Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Watch Me Get Called a Liar

Did you know that 49% of Americans have cereal for breakfast every day? Almost half the country started today with cereal. The Food Network says that the breakfast is "the ultimate Comfort food." How did they know? I have cereal for breakfast, for lunch, and I have it after dinner. The average American eats an amazing 160 bowls every year. I down 884 bowls of cereal, and slurp through 129 gallons of milk annually. My bone density is off the charts.

Here’s what atheists won’t be able to swallow. Recently I went to Trader Joe’s and purchased 252 boxes of Weetabix (15 ounce--that’s the large box). I kind of like it. I guess my love for cereal is a left-over from my surfing days. When the surf is up, you want to down a quick and easy-to-digest breakfast.

What has this to do with God? Everything. He made me, He gave me my appetite, He made the plants from which cereal comes, He made the sugar for the sweetness, and He made the cow from which we get the cool milk. So I thank Him for every mouthful, before, during, and after the event (see Psalm 23:5). I hope you do to.

Posted by Ray Comfort on 10/14/2008 08:42:00 AM 0 comments

A dollar to anyone who can tell me just what this post is about, what it is supposed to mean. Other than that Ray Comfort is a whining little pussy.


  1. "The Food Network says that the breakfast is "the ultimate Comfort food."

    I doubt very much that they capitalized the word 'comfort'. So their quotation has been manipulated a bit to make it all about him. That's the only thing I can think of that he could get called on, and it's not really worth it, is it?

    Someone could possibly make a bone-head joke due to his excessive milk consumption? Again, pretty pointless.

    Does anyone remember the 'Chocolate' post?
    He did it to see if the godless heathens would attack him for saying something as innocent as 'chocolate'. He was wrong, though he didn't admit it. This is just more of the same.


  2. Oh, I think he just wanted to prove that he starts writing without thinking and that he can turn all shit into a praise to the Lord...

  3. Ray wrote:
    "He made the plants from which cereal comes..."

    Those "plants" are usually called "wheat."

    *slaps forehead*

  4. Did everyone else notice that this post boils down to Ray praising God for rampant consumerism and gluttony? (250 boxes, really?)

  5. kaitlyn,
    doesn't "plant" mean factory, too? Would match to his "cool milk from cows"...
    I don't think he knows much about those biological details ;)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. wheat is plants that were domesticated by humans. milk cows are animals that were domesticated by humans. a portion of humanity has evolved to drink milk past weaning age through our history of domesticating said animals. it comes out warm and it cools when we store it in a refrigerator. we don't like sugar because it's sweet -- sugar is sweet because we like it.

    most of the world doesn't eat cereal with milk for breakfast (you know... the non-christians). i eat cereal when i get lazy about cooking a healthy meal.

    what insanity.

  8. He also did that by posting "good morning!" to test the atheist ction. I seem to remember him being shocked - SHOCKED! - that most of the atheists replied with "Good morning, Ray!"

    But it's good to know he isn't rich, 'cause even considering tht a box of cereal can be cheap, he's still buying 252 boxes of cereal at once.

    I like cereal too. But I don't think it takes an atheist to mock his spending habits.

  9. Wow, thanks to this post I'm finally totally over not calling Ray a simpleminded dildo.

  10. ... He made the cow from which we get the cool milk. ...

    I'll pay him 50€ if he can bring me the cow that gives cool milk.
    Up to now I always believed cows would give milk about as warm as the body temperature of a cow. (about 38 - 39°C) [about 100 - 102°F]

  11. I figured it out!!!

    He thinks he's posted something totally out of the realm of possibility, and when he's not called out as a liar or doesn't get challenged, he claims that atheists are superlatively gullible because he didn't actually buy hundreds of boxes of cereal, but only a couple! "

    "See them athiests are so gullible they'll believe anything on the intarnets's!"

    I used to drink as much milk as he claims he does, but cut down after I realized it was driving me bancrupt. Oh boy I still love milk though...

    But 250 boxes? Seriously, what are they, like $4-5 a piece? Or is he doing this to get a bulk discount?

  12. Is someone claiming to buy over 250 boxes of Weetabix an extraordinary claim? I don't think so. I'd never buy that much of a cereal that I think tastes like the cardboard box it comes in. But, Ray is a different person than me. Maybe, he's got the munchies. So, I will not call Ray a liar. I believe that he bought over 250 boxes of Weetabix.

  13. The monoculture approach to diet might explain a few things. No person surviving almost entirely on wheat-based cereal and milk can possibly mature normally - can they?

    Any dietitians here who can list the vitamins and minerals Ray's missing out on by not eating a properly balanced diet and what effect this might have?

  14. Ray wrote:

    "Here’s what atheists won’t be able to swallow. Recently I went to Trader Joe’s and purchased 252 boxes of Weetabix (15 ounce--that’s the large box)."

    Does the "religion of atheism" have stated beliefs about cereal consumption?

    Are Christians predisposed to believe cereal-related claims?

  15. Ray said:

    "My bone density is off the charts."

    This sentence is precisely one word too long.

  16. The post is about getting a rise out of atheists.

    Who's the bigger whinger/whiner?

  17. I really don't get the point of this? What's his obsession with Weetabix? I remember seeing pictures of them on Terry's blog before he was shunned by Ray.

  18. I also start to wonder whether Ray got paid by Weetabix for this article...

  19. I worked QC for Weetabix just after I got out of college. I could ruin cereal for him, if only I were feeling a bit more evil...

  20. PS. I stopped eating cereal right about then :)

  21. not having heard of 'weetabix' before this, it was interesting to see that it was produced by the 'Sanitarium Health Food Co.'.


