Monday, October 13, 2008

Mark W. Laine

He posted three separate comments about the end of the world:

Mark W Laine has left a new comment on the post "An Intellectual Embarrassment":

Christian Brethren,
We lift our brothers Ray, Verandoug, and every other Christian poster here so that their message may ring loud and clear as a clarion bell.

The end is near and we must re-double our efforts to snatch these from certain death.

Atheists can you not read the signs of the times?

Mark W Laine has left a new comment on the post "An Intellectual Embarrassment":

To all atheists,
Your theories, postulations, and projections concerning God are irrelevant. He is coming and is almost here. Glory be His name on whom we place our hope. Joy and celebration will be had as a table is prepared for those who love God, in sight of our enemies.

Will you not stop your mad ramblings and come dine with the King of Kings, Jesus. We are begging you...can you not see how close we are to the culmination?

To all atheists,

The end is nigh...make straight the way of the Lord. Justice is His and your conviction and punishment will be swift and sure. Avoid death by believing in the One who can redeem you, Jesus the Christ. It is never too late.

Please reconsider.

Can you imagine, when Mark is at the end of his life, how disappointed he will be that Jesus hasn't returned? Imagine how angry he'll be? Imagine if after he is dead, he somehow knew he was wrong? Not because there was some other god and afterlife, but just that there was a brief moment when he would know he was wrong? Imagine how angry he would be then? Just like the Muslims who martyr themselves and believe they are going straight to Paradise and their al fresco whorehouse. Imagine how angry those guys would be.

And I could be wrong. Maybe the Rapture will happen tomorrow and I'll have to live through the Tribulation. Maybe I'll die and end up in hell. But if that happens, the only person I'll be angry with is myself. But there's no evidence that I'll be wrong. Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die; and always look on the bright side of life...


  1. Thank you, Revenant. Ray Comfort as Cartman.

    Na na na na na na, you're burning in Hell. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

    If I became a Christian, and went to "heaven", I couldn't be seated in the Ray Comfort section.

  2. You will respect my AUTHORITAH!

  3. You know, the funniest thing Mark ever said to me was...

    "The Lord Rebuke Thee".

    Why does he talk like so?

    P.S. Mark fought with a demon Mussolini look alike, I believe.

  4. Me either...or the Ken Ham section, or the Kent Hovind section, or the 'Braying' Bill Donahue section...this could go on for awhile

  5. First the Simpson's now South I a bad influence?

  6. "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die; and always look on the bright side of life... "

    Something happened today, something weird and bittersweet, and I've been trying to sum it up in a few short words. Those words fit perfectly.

  7. "The Lord Rebuke Thee".

    Why does he talk like so?

    1. Why it is that you speak thusly?
    2. For thy asshole Mark w. Laine doest not spake in an unusual fashion.
    3. For it is well known that everyone in the world doest speak like this.
    4. I'm a pretentious git.

  8. Whateverman has his theories on Xians and their language.

    When I was fundy I did that Christan speak too. It's a thing you get into without realising it.

    In prayer groups everyone uses the same phraseology in their spoken prayers. It's quite creepy.

    One of the things that never sat well with me was, whenever a Jeek had to travel somewhere we'd all gather round and ask God for "travel mercies". I used to think, what is that?

  9. Stew
    That makes sense. I used the word 'asshat' the other day, and everyone looked at me like I was a psyco!

  10. Life's a piece of shit,
    when you look at it...

    BTW, I agree completely with that abit about being mad at yourself (if you're proved to be wrong). I don't think the fundies at Ray's blog understand the concept of taking responsibility for your own thoughts/actions.

  11. Stew said: When I was fundy I did that Christan speak too. It's a thing you get into without realising it.

    In prayer groups everyone uses the same phraseology in their spoken prayers. It's quite creepy.

    I pretty much ran away from the Baha'i Faith because they do the same thing you've describe. In my experience, Baha'is aren't nearly as brain-dead, but they still had lots of people who spoke in very flowery language.

    They spent a good amount of time emoting and being reverent, which I guess isn't a horrible thing, but after a while it really creeped me out. Sorta got under my skin and itched.

