Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Romans 13

How many of the true Christians out there do you think will obey God's Word in this case?


  1. Go to the Fox News web site and check out the Why McCain Lost thread. It's hilarious. in fact.


  2. Hilarious indeed. Especially since I can only see that type of bigoted, racist, conspiracy-nut insane and deranged views fading to the obscurity the rest of the sane world has long ago ranged them in.
    I could see the pain on McCain's face when he realized who many of the people supporting him were at his speech.
    America has decided it doesn't need the intellophobes to progress anymore.
    Welcome to the future. Welcome to humanity.

  3. I wonder how Terry will cope with his new 'Muslim' president?

  4. BTW, it's only funny because they lost. Imagine if they'd won..?

    Ah well, Palin 2012...? Hey, isn't 2012 when the conspiracy theorists say the world is going to end..? Hmmmm...


  5. I posted a comment on Terry's most recent anti-Obama blog, but he moderates, so i don't know if he'll allow it. I just wrote that God must have wanted Obama to be President after all. And I mentioned that passage from Romans. I plan to break my streak of not posting at Ray's to remind all the true Christians about it as well. Waiting to see what Ray has to say. And Daniel.

  6. I think the Republicans by and large know very well how much Palin has contributed to this outcome.
    It was obvious McCain knows, by the way he mentioned Palin in his concession speech.
    I don't think they will consider nominating such a person again in 2012. The voices from the fringe have lost credibility and influence in the GOP, and their only option will be to run a new platform. For loyal Republicans conscious of their tradition, the pandering to the uneducated strategy is off the table, unless they were more ignorant than I think they are.

  7. This is bad news and a sad day for Christians. But this is God's judgement on the world. We are living in the last days for sure.

  8. Jean- correct me if I'm wrong, but, hasn't it been the last days for about, oh I dunno, 2000 years now? Have fun wasting you're life waiting for that jesus guy.

  9. Latest report from Fox News:

    the sky is falling...THE **SKY** IS FALLING.......

    Hey Jean, you aren't alone:

    "Comment by homeschoolmom
    November 4th, 2008 at 11:20 pm

    The Anti-Christ has come. Welcome to the end times."

    Jean, isn't a little egotistical to think that the end of the world will start in the US? You realise that 95% of the population of Earth lives OUTSIDE the US...right?

    Great news, but for most of us it's of passing interest only. It hardly matters either way who won. I'm glad it was Obama though, he seems nice.

  10. Anyone remember where Jinx had posted on Ray's blog that McCain would win? I'd like to save that and shove it down his throat sometime.

  11. Rufus,

    I am having a field day on that fox link, thank you.

  12. Anyone remember where Jinx had posted on Ray's blog that McCain would win? I'd like to save that and shove it down his throat sometime.

    I don't think it's wise to go nyah-nee-nah-nah now. The election result and the coming years of no-apocalypse-happening and no-mosque-on-the-White-House-front-yard will crack a few mind-walls. If this turns some people who were up to now just ignorant, bigoted, verbally ridiculous nutters, into radical, militant nutters, it makes dealing with them that much easier.

  13. Jean spaketh thusly:

    "This is bad news and a sad day for Christians. But this is God's judgement on the world. We are living in the last days for sure."

    Wow, I can't believe how predictable the fundamentalist Christian crowd actually is! Let me guess; if McCain had won, that would have been down to God hearing the True Christians'(TM) prayers?

    Here was me, thinking that Obama won because more people voted for him, silly me!


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