Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ray Comfort is going to apologize for practically every post he's ever made. Also, Ray allows racial slurs now.

Kat says:


I'm not the praying kind of person, but I always think of you and hope for the day when you realize the wrongs you do every day on this blog.

You say you are trying to help atheists find God, convert them, save them, but your entire blog is filled with hate and animosity.

I sent your blog link to 20 random email contacts, all of whom have varying beliefs, and simply asked how do you feel after reading any number of the posts written upon it.

19 of the 20 people said they felt horrified that you called yourself a Christian, a servant of the Lord.
The remaining 1 person simply replied, "LOL, that man can't be serious?"

And Ray replies:

"Kat said... Ray, I'm not the praying kind of person, but I always think of you and hope for the day when you realize the wrongs you do every day on this blog.

You say you are trying to help atheists find God, convert them, save them, but your entire blog is filled with hate and animosity."

Kat...could you be specific about the hatred and animosity? I will be quick to apologize.

So apparently Ray is going to go back and apologize for every single post he has made where he has taunted and baited atheists, lied about us and perpetuated the spread of said lies, as well as purposefully caused animosity toward atheists. Anyone else buying it? Me either.

Also, maybe Ray's crack team of comment moderators should consider not censoring atheists if they are going to let people use racial slurs as screen names. Just a thought.

Oh, and one more thing regarding AFU's latest babble under the Einstein and Miracles post. I think it's time to just refer to him as Ray Jr. since that's what he seems to be aspiring to anyway. He's throwing out some of his most incompetent rantings to date, and they're even easier to refute than Ray's normal nonsense.

I now get the joy of going to the DMV and standing in line for 5 or 6 hours. I hope you guys have a great Saturday since mine is shot to hell.


  1. Ray will apologise in the same way that God loves - with fire.

    I've already lived through Saturday - it's the very early part of Sunday here in Oz. So on the bright side, you still have the possible anticipation of novelty. My Saturday is already written into history :O

  2. I enjoy how Ray likes to say "the Atheist," as if we were some sort of animal specimen for him to examine. He really fashions himself a clinical expert on what "the Atheist" thinks.

    Then again, he could be an expert on "the Atheist," if the individual he speaks of is full of straw.

  3. I thought exactly the same when I saw that Ray was going to apologise for all of his crap.

    And it is a gorgeous Sunday morning here in Brisbane. Sun is shining, birds are tweeting. I think that I'll take the dogs for a run.

  4. NM,
    "Kat...could you be specific about the hatred and animosity? I will be quick to apologize."

    If Kat responds and tells Ray about the times he has called us all those names, he merely will say that the god of his bible has said that, not him.
    I've seen him do that plenty of times.


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