Saturday, November 22, 2008


I'm very irritable this morning, Saturday morning, since I had to get up at 4:30 am to come to the lab. However, this cheered me up. I'm a sinner >:)


  1. I like how they are crying. That made me smile.

  2. Transporting a large ungainly object on the shoulders of four elderly men has never caused an accident in the history of the world. Nope. Nuh-uh.

    It's kinda surprising -- or not -- that nobody took the opportunity to hurl themselves underneath the statue to prevent the smash. I thought martyrdom was a good thing?

  3. I knew the instant I saw the first frame they were gonna dump that bitch.

    They apparently had no conception of high center of gravity.
    I liked the way the one old fucker goes over, dusts of a little piece of sumthin and walks off. Why are they all walking off?

  4. Yeah, he was the one that caused the whole thing.

  5. "Why are they all walking off?"

    Perhaps they were worried about mob behavior? I'd get the fuck out of there too....those nuns up front looked vicious!!

  6. Did you notice the old guy that caused it doesn't look all that concerned? Kinda like he did this before.

    Hey Clos. What's happenin at the Lab this AM?

    Something cool I hope, like lobotomizing Zebra fish or maybe better?

  7. "Did you notice the old guy that caused it doesn't look all that concerned? Kinda like he did this before."

    Ah shit, broke another one! Jesus Christ!

    "Hey Clos. What's happenin at the Lab this AM?

    Something cool I hope, like lobotomizing Zebra fish or maybe better?"

    Just growing bacteria...inoculated overnight, needed to get in early before they started growing....actually, I have captured the Holy Spirit and I am performing experiments on it now. Buhahahahaaaaa!!! Who knew a spirit has genitals? I'm testing reflex to gator clips and applied voltage, and I don't need a control!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. "and I don't need a control!"

    What? There's no such thing as a placebo Holy Spirit?

    Have we just committed the unpardonable sin?

  10. I deny the holy spirit.
    I hope that is sufficiently blasphemous to qualify as the unpardonable sin. ***spit***

  11. "get them before they start growing"

    Robbing the cradle again?

    And what other heinous activities are you going to inflict on the poor little gys?

  12. "I deny the holy spirit."

    Well, said spirit doesn't deny the existence of electricity, that is for damn sure! Burnt spirit is surprisingly stinky.

    (I have no doubt that this string of humor would qualify as spite of this, my heartrate remains normal)

  13. "Robbing the cradle again?

    And what other heinous activities are you going to inflict on the poor little gys?"

    LOL! Hey if there are pili on the field....Actually, I am literally feeding them steroids....and then I am going to pop them open using noxious chemicals and tiny silica beads and examine their guts!!

  14. Clos,

    "Actually, I am literally feeding them steroids....and then I am going to pop them open using noxious chemicals and tiny silica beads and examine their guts!!"

    Way cool! You lucky bum!

    Please send me some guts so I can use them in my studies to become a Haruspex.

  15. "Please send me some guts so I can use them in my studies to become a Haruspex."

    A field actually funded by the Bush administration, along with the field of astrology and crystal healing. Unfortunately, the outgoing admin didn't feel that money should be allocated to nonsense like biochemistry, molecular biology, and least of all, evilution.

  16. I had to google "Haruspex"

    Once again my general knowledge expands thankst to Ratreactors


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