Sunday, October 19, 2008

In Response to Vera's Accusations

Someone emailed me to let me know that Vera's been up to her old tricks again at Ray's. She's taken lately to discussing me not only where I'm not able to defend myself, but in ways that are absolutely not related to the topic.

I invite you all to read her latest post regarding me here.

I fail to understand why this woman continually brings me up to others. It's just creepy.

Seeing as Ray so rarely lets my posts through after the 'Shirtgate' - I am posting my reply to Vera here.

Hey Vera,

If you have something to say to me, why don't you email me or come speak to me on my own blog where I have a chance of responding to your childish, indecent and unfounded accusations.

"She was not. Maragon has a big chest that she likes to display in provocative poses with as much of it showing as possible. Maragon knows exactly what she's doing and the effect it will have on the men. You make it sound like she is wearing something Victorian."

You're attempting to construct a rude and fallacious portrait of me, which you are sharing with others based on a single picture of me. Unless you have somehow procured a whole slew of pictures of me in every day dress, I can't see how you are justified in relating to others how I conduct myself in my day to day affairs.

If I had posted a picture of myself in my wedding gown, would you then conclude that my every day dress included a wedding gown?

My fiance and I greatly object to and take offense to your insensitive and unfounded allegations. Not only are you attempting to paint me as an amoral person, you're alluding that he must be as well. My personal appearance is of no concern of yours, nor is it relevant to this or any discussion. If you can't have a debate without bringing these topics up and attempting to discredit your opponents based on their appearance, then I suggest that the issue here is your cognitive faculties - not my shirt choices.

I'll thank you to stop talking about me behind my back - I certainly don't spend any of my time talking about you.

If Albert Einstein only ever wore hotpants, would that invalidate the theory of relativity?


  1. Maragon,

    In her latest comments Vera has restated that God is speaking through her and that is why we must listen to her ("Guess He didn't Want to Get Involved" Post.)

    I am convinced she is a control freak. Her writings reek of it.
    Considers society "sick." Doesn't allow her kids to associate with non xtians. Home schools. God speaking through her.. She tries to come off as the most authoritive person in the universe because it is the almighty (brainwashing.)

    Trust me, she has issues she needs to be addressing. By the way, she claims her husband is a "Prophet."

    Off topic:
    I wonder what happened to Terry Burton. That was a huge blow to his ego, being excommunicated from the Comfort Cult.

  2. M,

    Vera said,
    "Maragon knows exactly what she's doing and the effect it will have on the men."

    This woman must have been hooked up with some losers. I have to wonder just what "effect" she is referring to. Apparently her husband can't look a a woman with nice tits without going into some kind of sexual frenzy?

    I mean, personally, the first time you posted your picture I said to myself, "nice tits." And then I went berserk and raped all the girls I could find for the next couple weeks.
    Vera should have been on the beach with us a couple years ago down at the Dominican Republic!

  3. Somebody sounds jealous. Listening to Vera you would think Maragon had posted a picture of herself in a corset with her bosoms bulging out the top. If Maragon's postage stamp size picture of herself in a t-shirt is flaunting herself then we all need to go out and buy a burqa.

    Vera- Ray's interest in Maragon's picture was in response to Terry's ranting obscene posts. Ray likes to blame the victim not the aggressor. You know, women are always to blame just like Eve.

  4. If Albert Einstein only ever wore hotpants, would that invalidate the theory of relativity?

    Obviously, duh.

  5. Vera's the sort of person who blames the woman for getting raped and as such her opinions are therefore worth less than a rancid turd.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. That's kind of what I had said to my reply to her, baldyslaphead:
    on Ray's blog and on on Maragon's blog

    To be perfectly fair though, it was I who first brought up Maragon's picture on Ray's blog:

    Reynold said...

    Ray's only talent: baiting people. He's hoping that one of us will wig off on him and as as result, he'll be able to tarnish all atheists with the same brush.

    Kind of what he did when he complained about Maragon's picture in her blog so someone made an insuting picture of Ray on his blog and Ray took advantage of it with that brainless cartoon later, poking fun at all atheists.

    'Tis why I don't like debating here much. I'm trying to take the few debates I'm involved with here onto other sites.

    This mess is, in a way, my fault. I had no idea that Vera would jump on it like that, though.

  8. froggie wrote:

    "Apparently her husband can't look a a woman with nice tits without going into some kind of sexual frenzy?"

    That's a thought that often comes to my mind when I observe Christian prudishness. It's as if they are so vulnerable to losing control over their sexual behavior that if they are just stimulated in a minor way--like seeing cleavage in an online profile--they'll go off the rails.

  9. I've also posted on Ray's site that I was the one who first brought the subject up.

    I'm sorry, Maragon, to both you and your fiance: I had no idea what would happen when I first mentioned that. I thought I was just trying to make a point about Ray making an excuse to get all huffy; I had no idea Vera would go nuts, too. :(

  10. It becomes obvious that Vera is totally credulous. She believes what she wants to believe because it makes her feel good.

    She was a Ken Ham supporter and one debate between him and the Reasons to Believe guy totally convinced her that Ken Ham was wrong- one debate! No rational examination of the science. She just blindly accepts RTB as her new de facto authority.

