Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This Caught My Eye

I'm sure most of you are familiar with the right wing rag, World Net Daily. If not here is a fairly typical article they publish. They have a rather large audience. I never read it anymore, but Ed Brayton picked off this one.

Wait! Before you go there, you must know that this is the mouthpiece of Chuck Norris. Yes, the highly esteemed actor and arbitor of all morals in the United States. He has some pretty zany companions including Mike Huckabee, et al.

Proceed at your own risk.


  1. This is a slight tangent but, this reminds me of a documentary I watched. I can't remember what it was called but this one douche bag was trying to find evidence for the Moses story. In it he would put forth a theory and then after a commercial break his theory was then talked about as if it were fact, without any evidence or reason. I was really disappointed and shocked because it was on the History Channel (I have since lost respect for them)!

  2. The History Channel has some good programming, but it's an embarrassment overall. UFOs? Monsters? And when it comes to real history, bet it'll be a Nazi-themed show. The channel's focus on Nazis often seems less like historical interest and more like fetishism.

  3. From the World Nut Daily article, while hawking Kovak's new book-

    "Women's breasts are celebrated in the Bible"

    Take that, Ray Comfort!

    Carry on, Maragon!

  4. That's true, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a tv channel would show programs that are meant to bring in high ratings. UFO's, monsters, nazi's and Hitler all attrack attention. Same with the sharks on the Discovery Channel.

  5. The history channel is the TV personification of Godwins law.

  6. Benjamin F,

    Ray himself quoted the Bible as saying that!


    I wonder about all the other parts, and about which parts women are allowed to enjoy on their husbands.

  7. I smell Indiana Jones V coming soon.

    And I don't know about The History Channel. Tonight was the premiere of a new season of The Universe. Tomorrow night it's liable to be Fairies at the Bottom of the Well Discovered by Bigfoot and James Cameron.

  8. Ray seems a little obsessed with sex and breasts. I could be wrong but maybe all his talk about atheists being lustful, fornicators, obsessed with the female form, ect. is just projection.

  9. James Cameron! That's it the documentary was The Exodus Decoded! Horrible, horrible "documentary"!!

  10. Rev,
    "James Cameron! That's it the documentary was The Exodus Decoded! Horrible, horrible "documentary"!!"

    I was embarassed for Cameron. He comes up with about 5 pieces of atifacts to try and prove he Exodus Myth.

    If three million Hebrews would have roamed the Sanai for all those years, with their animals, foundries, campsites, etc, stc, the Sainai would be conver with atifacts/ features yet the area has been scoured for the last fifty years and not so much as a pottery shard has been found.

    On one fundy site a hapless apologetic piped in and said the dinosours probable ate all the stuff.

    Man o man.

  11. Revenant wrote Ray seems a little obsessed with sex and breasts.

    Really, say what you want about the man, but I can't fault him for this...

  12. Froggie
    "On one fundy site a hapless apologetic piped in and said the dinosours probable ate all the stuff."
    A perfect example of why a Poe is so hard to spot!

    "Really, say what you want about the man, but I can't fault him for this..."
    I only fault him for not excepting/embracing his own natural desire(s). Oh and also for him trying to force his nuttery on others!


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