Saturday, November 29, 2008

How Would Jesus Drive?

I've got an idea for a remake of Death Race 2000.


  1. [“God must have been with them, 'cause any other time, the severity of this crash, it would have been a fatal,” Coleman said.]
    Thank God

  2. So God tells this guy to play bumper cars at 100mph, but it's okay because no one got killed?


  3. As the comments at the article site state, he's been diagnosed with strong mental illness for years, but he wasn't permanently institutionalized. As one commenter correctly states, hyper-religiosity is a symptom of some pathological mental conditions. When they don't take their meds, bad stuff happens. The problem is, you can never tell pathological hyper-religiosity from regular intense religiosity before something drastic occurs. And it's not getting easier when political correctness and conversational tabooization exempt some forms of behavior and discourse from proper criticism and scrutiny.

  4. Felix wrote And it's not getting easier when political correctness and conversational tabooization exempt some forms of behavior and discourse from proper criticism and scrutiny.

    This right here is fuel for an entire blog's worth of threads...


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