Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Pathetic Ken Ham Speaks

The neanderthal-looking Ham has posted a "Blog" about Religulous.

Here is one pathetic parqagraph:
"Don’t spend your money to see it! Yeah, Ken, you wouldn't want your minions thinking for themselves now, would you? The four of us spent enough on this poor quality “mockumentary” (one staff member, bored with much of the film, was checking his emails during the movie) that enables Maher to throw his tantrum in public with this tirade against the Christian faith. Of course if one “can’t know,” and life is meaningless anyway, One of his spectacular non-sequiturs. Knowing or not knowing does not make life meaningless in any way. All people have meaning in their life. Some of us even have a rational meaning for our lives. one wonders why he even bothers? And if life is without ultimate purpose and meaning, why would he even honor his mother at the end if she is now a part of nothingness?
Here he tries to put words in unbelievers mouths by inferring that honoring our dead mothers is not valid???? What The Fuck? My mother nurtured and endowed me with love and kindness for my fellow humans. If the fucktard Ham has a problem with me or Bill memorializing our mothers for their achievements and love that proves he is a degenerate and foolish

His use of irrational non-sequiturs is by design and is ethically reprehensible in other professions.
The idiots that follow his scrum are easily fooled by these rotgut inferences as he tries to demonize others.

The funniest part of his blog was where he stated that Maher did not question "Mainstream" Christians. And I suppose he thinks HE is a mainstrem christian?

Let me remind you Hammerhead. You are running a lunatic fringe cult and people that believe in your brand of garbage are no more than 10% of mainstream America.


  1. I read that bit of wackaloonery this morning, and as we used to say in the old neighborhood-

    "Joke 'em if they can't take a fuck"

    There seems to be a quantifiable difference between both the levels of comedic aptitude and comic appreciation between religious zealots and infidels.

    Must experiment on that someday.

    On the other hand, Ken Ham's beard is one of the silliest things I've ever seen. Does anybody think he wears that merkin as a intentional joke?

  2. "and if life is without ultimate purpose and meaning, why would he even honor his mother at the end if she is now a part of nothingness?"

    Um...yeah I guess people are worthless unless they have a big sky daddy to visit after they're dead.


    Exactly, whats up with Ken's beard? Something about it is not right, but I can't quiet put my finger on it.

  3. AIG also promotes "Expelled" at the bottom. Why'd I mention that?

    To make note of their ironic complaint against Mahr's dishonesty when he did a previous project:

    Titled to convey that "religion is ridiculous," the new film by cynical comedian and television personality Bill Maher is nothing short of an all-out attack on faith and a call for atheists to advance. This is no surprise to the AiG family, who experienced Maher's subterfuge and dishonesty last year in gaining access to the Creation Museum and AiG President Ken Ham for a (fictitious) documentary on the "cultural landscape of the United States." It was obvious this was the usual MO for this film crew, headed by producer Larry Charles of Borat fame, as other interview subjects or their publicists are shown stopping interviews as the true nature of the project was revealed.

    You all remember the problems that the scientists interviews for "Expelled" had when it came to what they were told the movie was supposed to be about.

    On a side note, Ray seems to have taken exception to my comment about the second coming:

    This is my reply to that post:
    Wrong, Ray. Why? Look at the rest of the verse. It said that they would see "the Son of Man" come in his kingdom with power. It was not talking about him sending the "Holy Spirit" as what happened on "Pentecost".

    Sorry, speedy. The "transfiguration" dodge won't work.

    The "Transfiguration" on top of that hill when some OT saints were supposed to have shown up to talk with Jesus fails because Jesus had never left them yet, so he couldn't be "coming in his kingdom" yet!

    There is also nothing to indicate that Jesus was talking about the visions of John. Do we even know that John was there at the time that Jesus made his speech?

    He makes another reference to that event in Mark 14:62:
    I am; and you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power and coming with the clouds of heaven.

    There is something else: check out The Lowdown on God's Showdown by Edward Babinski on yes, the Secular Web for information about how the apostles thought that the second coming was pretty close in their time as Pete had said.

  4. "and if life is without ultimate purpose and meaning, why would he even honor his mother at the end if she is now a part of nothingness?"

