Friday, November 28, 2008

Yeah, Jenny McCarthy


  1. More puppet rants:

  2. Oooops. Ben Stein:

  3. I've read of Jenny's views on this a couple weeks ago, right after the most definitive study yet done was released that shows there is no causality.

    She knows she has a national platform to speak from, so she is using it to spport a belif that she holds onto, despite the evidence to the contrary.

    Just your normal hollywood star appealing to the cretens that consider them gods because they are good actors. Happens all the time.

  4. Over the summer I was sitting in the doctor's office when a conversation happened between 2 women within earshot of me. It went something like this:

    Woman 1 : My grandson is autistic and...blah blah blah...

    Woman 2: Oh, that's why I won't have my kid vaccinated. That's where the autism comes from !

    Woman 1: I've read a lot of scientific studies and they all conclude that autism does not come from....*Woman 2 talks right over her and says:

    It does cause it! I read this thing online...

    I have no idea if Woman 2 was a Jenny-ite or not but her final statement made her sound really, really stupid. I feel bad for her kids. Not only will they not get the vaccinations that could potentially save them from a disease that could kill them, but if their mother believes 'things she reads online' over scientific evidence, then they will most likely be raised to treat pseudoscience as more valid than actual scientific research and probably might not even know the difference.

  5. Froggie (croaker?) said...

    Just your normal hollywood star appealing to the cretens that consider them gods because they are good actors. Happens all the time.

    Yeah but she's no ordinary air headed starlette. Don't forget Playboy centerfold. Gravitas, my friend.

  6. Since when is Jenny McCarthy a good actress?

  7. The vaccination thing is even worse than just people harming their children. Depending on how contagious a disease is, as few as about 5% of the population foolishly going without a vaccine can cause an epidemic. Every time it gets under control, the morons who don't care give it a safe haven to survive until the next outbreak, where it'll mutate and become resistant, so the whole previous development of vaccines has to be done all over again.
    They are putting your children and your grandchildren at risk, and bseides that cause huge costs to society.

  8. She claims to be an indigo mom...

  9. Rufus,

    Jenny McCartney is at least as good an actress as Chuck Norris is an actor!

    So there!

  10. Felix,

    Well said, I wish theose people could see the harm they are causing.

  11. Yes, Froggie; they should do a remake of Casablanca.

    An Indigo Mom and her son is a Crystal. Children of the New Earth. Logic H. Reason!Science help us!

  12. This video made me want to look up nude photos of Jenny McCarthy. Mmmm...Stoopid Gurlz Iz Purty!


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