Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Another One from Rufus

I know, it appears that I am trying to hit 1000 all by myself, but I wanted to mention this book and its author. I can't wait to read it. Here's a link to a review, and a wonderful quote:


"You want us to live like Americans. But the Pirahas do not want to live like Americans. We like to drink. We like more than one woman. We don't want Jesus. But we like you. You can stay with us. But we don't want to hear any more about Jesus, OK?"

The Piraha are a tribe that has no concept of a god or a creator. Don't we know someone who claims that all peoples believe in a god/creator?


  1. "They are quick to laugh and astonishingly slow to anger, and don't have a word for "to worry" in their lexicon."

    Wow. Another wow.
    They debunk Ray Comfort and Noam Chomsky in a smile, and make an atheist of an evangelist.

    Ok, it may take 22 years to do the latter, and they have been lucky to escape conquistador slaughter. Their worldview must have seemed horrific to missionaries.
    'We're wretched sinners? You silly man'.

  2. "The Piraha are a tribe that has no concept of a god or a creator. Don't we know someone who claims that all peoples believe in a god/creator?"

    Well you see, they really do believe in God, they're just all lying!

  3. "Piraha."


    Am I seeing a connection here?

    Doesn't really matter: I am one.

  4. "...We like to drink. We like more than one woman. We don't want Jesus. But we like you. You can stay with us. But we don't want to hear any more about Jesus, OK?"

    He was in New Jersey the whole time, poor guy.

  5. That looks like an excellent read. Thanks for the tip...

  6. Good one, nonmagic. What do you think the Piraha would think of LOLcats? And what would they think of Ray Fucking Comfort?

  7. Rufus,

    Well, I predict they would like LOLcats more than Jebus, and that they would attempt to feed Ray Fucking Comfort to the snakes.

    Heyyyy....they might be Raytractors in disguise!!!

  8. Ya know, I'm going to look for a good article on this tribe to share with my seniors. We just learned about Hinduism and Buddhism, and we already read some of The Bible and we'll cover Islam as well. This would be an interesting counterpoint to everything - not everybody believes in a higher power!

  9. I bet they would like LOLcats; roasted over a slow jungle fire most likely. And maybe they'd roast Ray over a slow jungle fire as well. But I bet he'd taste like shit.


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