Monday, November 10, 2008

A Comfort Quote Mine

Well, this one's rather humorous that I just noticed:

"Atheists, please continue to think for me." -- Ray Comfort


  1. Considering we probably wrote more than half his book shouldn't we get royalties?

  2. To benefit from any royalties it would have to sell more than, say, zero copies. A tall order for a man of his grandiloquent literary talent. Wait, no, that was sarcasm.

    "Look at dat der bananer, fittin' so nicely in yer hands all comfy like. Yep, dat's good desaahn."

  3. I'm surprised some people here haven't taken him up on his offer to 'think for him'.

    Shouldn't you be bustin' down his door with suggestions to see how far you can go?


  4. Nitpick: not a quotemine, but sarcasm. But it's true that sarcastic statements are often a source for quoteminers who wish to create the impression that someone was not being sarcastic at all. And then the Poes come in, and it gets terribly complicated. :)

  5. Ah LAOF, you almost got me to respond seriously. I swear I've been deficient in the sense of humor department lately :)

    In order for someone to actually do Ray's thinking for him, Ray would have to generally be interested in "thought".

    I find that not to be the case...

  6. Mr. Smith,

    "Considering we probably wrote more than half his book shouldn't we get royalties?"

    We should say the same about John's book over at Debunking Christianity.


    "I swear I've been deficient in the sense of humor department lately"

    At least we can agree on some things ;)

  7. As always, The Digital Cuttlefish rhymes it 'way better than I can:

    If you can wish, you can believe;
    If you can pay, we can deceive;
    If you can give, you might receive;
    If you can think . . . we'll have to leave.


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