Friday, October 31, 2008

I Wish I Were A Bigoted Christian...

that way I could treat other people like dirt, act in whatever callous manner I wanted - and STILL feel that I am worthy of eternal reward and absolvement from all my wrong doings.

SCMike said(amongst other things):
"Yep. Between school and drinking, she's pretty much got a full plate. Who has time for petty stuff like research and learning to use a Thesaurus anyway??"
"The only thing missing is the ..(hic).. at the end of that statement!! Priceless!"
"Actually Q., I was giving Meagan the benefit of the doubt by assuming that she must be inebriated to be making the ridiculous claims she's making. If you want to take that away from her, that's your business."

Some of this was said after he informed me:
"P.S. Anytime you want to have a serious debate minus the name-calling and foolishness. I'm more than willing to oblige. Until then, take care."

My Grandfather died of alcoholism. I feel that it is a very serious illness, and not something that should be taken lightly or an accusation tossed around at people for fun or in anger.

It never ceases to amaze me that the people who try the hardest to convince you that you need to be a christian consistently act the least 'christ-like'.


  1. The worst part about people like him is that he'll never listen and so you don't want to deal with him any more, but you can't quite think it a good idea to give him the feeling of victory should you leave. What do you do?

  2. Maragon, you really can't allow subhuman slime like SCMike to get under your skin. That's his only's his raison d'etre.

    When I think about SCMike, I'm reminded of that great line in Casablanca:

    Ugarte: You despise me, don't you?

    Rick: If I gave you any thought, I probably would.

    SCMike isn't worth your ire, Maragon. He's not worth any emotional investment at all.

  3. theShaggy sez:

    The worst part about people like him is that he'll never listen and so you don't want to deal with him any more, but you can't quite think it a good idea to give him the feeling of victory should you leave. What do you do?

    He's probably going to have that "feeling of victory" whatever you do...after all, this is a person who has made a career out of deluding himself. And no, he's never going to listen...that's not what he's here for.

    Just remember, you're not interacting with him for his benefit. You're interacting with him to to show other readers why they needn't take anything he says seriously.

  4. What he's doing is the epitome of cowardice. He doesn't have an argument that will hold water and he knows it so he just switches tactics and tries to get an emotional response out of you instead.

    Seriously, that is the very face of cowardice.

  5. tripmaster monkey said:

    '"Rick: If I gave you any thought, I probably would."'

    That reminds me of a kid's T-shirt I saw today:

    "If I could give a shit, you're the first person I would give it to"

  6. Just remember, you're not interacting with him for his benefit. You're interacting with him to to show other readers why they needn't take anything he says seriously.

    Yes, and for that all you need to do, Maragon, is show how his trickery can be used the other way around. No need to explain so much to the guy Maragon. I admire your patience with both Sye and SCMike, but both are not worth that much writing.

    Anyway, I have said it again and again, their only "purpose" is to "show" that atheists "deny god in unrighteousness," and they "show" that by enraging atheists, by whatever means necessary. Why would such enraging be evidence of denial in unrighteousness, I have no idea. But that is their way.


  7. Stomach King: You hate me!
    Kokor: Yes. I do. I hate you lovingly.

  8. C'mon, I can guarantee that you've all made your own bigoted statements AGAINST Christians, whether as a group ('fundies') or specifically.

    Have a great big swig of your own medicine.


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