    Better to think she may now be in eternal agony and torment.

  5. When that Jackass drops to the depth of disrespect for someone's dead mother, the fucker deserves any amount of mockery and scorn that he gets.

    I am so pissed off that I do not dare express how I feel about that mealy mouthed fucktard.

    The worst part is that Ham is a coward that won't even accept rebuttals to his nonesense.

  6. Ken Ham is sending one of his stooges to my town. Does anyone know about Dr. Tommy Mitchell? See here for details. I'm debating whether to go or not. If Ken was going to be there, I'd be first in line to shake his hand and get my picture taken with him. I want to ask him if "he was there". Sadly, my town isn't good enough for the Hamster.

  7. It doesn't seem clear to fundies that atheism is not nihilism!
    Also I think Ham's beard makes him look amish!!

  8. Ham describes Mitchell as a "scientist" but of course that is a bald falced lie.

    He was a family doctor, an internist.

    He speaks a lot on Genesis and of course he just loosely associates some scientific finding with some random verse that he claims disproves the scientific finding.

    Same old shit. Lying for Jesus.

  9. I saw a lot of mocking of ken ham here . I don't like fundies either but no-one answers ken's question.
    If materialism is true then the mother's gone.Why honor her? i can't think of any objective reason too.
    The materialist would be honoring something that doesn't exist( same thing they accuse the theists of doing)
    You claimed that some have a rational meaning for their lives .what rational meaning do you have?

  10. You can honour someone's memory in a way they would have wanted. Just because someone I love dies does not mean the life they had on earth was not meaningful and good. The things they said, the people whose lives they were apart of, how they contributed to humanity, these are things to be celebrated regardless of what happens to them once they die. Why would you honour and weep for someone who you "know" is in a better place? To steal a line from stanhope, did you cry when your loved one got a promotion? If you really think death leads to eternal bliss why do you wear a seat belt?

  11. MrFreeThinker said...
    I saw a lot of mocking of ken ham here . I don't like fundies either but no-one answers ken's question.
    If materialism is true then the mother's gone.Why honor her?

    OK, if you would read the few comments above I have answered that question. If you have and you don't have enough comprehensive skills to understand what I wrote, then please let me know.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Mrfreethinker,

    Yoo hoo! Still waiting for that evidence you bragged about on the "Question for Theists" thread!

  14. Living,

    From my post:

    "Here he tries to put words in unbelievers mouths by inferring that honoring our dead mothers is not valid???? What The Fuck? My mother nurtured and endowed me with love and kindness for my fellow humans. If the fucktard Ham has a problem with me or Bill memorializing our mothers for their achievements and love that proves he is a degenerate and foolish"

  15. That should have been addressed to Mrfree- not Living

  16. But why honor your mother's memory? She's gone.You could be spending more time doing something more evolutionarily advantageous to yourself or ensuring your survival. Why waste your time honoring someone that's gone. She was just a pile of matter anyway.

  17. mrfreethinker,

    Why does humanity only have value because a god says so? Can't you see the beauty and potential in humanity without a god?

  18. "Froggie said...
    That should have been addressed to Mrfree- not Living"

    Is that me you're getting confused with someone else (or someone else with me)?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. hey, take this as you guys like and I very well understand that you can speak as you wish (and do, quite often), but..

    I see a lot of words with the suffix '-tard' applied to, what I believe, imply 'retard'.

    I know you people have freedom of speach; I know you have some anger or gripe you like to vent.

    And, I know that probably there's little chance of someone who is mentally disabled ever seeing this post - all jokes about 'fundies' aside (and, I'm complimenting everyone here, if you consider it)...

    I've done work with mentally challenged people in the past. They are some of the nicest, funniest (and I mean 'joking-wise', not otherwise), sincerest people you will ever meet. I love these people - there's not one that I've met that I wouldn't call a dear friend.

    I know some people don't give a crap about political correctness, especially if you see it coming from me or someone 'of my ilk'.

    If I could, I would like to ask you to please try to find a different way to express your displeasure/anger/frustration then calling something a "< fill in the blank >-tard".



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