Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Can somebody tell me how Ray's mind work?

assumed that it works...
I started saving the more offensive comments, but the insults normally make it through the thought police. He really enjoys being insulted, I guess.
Okay, I understand why he prefered to delete one of his stupid comments (an ignorant one about wildcats) instead of allowing my response through. It's even understandable why he is picky about reasonable comments defending the right of abortion, though it is a little bit unfair.
But last time I just told Andrea, that it doesn't hurt to expose yourself to new ideas and I listed some atheist philosophers during two and a half millenia. What's wrong with that? I really can't remember of breaking any rules or are there other words to capitalize than: God, Lord, Jesus, Heaven, Hell, He, Him, His?
Maybe I just start Using the German Capitalization Rules. I shouldn't have Problems then, to capitalize Nouns like God or Hell.


  1. Have you ever noticed when typing a comment that you'll get that "error" line under the word Satan if you don't capitalize it but no such error line under the word god?

    Now I understand that Satan is in fact a proper name and god can me a whole host of things, but I prefer to think that spellcheck hates Ray's god.

  2. I think some of his filters are either automated, or are at least hotkeyed (spell check, etc). I guarantee his "interns (or whoever edits/posts while he's busy) have different standards.

    I also think he occasionally allows the insults for varying reasons. Take his recent post; it's a great example of how he's portrayed atheists.

    I guess I'm only suggesting it does seem to happen inconsistently...

  3. Ray's mind works like someone who eats the same kind of cereal three times a day, every day of the year.

  4. @liz:

    "Now I understand that Satan is in fact a proper name and god can me a whole host of things, but I prefer to think that spellcheck hates Ray's god."

    Perhaps the spellchecker was developed by Satan?!?

  5. laof; Perhaps the spellchecker was developed by Satan?!?

    I laughed. Good one. Imagine how pathetic Satan would be to feel compelled to meddle with spellcheckers. Haha.

  6. I would have never guessed that anybody had proposed the hypothesis that Ray's mind works ... I think the stats will yield in favor of the null hypothesis.

  7. LAOF,

    May I ask which science is that referred in your profile? Mine is molecular biology. (Nope, not evolutionary molecular biology, but I can change.)



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