Monday, October 20, 2008

Dubyah Liane again

Here's the quote:

WOW No posts from Don here on this post grouping. He musta blown an aneurism and have assumed room temperature after his go with Texas Truth Teller.

Gosh he sure was a good atheist I wonder if discussing his demise is premature. We will all surely miss his flame throwing tactics here at Atheist Central Christian blog. Will he be missed? Will the legacy he left be picked up like a fumbled pigskin by some other wanna-be DON and advanced even further into the annals of atheist legend, and or myth?

Sadly we lament DON today dead and buried and decaying in his casket while his soul shrieks in agony burning in the Lake of Fire.

On the bright side of things "How 'bout them Patriots?"

I'm not even going to bother commenting.


  1. Problem is, he doesn't even realise how sick he is.

  2. I posted after I saw that.

    I asked him to tell us that he didn't have any children, because the thought of him having any to raise is sickening.

  3. Children? Not likely. Classic case of using your personality as a contraceptive.

  4. Blogger Mark W Laine said...

    I have no need to speak to you further you have received enough of Gods Word to make an informed decision..."The Lord will take care of way, or the other".

    October 20, 2008 7:46 PM

  5. I woke up to read that. What a great way to start the day. I just want you all to know that I am actually the donchrist zombie. And yes. I may have been dead when I went to sleep last night, but today I awoke from the dead. I am risen and ready to whip Huck Laine like the pompous pompadoured putz he is.

    He gives creates so much fodder to be thrown back at him.

    Unfortunately Reynold. I think he has spawned a few children.

    My favorite lines this time out are from his Sarah Palin rally where he states that he is no longer going after smart Atheists. He just wants the stupid ones. Good luck to him.

    A flame from Mark in the morning is better than a whole pot of coffee. It's gonna be a great day.

  6. I particularly liked this comment from the great Mark.

    Also, as the waves and water did rise the t-rex took off like a rocket trying to escape and was overtaken away from its natural habitat. Then the natural hydrolic sorting action did cause a sorting of the debris fallout from smallest to largest.

    I asked him, and i dont expect a response, why tigers, bunnies, and apes weren't found in earlier strata than dinosaurs as dinosaurs were some of the largest land animals ever.

  7. He's already responded, BeamStalk. It's a lovely bit of rationalization. I really would love to have a paleontologist step in an speak with authority about it.

    I mean, I'm pretty sure I can spot the fallacies, but I've got no practical experience in the fossil record to speak credibly about it

  8. Yes the italics were his response, but it is a non response as things are not found from simply smallest to largest. If that were the case Dinosaurs would be on top and the smaller dinosaurs and smaller mammals would be intermingled below the larger dinosaurs. This as you know is not found. Instead everything is found as evolution would predict it to be found.

  9.      "Instead everything is found as evolution would predict it to be found."
         Actually, that's putting the cart before the horse. Evolution can "predict" just about any pattern depending on what path you believe evolution to have taken. It is unsurprising that the believed path of evolution predicts the very data that went into it.

  10.      Oh, yes, I do note that Mark W. does seem to fit my "Okay, I can't draw" post.

  11. Actually, that's putting the cart before the horse. Evolution can "predict" just about any pattern depending on what path you believe evolution to have taken. It is unsurprising that the believed path of evolution predicts the very data that went into it.

    I take your point pvblivs.

    The only thing is evolution has made predictions about fossils. Things like you will not find humans in Cambrian strata. Also it was predicted that they would find a fossil that exhibited land and water features in the Devonian strata. Later they discovered Tiktaalik in Devonian period strata. That is what I mean by predictions.


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