Tuesday, November 18, 2008

PZ? Philly? PZ! Philly!

The great atheist blogger and biologist
PZ Myers
is in my town of Philadelphia this week to attend events associated with the
city's Year of
commemoration. If there are any of you from the area, hopefully
you can make some of the events. And PZ will be at the hipster dive bar (my
words) Tattooed Mom's Thursday night with the
Drinking Skeptically group, so
you can raise a glass to reason with him, some other skeptics, and one of your
fellow Raytractors, me.


  1. Raise one for me, Geoff! I missed him when he came to Toronto because it was Halloween and I was busy dressing up as zombie-jesus...

    hmmm...must dig out those photos...

  2. I really wish it wasn't a 7 hour drive to Philly. I'd love to buy PZ a beer or three...

  3. Matt,

    Do you mean as in Prof. Farnsworth yelling, "Sweet Zombie Jesus!"?

  4. Geoff,

    I do indeed.

    Actually, a buddy of mine dressed up as Farnsworth a couple of years ago - it was going well until he refused to stop prefacing every sentence with "Good News!!..." as he'd been doing all night.

    "Good News!! everybody....I'm off to the toilet"

  5. Matt, didn't know you lived here, too. But of us Raytractors are up here, weird.

    I was planning on goin to PZ, but realized that the topic of discussion was probably not relevant to Canadian life - we don't have such a division in education and science like the US does. I admire me some Pharyngula but I had the offer of free homemade pizza and wine before Rocky Horror. Part of me feels rather disappointed I didn't go, but part of me gets enough of the subject matter online that I don't need a conversation about it.

  6. OT:

    Matt (and other Radiohead fans),

    Here's the complete playlist of Radiohead's Bonnaroo performance, with the songs in the order they were played:


    You can use this site to copy them to your own hard drive:


  7. Hey Geoff

    I haven't been around here in a while now, been busy as all hell with work. But I just caught this post. I'm actually right outside Philly and would love to check this out. But I checked the time on the link and it says starts at 6pm so I might not be able to get there that early.
    If you see this post could you please respond to let me know how late these things usally last or just shoot me an email, my address is on my blog page.


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