Sunday, November 2, 2008

Canada rules


  1. Surely even Dan Quayle wouldn't have been sucked in for so long.

  2. Go get 'em commie baby seals, Sarah! Go! Go!

  3. I liked how he applauded her performance in Hustler's "Nailin' Palin", and all she did was laugh.

    Granted, we knew it was a joke, but how stupid do you have to be to buy this? I hope the real Nicolas Sarkozy calls her today or tomorrow... and I hope it gets recorded...


  4. The Palin campaign announced: "Governor Palin is amused to learn she has joined the lineup of celebrities who have been pranked by this duo."



    When a woman like that is "amused" it's time for men to run and hide.

  5. Guys,

    This Dani'El, I find the guy disturbingly disturbed. It s not funny. The guy is beyond crazy. Nuts, lost probably. He claims to be 48.

    What the ...


  6. Yeah, that guy's nuts alright. He's discussed a little bit on this forum.

  7. G.E.,
    I'm not an expert but I had some reasons to read quite a bit about schizophrenia. This guy is a prime example for megalomanic and paranoid schizophrenia.
    His prison story makes much more sense if you replace "prison" with "mental institution".
    Be nice to him if you absolutely have to address him.

  8. "This Dani'El, I find the guy disturbingly disturbed. It s not funny. The guy is beyond crazy. Nuts, lost probably. He claims to be 48.

    What the ..."

    He told Stew,
    "Stew, I cannot tell you exactly who I am, yet."

    I have conversed with a few bona fide schizo's over the years but this guy seems far too coherent to be crazy.
    So, I'm sticking with:
    1- He is a prophet from God (highly unlikely)
    2- A Poe (very likely)

    He builds his stories in a much too rationally for me.

  9. froggie,

    I have conversed with a few bona fide schizo's over the years but this guy seems far too coherent to be crazy.

    I grew up with one and I can't always see the difference even today. But this guy looks extremely familiar to me sometimes.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I don't have the impression that he's very coherent. He takes little snippets of scripture, mixes them with little snippets of reality, and builds small, coherent arguments around specifics. That doesn't make the big picture coherent at all.


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