    She must have had a sense that the young earth theory was flawed, but rather than do some real investigation, she merely hitched her wagon to someone as equally bat shit insane as Ken Ham.

    I can never understand why people of faith have this need to try to prove science is flawed when their own belief cannot be shown through science. It doesn't make sense.

    Or does it? It does to a control freak who is obsessed with trying to get everyone to believe as they do........

  11. Just to clear this up.....
    In reference to my adventures on the beach in the Dominican Republic, it actually only took about an hour before I could could look into the eyes of the gals we talked to.

  12. Breathtaking. But not amazing; not from Vera.

  13. Remember that along with freethought comes a mature attitude toward sex. Vera is still "religiously addicted" and her only attitude toward sex is that "it's bad." Her post about sexually deviant atheists proves that she can not think objectively about sex. To fundies, it's only a means to an end. Having babies!

    Geoff said,
    "It's as if they are so vulnerable to losing control over their sexual behavior that if they are just stimulated in a minor way--like seeing cleavage in an online profile--they'll go off the rails."

    Isn't that the truth. Seems that the more women are forced to be modest, the more the minor stimulation becomes major stimulation. In parts of the Islamic world, a toe poking out from under a burqa is considered very sexy. When men from that kind of environment move to western Europe or The US and see women with bare faces, they go totally berserk.

  14. It's not your fault Reynold.
    Vera's brought me up a few times all on her own.

  15. froggie - terry Burton & I exchanged amical "Hi Howareya's" a few days ago.

    He seems OK, keeping himself busy, DIY'ng, everyday stuff.

    You cazn give hime a shout via his webpage (now full of McCain/Palin Obama is a Mislim type stuff)

    &You can find his web page via his profile, and his profile via some old Ray posts.

  16. Vera wrote:

    "Maragon has a big chest that she likes to display in provocative poses with as much of it showing as possible."

    Let's trace Vera's logical leap here. Because a woman's online profile picture is of her with cleavage, then that means:

    1)"She likes to display in provocative poses"...Vera now has Maragon posing, and also Vera knows enough about Maragon to say that she likes doing.

    2) "...with as much of it showing as possible." So Vera knows what Maragon's intentions are? Mind reader? Also, does it really look like Maragon is "showing as much as possible"? These fundies have no perspective.

  17. Robert Madewell:

         I do not agree that freethought necessarly implies mature attitudes about sex. It merely opens up the possibility. Freethought only means that one thinks for himself, rather than having others do his thinking for him. That thinking can still be very immature. On the other hand, it does appear that fundamentalism necessarily implies immature attitues.

  18. Well, Ver's replied again. Though she actually gives some good advice: She says that maybe I should consult you before I mention your name again in a post, Maragon. Though from what you said: Vera's brought me up a few times all on her own.
    It seems that she could stand to take her own advice.

    It' become apparent that she and I are talking about different pictures. I'm referring to the photoshopped picture of Ray that nonmagic posted in direct response to his complaining about your picture, while she's referring to someone that posted a nude pic of themself?

  19. Please don't feel badly Reynold. You couldn't have known that Vera would go on such a tangent - and I'm pretty hard to bother, honestly. =)

    I find the women who make the biggest deal over other peoples appearances are the ones who hate their own.

  20. pvblis said, "I do not agree that freethought necessarly implies mature attitudes about sex. It merely opens up the possibility."

    Maybe you're right. However, Most (if not all) freethinkers (atheists, agnostics, etc) I know do have a more mature attitude toward sex and the human body. Likewise, most (if not all) of the super fundie mentals I know have an immature and shameful attitude toward sex and the human body. Go figure. Maybe, I am stereotyping them, but I don't think I am.

  21. Vera said,
    "Maragon knows exactly what she's doing and the effect it will have on the men."

    Sounds like jealousy to me. Or maybe in Vera's World™, thats the worst sexual crime you could ever think of committing.

    You ran out of steam after a couple of weeks? You can't have been staring and drooling at that pic for long enough then :)

  22. I don't get this affect on men she's blathering about. To me it just strikes me that she has a rather low opinion of males in general.

    To my knowledge, when normal men notice a woman with, say, a nice figure, or a hot ass, or a great rack.... well, that's what they do - they notice. Briefly. And then go on with the rest of their day.

  23. Ugh....effect.

    No posting without coffee for me anymore.

  24. I agree with Maragon's basic statement.. a man can notice that a woman is attractive, and then continue with life from that point on.

    When a man is married, that's the best route.

    If a man's single - well, then ask the woman out or shut up!

  25. If you check out Vera's blog, it looks like she's having it out with our friend Sye about YEC/OEC...too funny!

    According to SYe; Vera *can* account for logic with her worldview.. you wouldn't know it from reading her thoughts, would you?

  26. I started a reply to this thread earlier today, but nixed it; I didn't want to spend 15 minutes writing the blog equivalent of a "Yeah! She's whack, yo!"

    Vera's recent post at Ray's almost made me insult her intelligence - check out what she thinks about how I lust after my coworkers. But she ended it by apologizing to Maragon, so I figured it was better to support the cease fire than it was to take revenge for my wounded pride.


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