Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Not dead yet [or I don't want to go on the cart]....

Hi all, I just thought I'd let you know what was going on with the new site. We raised enough money, thanks to all who contributed, it really helped a lot, even if you only could $3. I am in the middle of mid-terms right now that I thought I was more prepared for than I am, so that is taking front stage. I will have a survey soon for people to vote for the names. It looks like we have a few good options up front.

Thanks all!

PS - No, I didn't blow it all on hookers and blow :)

EDIT - Holy crap, I cant type...Fixed typos


  1. "PS - No, I didn't blow it all on hookers and blow :) "

    Well, why not? What's wrong with you? :p

  2. Nonmagic, note he said he didn't spend it "all" on hookers and blow. Just most of it.

  3. Do you still need donations? I said that I would, but I didn't do it yet because for some reason I thought it was all still in the hypothetical stage (and I was waiting for payday).

  4. I've just chucked you a few $$$ - I trust you'll tuck it into the knicker elastic of a saucy server package?

  5. we are out of the hypothetical and into the planning stage. That said, we do have enough for hosting alone. I would also like to get a small item as a thank you to those who donated so if you still want to, of would be appreciated. The remainder will just sit in a paypal account created specifically for this purpose towards a future date for hosting again or shirts or something else.

  6. PS - No, I didn't blow it all on hookers and blow :)

    EDIT - Holy crap, I cant type...Fixed typos


    I know why you can't type! It's all the hookers and blow!!

  7. If the leftover funds aren't needed now, perhaps a charitable donation could be made. Say to, Living Waters? No, no, no, I meant Doctors Without Borders, in the Raytractors name.

  8. Rufus wrote:
    "If the leftover funds aren't needed now, perhaps a charitable donation could be made."

    Indeed. Make a donation to Planned Parenthood, in Ray Comforts name. They send thank-you letters to their donors.

  9. With respect, and acknowledging the humour of the donation in Ray's name, I'd personally rather it remained in a Paypal account and, as MacGyver suggests, used for something for the Raytractors. If I were going to make a charity donation, there are charities here in the UK that I support. It was a donation to Raytractors, not charity.

    I'll go with the majority view, however.

  10. You know, now that the subject of the leftover $ comes up--I'd like to point something out.

    It prob. takes a fair amount of work to run a blog. Ray gets $ and souls out of it, but what does our host get besides that warm feeling knowing he Did The Right Thing? That's right--nothing.

    Also note--We're all atheists, which means we have no morals. So, in light of this--

    I authorize you, macgyver jr, to steal this money and use it to either get stoned, laid, or pref. both. Besides, you accomplished what you set out to do, and we'll all get a better blog out of it, so--enjoy, dood.

  11. Remember, when you abscond with, and waste our funds, that we are a bunch of elitist bastards, so please act accordingly.

  12. Capt Howdy..."I authorize you, macgyver jr, to steal this money and use it to either get stoned, laid, or pref. both. Besides, you accomplished what you set out to do, and we'll all get a better blog out of it, so--enjoy, dood."

    I agree with this, Mac did put in the efforts and we all benefit from that. Plus, if I remember correcly he said he's college student...so, yeah buy yourself some Raman noodles

  13. @Capitan Howdy

    Thanks, At this point it's a pretty low responsibility job, maybe as we pick up, that will change (and I hope so), but by that point I hope we are generating our own income (just because I've always wanted to do business taxes in addition to personal...yay :\ ) I also want to see us do a book like clos suggested a loooong time ago. I really appreciate the thought though.

    Besides, my GF keeps me happy and my only drug is alcohol (and as soon as I can figure out how to get Lance to send me some of his homemade, or teach me how...)

  14. MacGyver Jr wrote:
    "...my only drug is alcohol (and as soon as I can figure out how to get Lance to send me some of his homemade, or teach me how...)"

    Homebrew's easy. You get a rusty water tank, several old boots and a dead seagull...

  15. Quasar
    Homebrew's easy. You get a rusty water tank, several old boots and a dead seagull...

    That explains what I've been doing wrong. I've been using an albatross.


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