Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Test Results....

As promised, here are the results from today's test. You all did extremely well and can take the rest of the day off.

The Correct Answers (according to me - feel free to disagree):

1. What was in the beginning?
A: "At the point at which time begins, our best explanation for the evidence we can see is that there was a super-dense point of all the matter and energy in the universe very shortly after it had began to expand." - Baldyslaphead

I also would have accepted; "How the hell should I know?" - Tilia

2. How will life on earth end?
A: "More than likely with the earth be enveloped by the sun as it goes red giant. There is a possibility that the milky way galaxy and thus the earth will be destroyed when it collides with another galaxy." - Beanstalk - Rocky S.

Selected because galaxies colliding is just cool.

3. What happens after death?
A: "Nothing. Nonexistence. Blissful oblivion. I'm actually rather looking forward to it." - Tripmaster Monkey

"Always look on the bright side of life, dee-do dee-do dee-do..."

4. What is the purpose of existence?
A: "We're just transportation for our genes. How we spend our life's is up to us." - Tilia

Short and sweet

5. Why there is order in all of creation?
A: "Is there? Hadn't noticed." - Liz

Short and sweet too

6. Why there is morality in every civilization?
A: "It probably arose because species that co-operated were more successful at breeding than those that did not. Beyond the mere existence of *a* morality, there is no *universal* morality anyway." - Baldyslaphead

Have you been looking at the answers sheet?

7. Why does every civilization believe in a Creator?
A: "Man naturally anthropomorphizes natural forces, such as lady luck and father time, as a primitive way to deal with a world they don't understand completely, or to sublimate another emotion (for instance, smacking a television to "convince" it to work)." - Rex Mundane

Funny because it's true, and the right answer (apparently)

8. Why does every sane person have a conscience, even when it is not dictated by society?
A: "For the same reason that every sane person has legs even though they're not dictated by society." - Baldyslaphead

You lose half a mark because some people have no legs, the full answer is:

A: "See "Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins." - Theshaggy

A good example of citing your sources

9. How did nothing create everything?
A: "It didn't." - Nonmagic


10. Which came first--the chicken or the egg?
A: "Exactly" - Liz


I would also have accepted 'God' or 'Godditit' for any answer. I would....but I'm not an intellectually stunted Creationist, so I won't.


Liz: 9/10
Theshaggy: 9/10
Beamstalk - rocky s: 9/10
Rex Mundane: 9/10
Nonmagic: 9/10
Tripmaster Monkey: 9/10
Baldyslaphead: 8.5/10
Tripmaster Monkey Mk2: 0/10 - see me.
Tilia: 9/10

Special credit for Bob (for not knowing anything), Froggie (for the chicken-egg joke) and Charles (so he doesn't spill the beans about the great Atheist Conspiracy).

Kaitlyn: no answers = no points for you.

Well done everyone, we've answered 'The 10 Questions Atheists Can't Answer'....what's next?


  1. My apologies for how long that post ended up!

    I know some people put a fair amount of time into their answers and it seemed worthwhile putting it up as a full post for all to see.

    Cue complaints about the marking system in 3..2..1..

  2. Kaitlyn,

    Sure you did, and I bet you were on your way to hand your answers in at the blog that actually counts, when you were accosted by some angry Pharyngulites on their way to a Poll Crash Party - and they stole your homework. Right?

    Must try harder.


  3. Awwwww... I missed out on taking it!

    Well, since giving a proper answer now would be redundant, let's use the one word answer format. For kicks.

    1. What was in the beginning?

    2. How will life on earth end?

    3. What happens after death?
    Bugger all.

    (OK, that was two words)

    4. What is the purpose of existence?

    5. Why there is order in all of creation?

    6. Why there is morality in every civilization?

    7. Why does every civilization believe in a Creator?

    8. Why does every sane person have a conscience, even when it is not dictated by society?

    9. How did nothing create everything?

    10. Which came first--the chicken or the egg?
    Flying Spaghetti Monster. Err, I mean... Egg.

  4. I'm just excited that you just gave me the rest of the day off. I think I've been here more today than I have in a freaking month. this paid time off or not?

  5.      How will life on earth end?

    OUT OF MEMORY ERROR. Invalid page fault at0x9abf7000. Simulation terminated.

  6. Oh, by the way: if the milky way galaxy collided with another galaxy, we wouldn't even notice it: they'd go straight through each other with hardly any star-star collisions. The stars in each galaxy would get pulled around by gravity, but solar systems would stay in formation.

    Sorry, I'm a Cosmology Nazi. But don't worry, there's plenty of other things we could collide with which would do a good job of destroying us in a rediculously violent manner.

    Hmmm... a direct hit with a quasar would be able to destroy the galaxy, or at least punch a big hole through it.

  7. Yes you are right, Quasar, but it is a fun little thought. The galaxy in question to collide with ours is the Andromeda Galaxy, but we don't know if they will collide or not. The estimated time for this happening is in approximately 3 billion years.

    To get hopes up for neat destruction. At the center of most galaxies, if not all, is a massive black hole. Now the two black holes will have to react to each other when the galaxies collide. Usually one swallows the other. There is an off chance though that one will catapult the other out of the newly formed galaxy. If earth is lucky (or unlucky) the black hole will come ripping through the area.

  8. Quasar,


    However, you get 10 points deducted for ruining my amateurish vision of two galaxies colliding in a cosmic fireworks display of supernovae and, as George Carlin would say, Green Shit!


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