Friday, October 31, 2008

A little humor for Jean

In case you guys missed it guys, Jean had a baby 5 weeks ago. Setting all theology aside, Jean, I'm happy for you and your baby.

This comment did crack me up, though:


How've you been?

Thanks for asking expatmatt. Had a baby five weeks ago so no longer have time to blog as I used to. As a submissive full time housewife I have to make sure the house is always clean, food is on the table for my husband when he comes home, and the kids are well looked after before I can even think of going on the net! Not that easy.....

In honor of your submissive housewife status, Jean, I offer you this parody poster since you immediately came to mind when I saw it. (It's not really so much parody as truth, though!)

Hope you and the baby are well.

Oh and PS, if you're offended by this you can just get your little self on over it, now can't you? ;)


  1. I love sammiches.

    Now I need to find a wife to make me one.

  2. WEM,

    Churches might be a great place to look. Just approach every beautiful female you see at church and say 'Are you willing to make me sammiches forever?'

  3. Of course, where I come from, a submissive wife has slightly different priorities.

    I'm just sayin'.

  4. I ususally make the sammies for my wife, and most everything else that we eat at home.

    I absolutely love feeding people.
    The look on their face when they pop a bite into their mouth and get something they didn't quite expect, but yummy.- priceless.


  6. Anyway, congrats, Jean! I hope the baby is beautiful and your children pitch in with the babysitting!

  7. In soviet Russia, sandwiches make you.

  8. I have thought about becoming a Mormon, just for the wives. I figure three should do it. One to work full time, plus as much over time as she can get; one to take care of any little parasites; and one to cook and clean and such. They could switch every now and then, if they wanted to. There's always be at least two in bed.

    Maragon: that sounds like the beginning of a Yakov Smirnoff joke.

  9. "Maragon: that sounds like the beginning of a Yakov Smirnoff joke."


  10. I just read Jean Gasho-Musuka's most recent post on her blog.

    When I first read Richard Dawkin's describing the religious indoctrination of children as child abuse, I thought he might be going to far. Then I read something like that, and think how did the species last so long and get so far?

  11. Rufus.

    That is so sickening and terrifying.
    I think I actually feel dismayed after reading that.

  12. If I've learned anything from the hospitality poster above, it's that the wife should also be cut up into tiny pieces after making the sandwich. But then who will make my sandwich tomorrow? And they day after tomorrow? I'm so conflicted.

  13. OK, after reading Jeans post, my immediate thought was: "religon as a replacement for self-esteem? *shudder*".

    But it makes sense. What kind of person would willingly embrace the evangelical life? Nobody with any kind of self-esteem, that's for certain.

    Jean wrote:
    "It encouraged me to pray for her even more. She is a wretched little girl, who knows she is a wretched sinner who needs only a good saviour to help her. Glory belongs to God!"

    Sorry Jean, I couldn't think like that. I choose life.

  14. Oh just came across this today so am a little late. Non magic thanks for wishing me well, Im lost for words!

  15. "That is so sickening and terrifying.
    I think I actually feel dismayed after reading that."

    Maragon why doesnt this suprise me.

    "But it makes sense. What kind of person would willingly embrace the evangelical life? Nobody with any kind of self-esteem, that's for certain."

    Quasar the worst thing any parent can do is teach their kids that they should feel good about themselves, I do not want to send my children to Hell. My children are born sinners, it is my responsibility to teach them that they are born totally depraved with extreme wickedness with no hope whatsoever apart from the one true God of the bible.

  16. You really are quite astonishingly ridiculous, Jean. What you're doing is child abuse.


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