Sunday, October 12, 2008

Richie Rich Criticises YOUR Money

Today's Attheist Memory Verse:

"Attheist"..? Might want to correct that, Ray.

If you live in the United States, you are rich--this verse applies to you.

Even those people whose children are suffering diseases caused by malnutrition that they cannot afford to get treated - pay attention to this, you rich fuckers.

Note the specific use of the word "trust," the word "uncertain," and where your trust should be:

"Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy..." (1 Timothy 6:17).

The word "highminded" sure does describe us before we come to Christ. And there's nothing like having the rug pulled from under us, to bring us down to earth.

"Highminded" also applies to certain literally holier-than-thou people even after they've come to Christ, doesn't it, Ray? If only they really could be brought down to earth...

By the way, Ray, the next couple of verses are interesting and - it seems - quite important, too.

18 Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others. 19 By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may experience true life.

Open question: Can anyone think of someone who earns quite a lot of money - someone who really might qualify as being comparatively quite rich - but yet donates only a tiny proportion to do good, preferring to benefit his family instead?


  1. baldy,

    Besides spreading ignorance, their hypocrisy when it comes to the least among us drives me nuts. When anyone calls Ray or his band of idiots on it, they fall back on the "good works are filthy rags" defense. They can't get to heaven through good deeds so why bother. If anyone else points to a conflicting verse they scream, "proof texting, you're taking it out of context."

    Ray's other response is he gives sandwiches to the homeless if they sit through his inane witnessing. For all of their bluster about a humble heart, they're quick to point out any little "filthy" deed with pride and self righteousness.

    There are christians who do amazing good works for the needy but Ray would consider most of them liberal and false converts. They would never make that distinction when it comes to taking credit for all the charitable work churches do.

    They are also the people who scream bloody murder if a nickel of their taxes goes to anyone less fortunate. It's rewarding the shiftless. But a trillion for fat cats? They complain then vote for the same bastards who created the mess because, by god, they don't like abortion and the gay.

    Great post, baldy. Seriously.


    I found myself wondering, surely Ray has to be aware of the irony of this post? Surely?

    But then I realised, it's Ray Comfort, so no way...

  3. Open question: Can anyone think of someone who earns quite a lot of money - someone who really might qualify as being comparatively quite rich - but yet donates only a tiny proportion to do good, preferring to benefit his family instead?

    Ooooh! Oooooooooh! I know!

    Todd Friel, right?


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