Thursday, November 6, 2008

lack of imagination

Ethan said at the swamp:
6000 years is very very old. Millions of years is just absurd but I suppose necessary for your faith in Evolution.

What an ignorant (nothing new). There are older living beings in the world.

God must have created some trees 4000 years before he created the world. Probably he was bored...


  1. You honestly believe those roots are 10,000 years old? Pfft. I stand in awe of your dogmatic faith in science.

  2. 10000 years is nothing. There are even older plants for example in Tasmania

  3. Ethan has no respect for science. The dating methods developed and found to be reliable are a product of the same principles applied in any other field of science, including the science that has made the development of the computer he uses to slobber his prideful ignorance out to the world.
    Ethan is a hypocritical intellectual pollutant. He'd gladly take life-saving antibiotics while smugly denying the basic principles explaining why they work.
    He and his sluggish ilk continue to profit every day from the hard work the people he hates accomplish, while spitting out propaganda against them.

  4. That plant in Tasmania: awesome. The only known member of its species, possibly over 40,000 years old and sterile, propogating itself by putting out roots... this is a single lifeform that, given the right conditions, could live for eternity.

    I've always held that believing in a 6000 year old earth deprives you of the sense of awe that I get every time I try to comprehend the truely massive timescale of the universe.

  5. Tilia,
    As I was reading your post, I was planning to retrieve the vey article you linkd to. Thanks so much! I thought about posting on that yesterday when I found it.

    Absolutely fascinating!

    What you said at 4:24 PM are words that are truer than any other ever written since the dawn of mankind. :>

  6. Q, AKA The Q-man,

    "I've always held that believing in a 6000 year old earth deprives you of the sense of awe that I get every time I try to comprehend the truely massive timescale of the universe."

    When I got married I told my fiance that she would have to live with the fact that I would teach our kids about the wonders of the universe and the concept of time, thus to see the big picture.

    Thirty five years later, all is well, but I remain fascinated with the concept of time, even though my share of it is so miniscule.

    When I am asked to explain why this captures my imagination to that degree, I must say that I do not know. I am lucky in that I like things just the way they are.

    Thanks, Q

  7. froggie,
    thanks for the compliment. I value it especially as I'm not writing in my first language.
    The funny thing is, I got a compliment at rdnet for a post I wrote about the same time too.
    Apparently my English is best when I've just downed a bottle of very dry beer. ;)

  8. There are no young earth creationists who don't fall into one or more of the following categories.





    Ethan is a fanatic.

    Ray Comfort belongs solidly in camps #1, #3, and #4.

    I have also yet to find or meet a contemporary individual that I would consider either brilliant, or even highly intelligent who honestly feels convinced by stories of a 144 hour creation of the universe 6,000 years ago.

    Can anyone here come up with such a person?

    And no, Mike Huckabee is neither brilliant, nor highly intelligent.

  9. BF,
    I can't quit laughing.
    Of course the answer to your question is a

    How did You learn such good English?

  10. Felix,
    These days I write best on three or four India Pale fav.

  11. Benjamin Franklin asked:
    "I have also yet to find or meet a contemporary individual that I would consider either brilliant, or even highly intelligent who honestly feels convinced by stories of a 144 hour creation of the universe 6,000 years ago.

    Can anyone here come up with such a person? "

    Hate to break the bubble, but: Kurt Wise. But at least he admits that his faith is truly based in faith, and that it is not supported at all by science.

  12. Whoops, forget I said that. I was confusing his admission: "if all the evidence in the universe turns against creationism, I would be the first to admit it, but I would still be a creationist because that is what the Word of God seems to indicate" with his actual position. It seems he does think that the science supports religon, he's just not as outspoken about it as the nuts.

    I still think he's moderately intelligent: possibly the most intelligent well known young earth creationist.

  13. froggie,
    I've decided to get myself another beer from the fridge a minute ago, click on this post to see if there are any new and interesting responses, and there you are encouraging me to have that beer.
    By the impossibillity of the contrary, reality is circular and that proves I exist. My beer does too.
    It's five o'clock in the morning here, but I don't care, there's a lot of interesting blogging going on. And people are still wrong on the internet!

    Anyhoo, I learned English at a bilingual school which I attended for 14 years (kindergarten/pre-school to German Abitur, which is HS Diploma +1 year).
    An online dictionary and translator is also very helpful to find the right words when I'm out of beer.

  14. Guys,

    Shit, 40,000 years old! So that tasmanian plant was here when those first truly Homo sapiens sapiens give-away tools were made?!


  15. Felix,
    "By the impossibillity of the contrary, reality is circular and that proves I exist. My beer does too."

    I hear there's no beer in heaven so drink all you can!

  16. Benjamin Franklin said-

    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

    I always thought it was the stripper factory next door.


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