Friday, November 7, 2008

Obama babies

Here's a concept to give the screaming horrors to the religious right.

While hundreds of thousands of Democrats took to the streets on Tuesday night, others chose to celebrate in more intimate ways, if conversations among bloggers are anything to go by.

"I watched Obama's acceptance speech, heart – and loins – swelled alike," wrote Mia on the blog.
"My loving man gave my hand a squeeze, and I was filled with a wondrous, deep and primal desire to embrace him and celebrate life. And even – now that we have a prayer of creating for them a worthy world – to make life, to make babies."


A contributor to Yahoo Answers was a litte more direct: "I had good sex while simultaneously watching Obama's victory on CNN. Now THAT'S a great way to spend an evening, let me tell you."

I'm imagining Mark Laine, Curtis, ray et al shuddering in horror at the thought of Obama sex.

Huge Laugh out Louds.

edited for YouTube comedy bonus. Racist Christian lady goes nuts in a coffee house:


  1. 'Make those babies as love offerings for the Messiah.... increase the numbers... then in his 3rd term they can enter the Obama Youth, for the betterment of the Fatherland...'

  2. I have a horrifying idea...if McCain won/McCain babies!

    --That youtube video was insane! Although I'm sure there are ones that are way worse!

  3. You know, if the jerk with the camera would have just held his tongue for one more minute, it looked like she was going to shut up. Why didn't he just complain to the management to begin with, since they evidently were on his side and asked her to leave?

    But he had to keep it up because he had to prove himself 'right'.

    Crazy - yes, she seems that way.

    But the guy with a camera - he had to make sure he had his last say as well.

  4. I liked it when she tried her Harry Potter magic incantation:
    "In the name of Jesus, Stop it, in the name of Jesus" followed by "Your family might get killed! Alright? You people from Mexico, you will not stop with the whole thing"

    Big LOLs

  5. 'Make those babies as love offerings for the Messiah.... increase the numbers... then in his 3rd term they can enter the Obama Youth, for the betterment of the Fatherland...'

    Are you feeling ok?

  6. The camera guy was fully justified in doing what he did. In case she had started to damage property, which was not unlikely, he would have had footage as evidence. He did not provoke her in any way and stayed very polite.

    There is no reason he should have 'held his tongue' and left her alone. Remember, the video started in the middle of her rant, we don't know how long she'd been doing this. Clerks don't just start filming customers for no reason. She was talking directly at other customers, and she would have kept it up until everyone agreed with her. Note how she immediately cranked up at his polite interruption. People like her, mental or not, don't just state an opinion and leave it at that. They go into full preaching mode until they have an Amen from everyone around. They need the satisfaction of constant social approval, and have never learned to deal with dissent, as their monochromatic worldview allows only good and evil, and they are certain which side they are on. They perceive the world as their church, and anyone not with them is against them. Which is great to reinforce the martyr complex and play the persecution card.

  7. Felix:

    "There is no reason he should have 'held his tongue' and left her alone. Remember, the video started in the middle of her rant, we don't know how long she'd been doing this. "

    OK, maybe 'held his tongue' may not be the best way to put it, but I did think he was being almost as belligerent (sp?) as she, but in a calmer tone (one I could barely hear).

    I do agree, yes, that we 'came in' on what appeared to be the middle of the argument. I wish we could have seen the whole thing as well.

    For example (AND THIS IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE, NOT AN ACCUSATION), what if the 'other guy' had made some derogatory comment about McCain that was uncalled for.

    Since we don't have the beginning, we can't understand how it started - I agree.

  8. expatmatt:

    "Are you feeling ok?"

    I was trying to make an analogy with/to the Communist practice of 'increasing numbers, increasing forces' but yes, it was kinda lame.

    Sorry, I'd not yet finished my Starbux so it hadn't kicked in yet.

  9. BTW - is that picture of Michelle Obama supposed to imply some orgasmic reaction to whatever Barrack is whispering in her ear?

    I find that kinda cheesy as well.

  10. "BTW - is that picture of Michelle Obama supposed to imply some orgasmic reaction to whatever Barrack is whispering in her ear?"


    I am a lazy person. I put "Obama sex" into google, hit "Images" and that was the first pic that came up, so I used it.

  11. I want to add that I find it somewhat unethical to post such a video to YouTube, but I guess that's just the American way of free speech. Which is perfectly ok, no offense meant. I'm just accustomed to far more restrictions from my country. I have no problem admitting that I occasionally enjoy watching such videos, or even more when they expose frauds on live footage.
    We call that 'Fremdschämen' in German, it's basically Schadenfreude with a pang of shame in surrogate of the shame the person who really should be ashamed doesn't feel. Ersatz shame, to bring in another German word.
    It's pronounced 'fremdshaymen'.

  12. felix - DON'T be teaching us another german word that encapsulates a mulitude of emotions in one. I'm already sick of trendy art critics spouting "zeitgeist" and "schadenfreude".

  13. Felix said:

    "BTW - is that picture of Michelle Obama supposed to imply some orgasmic reaction to whatever Barrack is whispering in her ear?"


    I am a lazy person. I put "Obama sex" into google, hit "Images" and that was the first pic that came up, so I used it."

    So.. it comes up when you search on Obama Sex, but you don't think she looks like she's ready to moan or scream with pleasure?

    C'mon... I would bet you're just not willing to admit it.. ;-)

    I think it's kind of goofy, myself but thats JUST MY OPINION.

  14. I reiterate, LAOF:

    You check out this clip?

  15. rufus -

    Nope. haven't checked it out yet.
    Not gonna.

  16. laof,
    no matter how much you would like it to be true, I'm still not identical with stew ;)

    I knew somebody would say that. Remember 'Fahrvergnügen'?
    That's exactly what I feel like right now. XD

  17. Speaking for the females, I can assure you, gentlemen, that being whispered to by a smart fella -- even if he's reciting the phone book -- is arousing as hell.

  18. Geez, you Germans - it's like you've got a different word for everything!

  19. weemaryanne,

    I have a soft baritone soothing voice. Really. OK?
    Here we go.

    Abigale Aaron
    Abner Aaron
    Andrew Aaron
    Anna Aaron...


  20. Since Clinton destroyed the separation of sex and state, this country has never been the same.

  21. Felix -

    Hopefully you're monitoring this:
    Sorry, didn't mean to mix you up with Stew. Read the posts so fast I guess I ran your two posts together.

    I'll try to not let this happen again, but I'm not perfect so I can't guarantee it!


  22. weemaryanne said:
    "Speaking for the females, I can assure you, gentlemen, that being whispered to by a smart fella -- even if he's reciting the phone book -- is arousing as hell."

    Do you take adequate time to determine the 'fella' is smart before you let him wisper in your ear? That's what I would wonder (in general).

    I mean, Craig is trying it out already....


  23. Smart? I thought she said smart assed. oops.

  24. laof,
    no problem. I made a similar mistake once somewhere else, and the person immediately went crazy ballistic and personally insulting on me, as if I was intentionally misrepresenting him. We'd had no argument up to that point, but he felt the need to feel extremely pissed off.
    It takes a lot to break my composure, don't worry. :)
    You're cool in my book.


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