let me down on an epic level :)

  15. "You have let me down on an epic level :)"

    But hopefully, I'll never give you up.

  16. Ray Comfort crying? I knew it was too good to be true!

  17. Kaitlyn -

    I think the story was sappy and the video was poor quality (for similar reasons to those expressed by FS).

    That being said, I couldn't have done it better... I have too much work on my hands to get involved with 'videography'. Wish I could, tho... been kicking ideas around since college on some 'projects'.

  18. Liked the first video...and that was the first time I've ever been rickrolled...damn!

  19. Kaitlyn's got that Innocent thing going on; could be her avatar.

    'Rolled me with ease...


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