Friday, September 5, 2008

Why does it hurt soooo bad?

From Ray's latest foolishness:

Science discovered that when a certain object moves at a certain speed it supersedes the law of gravity, and can fly.
If we could go back 500 years in time, almost every thinking scientist would have said that such talk is utterly foolish. They would have maintained that it was impossible for an object the size of a 747 jumbo jet to fly like a bird. However, we now know that even though the law of gravity remains, the flying object has moved into a higher law, the invisible law of aerodynamics.


  1. It's obvious, with his "science degree", that Terry Burton helps Ray with his science posts.

  2. you know, Ray probably thinks he's up there with the "top creationist" guys, like Hovind and Ham. He probably sees himself as a defeater of secular science, and a major key part of the ID movement.

  3. The ID movement doesn't want anything to do with guys like Ray.

    The Discovery Institute is still trying to pretend that ID isn't based on religion.

  4. I mean, learning how airplanes fly is the first thing they teach you when you get your pilot's license. It's not exactly highly technical...

  5. It's not even that one would learn this to get a pilot's license, I learned about this (Bernoulli's Principal) in 5th grade.

  6. kaitlyn, do you have any clue why Ray picks on your more than the others?

    I do think he likes you the most. He probably hates me because I keep telling him I might walk one sunday morning to his church, or take a short drive to HP where he has said to open air preach at, when he's going to film part of his show at the library close to where I am again, and if he can sign my banana if I meet him.

  7. ...though, keep in mind, he never publishes those comments.

    ...maybe because some of them have Raytractors.blogspot in them.

  8. I have a feeling that Ray singles Kaitlyn out more, especially on moral issues, because she is perceived by the theists as a nice atheist. Since Ray must show that all atheists are immoral due to their denial of the Christian God, he cannot allow anyone to believe that Kaitlyn is a good person because it would violate Psalm 14:1.

  9. Holy shit batman!

    I did not see this one.

    I guess when you have the talent to show your complete lack of understanding of anything science, well, you have the talent.


  10. Strange, one would think that if aerodynamics was a "higher law," that a jet airplane wouldn't require thermodynamics in order to continue to stay in the air.

    And doesn't the physics involved in a plane lifting into the air also include gravity as a required force?

  11. Excuse me, but it's a magic rock that allows an airplane to fly. That's why they don't want you up in the cockpit - you might try and take the rock.

  12. He's the Man With A Badge and he's also Tee Bee,
    He's smarter than you, he's gotta science degree!
    Yeah, Man With A Badge knows da score, ya see
    Terry's smarter than you with his science degree!


    Even I can't stand much more of this.

  13. The trick is in the shape of the wing:

    A cross section of the wing would show the wing to be "flat" at the bottom, but curved at the top, so the top has more surface than the bottom.

    When the plane is moving the air above the wing travels a longer distance than at the bottom, and this creates a difference in pressure (lower pressure at the top). The faster the plane moves, the higher the pressure differential. This elevates the plane.

    Again, the trick is in the shape of the wings. Not speed alone. Claiming that speed aloe allows an object to defy gravity is ignorant (Not really stupid, just ignorant).

    Race cars can have wings but the longer face is at the bottom. Guess why?


  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. If you have a better description, I would like to read it.


  16. GE,
    You asked,
    "Race cars can have wings but the longer face is at the bottom. Guess why?"

    That's easy. It's so they can fly upside down.

    Now, if an airplane wing gives the plane lift, How does an airplane fly upside down?
    (I know the answer)

  17. What's with this "heirarchy of laws"
    Aerodynamics doesn't "beat" gravity. Gravity still applies when a plane is flying. The wing's lift doesn't make the earth's gravitaional pull disappear. The force created by the lift becomes greater than the force of the earth's gravity.

  18. Confucius said, "girl who fly airplane upside down have crackup."

  19. dale said:

    Now, if an airplane wing gives the plane lift, How does an airplane fly upside down?
    (I know the answer)

    I just signed on so I'll start by answering your question.

    Angle of Attack

  20. Yep, I read the angle of attack description. Which means I was almost as ignorant as Ray, except that I knew it is not speed alone.

    For the race cars? (actually it is the angle of attack what is reversed, but, again, besides the car flying upside down? Which is an excellent answer by the way, what else?)


  21. I kinda want to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he was referring to a "wing" when he said "Certain Object."

    Does that mean I'm a bad Raytractor?


  22. Rob, no you're fine. Even if you assume "Wing," it's still completely wrong.

  23. Rob,

    I actually think he wrote it that way so that he could mock somebody about it. But I do not know. Has anybody told him he was wrong, then Ray answered that he said "certain objects such as wings"?

    Even if wrong, I would presume he had the same explanation I had in middle school (cross section thingie).


  24. You can feel angle of attack when you hold your hand flat, out the window of the car. Turn the leading edge up and of course the pressure increases, pushing up.

    That's why in most planes, when flying inverted, aren't in horizontal position, The tail is lower making the wing just like your hand.

  25. And, yes, angle of attack is the correct answer. It's definitely not a very efficient way of flying, the coefficent of drag is drastically increased.

  26. @ dale:

    You can feel angle of attack when you hold your hand flat, out the window of the car. Turn the leading edge up and of course the pressure increases, pushing up.

    I LOVE doing that!

    Sorry. ADD moment. You may continue.


  27. Jason:

    The proper question is "When the hell are they?"



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