Wednesday, October 15, 2008


If you've ever done a Mad-Lib, you know how this works. If not, make a list of words that meet the following descriptions then fill in the blanks in the "story" below

1. Adjective
2. Adjective
3. Noun, Plural
4. Noun, Singular
5. Command
6. Noun, Singular
7. Simile ("like a..." or "as a...")
8. Adjective
9. Noun
10. Noun ending in -er
11. Noun preceded by the letter a


"Negro how much do you make from your __Adjective___ book sales? It's a _Adjective_ of a lot more than a measly 100 dollars. How many __Noun(p)___ are gonna let you publish their __Noun(s)___ and receive no royalty from that? __Command__ dude. Just make __Noun(s)___ up. That's what you always do anyway. Even if you don't make it up, just make it vague enough that anyone dumb _Simile_ will fall for it. Kind of like the bible. __Adjective__ __Noun__! mother __Noun(er)____. Get _ Noun(a)__!" 100buxwontbuyyounuthin

from: Ray's


  1. Has somebody really written that to Ray or did he make the whole stuff up?

  2. Tilia:

    Real or not it's whole purpose is to allow Ray to wear his self-imposed persecution like a badge of honor.

    "Look at what I have to put up with for spreading my lies and hate."

    Though I do think that the part that says "kind of like the bible" is suspect and may have been put in by Ray to insure that his acolytes think it came from an atheist. But then again I'm pretty cynical about all of Ray's motives.

  3. The 'negro' struck me as odd as well...especially considering Ray is white an has a picture of himself on his blog! I never hear anyone use 'negro' anymore. I do hear the more vulgar alternative, but this guy doesn't seem to interested in trying to get this posted (with all the other expletives) so I doubt he edited it himself. Maybe Ray changed it? Although I'm more leaning towards he made the whole thing up!

  4. a propos of nothing I left a friendly "Hi" on Terry's blog.

    He popped in to mine to say "Hi" back. He seems happy and busy, DIY'ing and stuff.

    Which is good.

  5. Am I the only one who finds it exceeding weird that a religious group would name their conference "Deeper"?

    Ray said:

    I won't be posting for a few days (I will be at the "Deeper" conference in Georgia)

    That just offers far to many opportunities for parody.

    "Oh God! Deeper! Deeper!"
    "God isn't just deep inside you, he's balls deep!"

    If it's happening in Georgia wouldn't "Deliverance" conference be more appropriate (cue banjo music)?

    OK, I'm done being an immature twat now.

  6. @Liz
    Can you squeal like a pig! Squeal!

    Sorry, just watched that South Park episode with Lucas and Spielburg. I'm not getting over that trauma in a hurry.


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