Sunday, October 5, 2008

Maybe I Don't Want to Know

.....Sexual deviations?! This leaves me with a few questions about the inner workings of Ray's mind! He must have a rich (and possible perverted) fantasy life!!

*Original cartoon by Richard Gunther


  1. Ousizch: Go suck a monkey.

    I was considering parodying this comic, (I think it's time for another installment), but it's a little bit boring and not quite as offensive as the last.

    There are any number of ways to parody it, though. Simply changing the text would work fine...

  2. For one who claimed in a previous post to no espousing to prophecy, Ray sure has referenced it a lot in his last few posts.

  3. Revenant, Baldy,

    Me too!

    Someone in my social circle must be having way more than their share of fun since I'm sure not getting in on this sexual deviancy thing either and the fun I have with my wife like doesn't count?!

    I think I have coined a Paradox, maybe.


  5. Ray's trying to warm you about the perverted sin of "SELF-HUGGING".

    Anyway, all day I'm gonna be saying "HA BOO PAH OH YEAH!"

  6. When deviant is anything other than once a month with your legal spouse in the missionary position separated by a sheet with a hole in it. Yeah, I'm a sexual deviant.

    I think they think atheists are engaged in a non stop drug and alcohol fueled orgies only taking time out to read science texts and watch Dawkins on You Tube before heading out on crimes sprees. They're insanely jealous.

  7. Yaeger: The cognitive dissonance required to be Ray must be exhausting!! I'm guessing that's the reason his last few posts have been even more nonsensical then usual!

    Chris: Loved the cartoon!!

    Craig: Wait that's the criteria for sexual deviancy?!...well shit!!

  8. Heh heh. Awesome Chris! I like the not-so subtle modification to his face.

    Hey, we keep this up and we could start our own web comic! "Inside Ray Comforts Mind".

  9. Wouldn't worshiping Ray's ass be a form of sexual deviance?

  10. Quasar said...
    Hey, we keep this up and we could start our own web comic! "Inside Ray Comforts Mind".

    Quasar, I'm not sure that even the internet can cope with that much filth and perversion.

  11. Quasar wrote:
    Hey, we keep this up and we could start our own web comic! "Inside Ray Comforts Mind".
    Mr Smith wrote:
    Quasar, I'm not sure that even the internet can cope with that much filth and perversion.


    It's already suffering the tortured existence of "Atheist Central", isn't it?

  12. Ah! I missed this post when I posted my little comment. So I erased it and am putting it here instead.

    This is my reply to Ray on that post:

    "Sexual deviations"? I'm a virgin, you twit!

    I came very close to saying something slightly different.

    Wonder how seriously he'll take it?

  13. I've heard Ray's got twin crucifix tattoos down there; for the faithful, it would be a form of worship...


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