Sunday, November 23, 2008

Group Potrait

[Click for full image]

It came out differently to what I was expecting: I'd had the thought of something which matched our current colour scheme, and... well... eh, just click it and see for your self.

Apologies to those people I had difficulty drawing: TheShaggy, Beamstalk (I tried to draw you both, but your images were too pixelated) and everyone I simply ran out of time for, including Benjamin Franklin, Revenant, Felix and ExPatMatt among others.

I would have got more done if I hadn't spent Sunday helping clean up the yard: we're still recovering from that bloody storm.

I may continue adding people when I feel in a good mood, and can easily make 'other versions' for special occasions... like the 5th of December!


  1. Remember to add a little Volvox there!

  2. Quasar, Quasar,
    You nailed that one!

    Man I'm sorry I threw in a post right after your's. I didn't know it at the time.

    Anyway, It is uncanny that I look across that bunch and can ID evey one of hem.

    Very nice, indeed.

  3. Fair enough, Q, I'm glad you at least tried to figure me out. ;-P

    That looks pretty darn awesome, really.

  4. Nicely done, Quasar. I like the style & color scheme. Sort of implies a Superfriends kind of theme.

    "Meanwhile, back at the Halls of SMRT..."

  5. Love it!

    Can't wait to see the additions.

    Well done, Q.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Very nice! And I feel I must point out, much better then anything Gunther could even dream of doing!

  8. Superb work Mr. Quasar - that's quite the Justice League we've got going on there...

  9. Pretty sweet.

    I feel smrter for being in your company already.

  10. Get_Education: I did. But it's to-scale.

    Everyone else: Thanksicles!

  11. I think it's just fine and dandy, but I just thought of something that could have been added; we could have been standing over a prostate Ray Comfort.

  12. Words to live by-

    It has been said that where you find Lemna, you are likely to find Volvox.

  13. Rufus,

    I agree with you that Comfort is a dick, but wouldn't that be prostrate, not prostate?

  14. BF: You are correct sir. How could I have gotten prostate confused with prostrate when speaking of Ray? Is that what they mean by "Freudian slip?"

  15. I used to live next door to a psychiatrist who was a boating enthusiast.

    He had a Freudian sloop.

  16. I always wanted to go sailing with him, but my parents wouldn't let me.

    I guess I was too Jung at the time.

  17. BF stop it. now.

    Which one is me in the picture?

  18. Very very cute, I like it. I was able to recognize everyone immediately. Let me express my thanks that you are working on more of us, I appreciate your effort a great deal.

  19. Awesome :) I love the little crockoduck.

    Shouldn't Ray and Kirk be in there with a bananna of somekind?

  20. BF:

    As Roberto Duran said, "no mas, no mas".

  21. Great job. It will definitely be going up when I get some time to work on finishing the site set-up. that said, we do have a forum done (or at least as done as it's going to get until I get some feedback... :) ). sorry it's not going faster, my research design class amongst others are kicking my butt.

  22. Great Job Quasar. Sorry, I am a big jumble of pixels...

  23. nice job :D
    you even made my proportions a little more pleasant than they are in reality ;)

  24. Beamstalk, I'm sure we'll get into Mark II of the logo when it comes, only we'll be sitting on thrones of platinum and jewell-encrusted ebony while a great harem of atheist beauties worship us in the most secular way possible at our feet.

    That's pretty much the only apology we should accept.

    (Word verification: isecs. OHHHHHHHH YEAH giggity)

  25. Quasar, once again, well done.

    two observations:

    I could have had a little frog on my shoulder. He is my alter ego, you know, the one that cusses and swears and antagonizes fundies when Dale cannot reason with them, but no need to make a change!

    And, Weemaryane should be shorter.

    Would someone name them all from left to right so i am sure I got them right. I am wondering about a couple of them.

    Oh, and you did trim Lance down a bit there.

  26. Beamstalk, I'm sure we'll get into Mark II of the logo when it comes, only we'll be sitting on thrones of platinum and jewell-encrusted ebony while a great harem of atheist beauties worship us in the most secular way possible at our feet.

    That's pretty much the only apology we should accept.

    Yes I agree that is the only apology we can possibly accept.

  27. Oh, and you did trim Lance down a bit there.

    Hey now, nothing necessarily wrong with that!

  28. Uh, you misspelled "portrait" in the post title. phphphp

    I'm thankful that I'm not in there; good thing I never put a picture for my avatar. I'd rather be sight unseen.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. You trimmed down Lance - couldn't you have made me taller?

  31. There's a crocoduck on the loose in here. ..

    Quick; someone kill and stuff it so we can finally prove evolution is true and elevate it from a theory to fact at last!

  32. There's a crocoduck on the loose in here. ..

    Quick; someone kill and stuff it so we can finally prove evolution is true and elevate it from a theory to fact at last!

    You betcha!

  33. kill me and stuff me?

    What - are you going to cook me up and eat me for your Thanksgiving holiday?

  34. Lance,
    He also made me look a good ten years younger than I am!

  35. No, don't kill the crocoduck! :-(
    I want one as a pet now. I bet it would be even better protection than a watch dog.

  36. Crock o duck stuffed with porpoise and manatee.
    The stuff that extinctions are made of. Yum!

  37. NOOOO! Don't kill the Crocoduck!

    We can keep it for a mascot!

    Luv the pic, Quasar.


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