Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Open Letter to Rev. Arnold Conrad:

I don't know if you kids remember the good Reverend Arnold Conrad...he's the nutjob who offered the following prayer during a McCain rally in Davenport, Iowa:

I would also pray Lord that your reputation is involved in all that happens between now and November, because there are millions of people around this world praying to their God -- whether it's Hindu, Buddha, Allah -- that his [McCain’s] opponent wins for a variety of reasons.

And Lord I pray that you would guard your own reputation, because they’re going to think that their god is bigger than you, if that happens. So I pray that you would step forward and honor your own name in all that happens between now and Election Day.

Oh Lord, we just commit this time to you, move among us, make your presence very well felt as we are gathered here today in Jesus's name I pray.

As the risk of sounding "arrogant", I would like to pose the following question to Reverend Conrad, as well as all the Fundie nuts who subscribe to this sort of diseased thinking (Ray, I'm looking at you):

Where's your god now?


  1. Obviously his god is where it's always been. Which is nowhere...

  2. I'm shocked to think that anyone is so stupid to think Hindu and Buddha are gods.

    I can't believe he didn't list the god Shinto and Tao.

  3. Yes, you do sound arrogant, but I'm sure there'd be no stopping you.

  4. As the pictures from Obama's relatives's Kenya village showed, the Christian priests were rooting for him there. Guess they must be false Christians, being all Catholic (apparently). No Imam there.
    No, the Hindu gods and the Muslim god didn't bother with this election.

    The American people did, nobody else.

  5. Felix -

    Where'd you see those pictures? Were they live or do you have a URL for them?

    Appreciate it.


  6. Come on, laof, it's pretty funny.

    Actually, before I form a misguided opinion of your views on this subject;

    Do you believe in the power of prayer to encourage/incite/compel etc, God to intercede in everyday human life on behalf of the person doing the praying?

    Appreciate it.


  7. Perhaps he's sleeping? Maybe he's on a walk? Perhaps Christians should cut themselves to garner his favor, or wail louder?

    Sadly, my smug satire above is likely lost on Christians, at least in part -- they don't realize that I'm only making fun of them, not McCain's loss. Obviously, had McCain won, those same Fundies who are today claiming that god has some deeper purpose in mind would instead be clamoring to be the first to say, "See? Our god is in charge after all!"



  8. laof,
    they broadcast the live video on CNN during the coverage. I don't know if it's available online.
    Could have been Anglican priests, since their white and purple robes look very similar to Catholic vestments.
    They were shown walking ahead of a crowd of villagers, not doing anything particularly Catholic.
    The Obama family living there is devoutly Christian, as this video states (not the one CNN aired last night):
    They have a local church, and a mosque isn't mentioned. Obama's grandmother doesn't call God 'Allah'.
    His uncle states that they are a multireligious family, so the muslim side is probably that of Obama's grandfather, hence the middle family name Hussein and the first name of his uncle, Said, the brother of Obama's father.

  9. LivingAsOneFreed sez:

    Yes, you do sound arrogant, but I'm sure there'd be no stopping you.

    Fundies claim to know the will of God, and zealously seek to impose that will on everyone else. Some Fundies even make the claim that God talks directly to them, and directly intercedes on their behalf on a regular basis.

    ...but I'm the arrogant one. Priceless.

  10. t-m monkey said:

    "...but I'm the arrogant one. Priceless."

    By your own words, you said:
    "As the risk of sounding "arrogant"...

    I agreed; you sounded arrogant.

    Do you retract that now?

  11. Felix -

    Thanks for that info.

    I don't really know a lot about Obama's family outside the US. Not even sure of his mother's full story. I thought she was a U.S. citizen - is that correct? Was she Peace Corp or something?

    All just thinking out loud. I guess I'll pick up one of his bios and read it closely now. See if anything has changed since he wrote it.

  12. LivingAsOneFreed sez:

    By your own words, you said:
    "As the risk of sounding "arrogant"...

    I agreed; you sounded arrogant.

    Do you retract that now?

    Read my own words again. Read carefully.

    Note the use of quotation marks around the word "arrogant".

  13. read my replies carefully....

    If you still don't understand, look up the meaning for 'sounded'.

  14. LivingAsOneFreed sez:

    read my replies carefully....