  22. "lolaof"

    That did actually make me laugh out loud :)

  23. Does all that fibre explain why there's so much shit on Ray's blog?

  24. Ray's whole blog is nothing but shallow bullshit meant to draw criticism from atheists so he can feel persecuted. They have to be persecuted, they thrive on it. You know:

    Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

    If faith alone gets you into heaven, and works mean nothing, than they have to get "extra" points from somewhere. Most choose feigned persecution. I think I read somewhere that if an evangelical isn't being persecuted, he's not doing it right. That's why street preachers are soooo annoying. Most are also told to ignore "NO SOLICITING" signs, because what they are offering is a "free gift" (don't even get me started on that phrase).

    The only thing I know about Wheetabix is that on "Buffy" Spike use to crumble them into his cup of blood to make it more hearty.

    Why did Ray put up a new post without first updating the comments on his last post. I left a comment for "Dani'el" early this morning and it hasn't shown up yet. It might not go through though.

  25. "Does all that fibre explain why there's so much shit on Ray's blog?"


  26. Why did Ray put up a new post without first updating the comments on his last post. I left a comment for "Dani'el" early this morning and it hasn't shown up yet. It might not go through though.

    he's probably wanting for us to call him a liar. Haven't you nice guys done him the favour, yet?

  27. So Ray.... how exactly did you manage to take those 252 boxes of ceral home on your, uh... bicycle?

  28. Ray seriously needs to find better things to get excited and be thankful about.

    If I were a Christian, I'd be all like "Thank God for orgasms!" As it stands now, I thank Graham. ;)

  29. Liz wrote: Ray's whole blog is nothing but shallow bullshit meant to draw criticism from atheists so he can feel persecuted. They have to be persecuted, they thrive on it. You know:

    Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

    Dani'el recently posted something about "the world hating that which is not of this world", implying that if you're not hated enough, you're probably just another sinner like everyone else.

    The implication was twisted, but it does seem to explain Dani'el's modus operandi. He's an intentional asshat, and it may be the fact that being one makes him feel closer to God.

    I wonder if your statement above doesn't hit closer to the mark than we realized. I'll bet they really DO pursue persecution...

  30. I guess if I was putting down 120k free money every year I'd be able to afford 252 boxes of cereal.

    Incidentally, in case anyone is wondering what such financial and gastronomical excesses might have cost Ray, I called a Trader Joe's in Long Beach to find out:

    One box of Weetabix: $2.69
    252 boxes of Weetabix: $677.88
    Further proof of Ray's profiteering: Priceless

    Unfortunately, I'm 1000 big ones short on tuition this semester, so I'll have to leave the exhaustion of California's breakfast resources to Ray. But if he needs some assistance applying the faith in another respect in the next few weeks, I do know of a little verse that might help him out...

    Jesus looked at [Ray Comfort] and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell [all the Weetabix] you have and give to [Kelley for tuition], and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." Mark 10:21 TGATKT (2008 Edition)*

    *The Gospel According To Kelley Translation (2008 Edition)

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. It is an old tactic Whateverman.

    The first xtians used to taunt Roman soldiers until the soldiers were forced to do something. Then the xtians would cry persecution too.

    "Some early Christians sought out and welcomed martyrdom. Roman authorities tried hard to avoid Christians because they "goaded, chided, belittled and insulted the crowds until they demanded their death." A group of people presented themselves to the Roman governor of Asia, C. Arrius Antoninus, declared themselves to be Christians, and encouraged the governor to do his duty and put them to death. He executed a few, but as the rest demanded it as well, he responded, exasperated, 'You wretches, if you want to die, you have cliffs to leap from and ropes to hang by.'"
    Quoted in Bowersock, G. W. Martyrdom and Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, 1. Bowersock cites Tertullian.

  33. Oops, forgot California Sales Tax: $733.81

  34. Did you know, our bodies aren't adapted to eat cereal?

    It's true. At the current point in our evolution, we are best able to digest lots of meat and fruit, and a few vegetables (in conjunction with stupidly huge amounts of excercise). Grain of any sort is a difficult food source for our body to cope with: we don't digest it well.

    The only reason we eat so much is because it's cheap.

  35. Guys you've got this all wrong, the article is clearly about how stupid evolution is and how atheists are all going to hell because we don't worship Captain Crunch!

  36. maragon said...

    If I were a Christian, I'd be all like "Thank God for orgasms!" As it stands now, I thank Graham. ;)

    I'm sure Ray thanks god first, then Kirk.

  37. Kelley R. said: Oops, forgot California Sales Tax: $733.81

    All good cereals originate from California.

    Or was it Kellogs... I forget...

  38. Actually... Cereal is a grocery item, so it probably doesn't have sales tax.

    So the original amount is probably the accurate one.

  39. here's what I submitted to his blog:
    You might consider also thanking Louis Pateur for discovering how to kill off the germs God so kindly created to make some of our food unsafe to consume.
    Not incidentally, Pasteur also discovered inoculation methods against poultry cholera, rabies and anthrax - sadly too late for hundreds of thousands of people who had already died from these diseases because they thought they were caused by sin, demons, curses or witchcraft. I wonder where they got those ideas from...

  40. They let this post get through over at Ray's. "Cagar" is the "Occitan" word for shit.

    to me

    show details 11:47 PM (3 minutes ago)


    Rufus has left a new comment on the post "Watch Me Get Called a Liar":

    You know Ray, it's funny. Even with you eating all that fiber, you're still so full of cagar that you squeak.

    Post a comment.

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    Posted by Rufus to Atheist Central -- Ray Comfort's Blog at October 14, 2008 8:41 PM

    Will I get banned again?

  41. I consulted the magic 8-ball I have here in work.

    Sources say Yes


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