  12. "I still think you are missing the idea that for a woman to control her productive rights is a simple as clamping her legs together and shaking her head vigorously to indicate 'NO'." --Mark W. Laine

    Mark sure knows who to blame. If a woman was raped, I guess it's her fault because she didn't clamp her legs tightly enough or shake her head vigorously enough. Sadly, that's the answer most christians in N. Arkansas give for reproductive rights. I wonder if Mark thinks that rape victims should be stoned to death because they didn't scream loud enough. (Deuteronomy 22:23-24)

  13. Art thouest thine dine nigh betwixt Mark W. Laine and bullshit.

    This is just random psuedo-intellectual-via-psuedo-Shakespearean-language-hobble-gobble-speak. It ain't over till it's over, and the world is probably going to be around for a while. Take it easy.

    Two "Hi, where are you? I'd like to say 'hi' to you's to:

    Terry Burton
    (No guilt be association impled here.)

  14. Robert Madewell quoted Marky DubYah Layne:
    ""I still think you are missing the idea that for a woman to control her productive rights is a simple as clamping her legs together and shaking her head vigorously to indicate 'NO'." --Mark W. Laine"

    I think I'm going to be sick. This is about the most sexist thing I've read all day. Let's hope he never reproduces with anyone: the gene pool is better off without him.

  15. Geoff !! Hey!!! :::waves:::

    Don't be a stranger.

  16. I remember when I first starting posting at Ray's and I tried to reason with Mark....that didn't last very long.

  17. Mark W. Laine is a nescient, choleric browbeater who ensconces himself in the company of moronic simpletons and biblical hoggerel.

    Just ignore his hebetudinous

  18. Ah yes, Mark. Howd Terry get banned but Mark darkens our doorstep still? Ah, I still remember when he told me he was praying for me to have a nightmare that drove me to Christ, kindhearted soul that he is.

    About this whole "its coming soon" thingummy, I've never yet had a satisfactory explanation of how these people can possibly be so certain that the Rapture hasn't yet happened, and that they were simply left behind? How can they be certain not just that its true, but that they're due fabulous cash prizes and whatnot? Would they actually be able to tell if the prophecy were fulfilled in such a way that didnt benefit them directly?

    On an incidental note, I submit that season 3 of Moral Orel is the finest damn television I've ever seen.

  19. rex said...

    How can they be certain not just that its true, but that they're due fabulous cash prizes and whatnot?

    Poor mark. He's a bigger fraud than Ray, if that's possible. If there is a judgment day, he won't even get a lovely parting gift.

  20. stew said...

    In prayer groups everyone uses the same phraseology in their spoken prayers. It's quite creepy.

    One of the things that never sat well with me was, whenever a Jeek had to travel somewhere we'd all gather round and ask God for "travel mercies". I used to think, what is that?

    The one that always got me as a xtian, was when I was asked to pray. They would always say don't worry the holy spirit will take over and guide your words. Yeah that never happened, it made me loath public prayer and feel like I wasn't good enough to receive divine inspiration for prayer.

  21. BeamStalk - Rocky S. said:
    "The one that always got me as a xtian, was when I was asked to pray"

    I used to take what everyone else had said an paraphrase it. I wasn't doing it deceitfully, I was in 100% agreement with what they had said and was voicing it. Plus, I liked all the "amens" and "yes, Lords" and murmers of approval I'd get when I'd done it well.

    If I felt pressured into being the first to pray - which can happen when your little group has been huddled together and the silence is getting uncomfortable, I'd pray something about "wherever 2 or more are gathered in your name Lord, you'd be along us, thank you Lord" and thet'd kick everyone off.

    Cynical? You betcha, but at the time it was sincere.

  22. revenant sez:

    If Ray is right, you know he will spend eternity being a complete asshole...He'd be like Cartmen "ha ha ha ha ha haa, na na na na na naa"

    In the event that Ray was right, he certainly wouldn't be in the Good Place. Something about a 9th Commandment that he has a lot of trouble with. He certainly wouldn't have the energy to chant "neener neener"...what with having to carry around that gold-gilded lead cloak...

  23. quasar sezth: Let's hope he never reproduces with anyone: the gene pool is better off without him.

    Too late. From the pictures he posted at his blog or webpage, we know he has at least two children.
    He also said at Ray's that everyone should not hesitate to adopt children from the Third World or a poor background. AfaIk, he hasn't twitched a finger yet to do so himself. The day he announces (and provides evidence) that he has done so, I'll believe he's at least not a hypocrite, if still borderline pathologic delusional.

  24. Kaitlyn said: Just ignore his hebetudinous discourse.

    On the merits of that one word alone:


    Marry me?

  25. Wait, was Terry actually banned from the Comfort Zone?


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