Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Since Nonmagic mentioned it. Here is an interesting interview with an American feminist about (not only) Sarah Palin
der Spiegel


  1. Ah HA!! I couldn't find this anywhere! Thanks for the repost, Tilia.

  2. Ugh.

    I hadn't read much of Katha Pollit before, but I'd heard her name mentioned.

    I do agree with this quote by a fellow feminist, Camille Paglia, describing Pollit as a "whiny troll, an unscrupulous and unreliable critic and a cultural philistine...She's a good example of the phony prep-school/trust-fund leftism suffusing the incestuously interwined Ivy League cliques who run the corrupt East Coast literary and magazine establishment."

  3. Laof,

    Pagila may be able to insult, but what particularly about Pollit's viewpoints is she criticizing? If she can't pull specific examples of her viewpoints to critique, then I'm personally not interested in her critique.

    Now, if she has something more than empty insults, I'd like to hear it.

  4. nm said:

    "Now, if she has something more than empty insults, I'd like to hear it."

    Empty insults? I think the linked article is comprised of mostly empty insults by Pollit.

    It's OK if a feminist 'makes it' - as long as it's someone that Pollit approves of... that's my take on that entire article.

    I wonder what Pollit would have said about Palin before she was nominated as VP, when she was still just a governer. Would she have been as critical?

    Other than that, I don't really want to get into a fight over politics because it is just so aggravating this election year. As I said before, a lot of people see it as choosing the lesser of two 'evils'.

    It's very aggravating and hard to not to insert my comments about EITHER 'team' here, but I don't want to turn this into a political debate.

  5. I wonder what Pollit would have said about Palin before she was nominated as VP, when she was still just a governer. Would she have been as critical?

    Probably, if she would have had the same information about her.

    I always wondered how McCain could think that any woman would vote for her just because she would have voted for Hillary Clinton.

  6. tilia said:

    "I always wondered how McCain could think that any woman would vote for her just because she would have voted for Hillary Clinton."

    Personally, I wonder how anyone would vote for Obama; a lot of people are saying they'll vote for him because of his 'personality' or simply 'because he's black and it's a first'.

    When you analyze his record - he has no experience. He has not authored or even co-sponsored any major legislation in his entire (short) career. When he votes, he votes along his party's lines. This, from a man who says he's for 'change' and he'll 'reach across the aisle' and show no partisanship.

    Biden? The guy has been in the US Senate for over 35 years and his record is about as un-impressive as Obama's. Sure, he's been on the committees... but every major opinion or statement he's expressed publically, he's been wrong about.

    The guy is a racist who said that Obama was 'clean cut and articulate'...

    Biden is an elitist, who in the past has offered to compare IQs to anyone who asks him a tough question or questions his stance on things.

    Please.... no choice but to avoid that ticket like the plague.

  7. ... to tag onto your last comment... Before Obama was selected, I myself wondered why anyone would vote for Clinton just because she was a (less than 2-term) Senator who was the wife of a former president (who, by himself, set the feminist cause back 30 years, IMHO).

  8. Laof,

    Who said anything about fighting over politics? I had no intention of fighting over anything, I had intended to have a discussion, but I suppose that doesn't interest you. No loss.

  9. nm -

    Sorry, I didn't intend to 'fight' as well. I would be happy to discuss politics if you or anyone wishes.

    I think my aggravation over this election is higher than past elections, local, federal or presidential.

    Besides - when did you not welcome a 'fight'? :-D

  10. Laof,

    For me, the article was really more about feminism. The politics were a prop for that. I'm not interested in getting into any sort of political discussion, really. I'm an adult who can make up her own mind about who to vote for (GO OBAMA !!! WHY THE HELL DID YOU PICK BIDEN???) and so are you, so I trust that we will both use our intellect to pick the candidate that we feel is best suited for the job.

    Besides, I had wanted to hear your thoughts on Ellis, which I had asked about in a previous thread, but I guess you aren't interested. That's fine, whatever.

    I'm not going to fight with anyone for the next 30 minutes at least. I'm practicing my zen something-or-other.

  11. nm said:
    "Besides, I had wanted to hear your thoughts on Ellis, which I had asked about in a previous thread, but I guess you aren't interested. That's fine, whatever."

    I'm trying to put my thoughts into something other than my usual gibberish. I'm not having a good day today (or week, for that matter) and I want to make sure I'm semi-coherent. I do enough 'damage' in real life.

    Zen away. My 'zen' is a huge cup o' *bux, thank you very much...

  12. Laof, (for some reason I keep typing Loaf)

    Ahhhh I thought you just didn't want to discuss it. Ok ,whenever you're ready.

  13. NM

    Laof, Loaf, whatever you want. I answer to just about anything.
    Just keep it reasonably clean.



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