    If you still don't understand, look up the meaning for 'sounded'.


    I can never tell if the theists are being deliberately obtuse or genuinely stupid. I suppose it doesn't really matter, either way.

  15. TripMasterMonkey
    Ok, I retract my statement that you only sound arrogant.

    You are arrogant and your denial doesn't make it any less so.

    Not to pay a compliment to you, but arrogance isn't always a bad thing. It's an attitude.

    You can be arrogant and right, or arrogant and wrong. I'm sure you feel you're in the right. I made a statement as to the appearance of your statement. You took it as an insult.

    How can you deal with those you consider 'stupid and/or obtuse' with such a hair-trigger temper?

    I can only guess that you wanted to elicit some response from me so that you can include it in your 'definition' of 'theists you know'. Perhaps you have some notion that you're doing a good work, sort of like helping out those 'less fortunate' than yourself.

  16. LivingAsOneFreed sez:

    Ok, I retract my statement that you only sound arrogant.

    You are arrogant and your denial doesn't make it any less so.

    And here we go.

    Apparently, merely drawing your attention to the quotes around "arrogant" was insufficient. You seem to require a detailed map.

    When I said "At the risk of sounding "arrogant", I was making a reference to the tendency of the theist to unjustifiably label the atheist as such, despite the fact that the theist is obviously the arrogant one in the conversation. I elaborated on this in my first response to you, and you responded by attempting to play semantics with me. I responded by drawing your attention to the quotes around 'arrogant", and you responded with deliberate obtuseness (I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here). My response to that was to write off the conversation as a bad job and walk away, and for that, you strengthen your original accusation of "arrogance".

    In short, your conduct has perfectly supported my original post. Kudos.

    Not to pay a compliment to you, but arrogance isn't always a bad thing. It's an attitude.

    Actually, yes, it is always a bad thing. If you disagree, please give us an example of arrogance being a good thing.

    You can be arrogant and right, or arrogant and wrong. I'm sure you feel you're in the right. I made a statement as to the appearance of your statement. You took it as an insult.

    Really? You're going to sit there and try to tell me that "Yes, you do sound arrogant, but I'm sure there'd be no stopping you." wasn't intended to be insulting?

    It's amusing how theists can be so preoccupied with Truth (uppercase T), and at the same time so unconcerned with truth (lowercase t).

    How can you deal with those you consider 'stupid and/or obtuse' with such a hair-trigger temper?

    "Hair-trigger temper"?

    Please provide evidence to substantiate this claim.

    I can only guess that you wanted to elicit some response from me so that you can include it in your 'definition' of 'theists you know'.

    Well, if that was my aim, your accusation of arrogance would have filled the bill admirably.

    Perhaps you have some notion that you're doing a good work, sort of like helping out those 'less fortunate' than yourself.

    If I can get even one of you to think any more clearly, I consider my time well spent.

  17. God has desired a ruler who will uphold Godly principles as laws for the entire nation in only one case; Israel. In every gentile nation, that has never Biblicaly been a factor in who he wants to rule, and a Christian believes that no ruler has power that God doesn't allow them to have.

    I, as a Christian, know what God's will for my life is. I know what God's will for his people is. I haven't got a bloomin clue what he has planned for the United States of America. USA does not have a contract with God, as much as some people would like to believe that we do.

  18. Well said Rob, now if you could pass that on to the rest of your brothers and sisters in Christ, it's be much appreciated.

    Now, I'm going to go pray to the mighty God; Hindu - he knows how to get a man elected around here...

  19. expatmatt - 5 stars, a coffee sprayed on keyboard moment.

  20. TMM said:

    "If I can get even one of you to think any more clearly, I consider my time well spent."

    And I consider that yet another example of your arrogance.

    'Oh Thank you Sir, may I have another thought-provoking quote from the mind of the Omniscient TripMaster Monkey!'

    As far as my statment that 'arrogance' can sometimes be 'good' - try taking a Dale Carnegie course sometime, when you can be freed for a moment from your fawning subjects.

  21. Rob,

    God has desired a ruler who will uphold Godly principles as laws for the entire nation in only one case; Israel

    You got me worried there ...


  22. @ get education:

    You got me worried there ...



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