Monday, September 29, 2008

Who are we?

We recently did a survey on the personality types of the various Raytracters members. We used the Myers-Briggs Typology, the test is available here. The results are... interesting. Here's the list, compiled from those who responded.


Let's take a look at a few stats. 39 Respondants...

32 Introversion, to 7 Extroversion.
35 Intuition, to 4 Sensing.
32 Thinking, to 7 Feeling
31 Judging, to 8 Perceiving.

The Raytractors are by far mostly INTJ, one of the rarest personality types! From the wikipedia article:

"[David] Keirsey referred to INTJs as Masterminds, one of the four types belonging to the temperament he called the Rationals.[3] One of the rarest of the sixteen personality types (accounting for no more than 1% of the population),[4] the INTJ may also be referred to as the scientist,[5] the free-thinker, or the strategist."

I wonder how this compares to the results of Ray and his followers? I'm submitting a request via comment...



  1. Didn't catch this one when it was up. I too was INTJ.

    I would be interested to see what Ray's group would be.

    I'm not to sure what to make of things based off of Jung's work. I'm on the fence with him. Something I can't put my finger on exactly.

  2. OK, I'll edit the OP every time someone adds their type. Cheers!

  3. Who wants to start a pool on how long it takes this post to show up at Ray's as an example of uppity atheistic elitism?

    We can also run a side bet on whether he accuses on of gambling here too.

  4. I, also, was late to see this comment.

    I, too, have taken this test, and I am also an INTJ. My wife (a pseudo-catholic) is INFJ.

  5. ISTJ. What's wrong with the rest of you? Famous ISTJ's include 2 queens, that has me a little worried.

  6. I kinda lost track of the last thread on this issue. But I wanted to ask, any of the rest of you introverts have a hard time remembering to turn your cell phone on? Do you also prefer to let the answering machine get the phone and view phone calls as basically an intrusion on the rest of your day?

    'Cause that's my problem, and I think that me being an introvert has something to do with that.

  7. I'm introverted enough not to tell you that I'm an INTJ also.

  8. Lance, I am the exact same, I also think it has something to do with the fact that my jobs for the past 8 years have all involved me spending a large portion focused on answering the phone (hotel front desk and Customer service for a major US Airline's website)

  9. I came out an ENFJ... but after reading Wikipedia's take on that I'm beginning to doubt the results of that test... I'll probably retake it sometime, but I am sooo not an extrovert.

  10. Being one of the few ENTJs here, first I want to announce my plan for Blog domination and soon after that the world, but for now I will give you a little nugget from Wiki on ENTJs.

    ENTJs often excel in business. They are assertive, outspoken, confident, outgoing, energetic, charismatic, fair-minded, and unaffected by conflict or criticism. However, other traits may lessen the impact of their strengths. They may appear argumentative, confrontational, insensitive, intimidating, and controlling. They can overwhelm others with their energy, intelligence, and desire to order the world around them.

    According to Baron and Wagele, the most common Enneatypes for ENTJs are Achievers, Skeptics and Asserters.

    So you INTJs can just bow before me now, if you put up a fight you know my assertiveness will win in the end and you would elect me to lead, so why even bother. ;)

  11. Ehhh.... Lance, that's me as well. I do have to say, though, while I don't psrticularly like talking to people (on the phone or otherwise) I can easily repress those feelings and come across passibly extroverted.

  12. I can easily repress those feelings and come across passibly extroverted.

    People who know me in person are generally surprised to find out that I'm introverted. Only my wife seemed to find it as absolutely no surprise.

  13. Lance is was no surprise to me whatsoever.

  14. Obviously most people of blogs and forums ar introverts.

    All the extroverts are down in the pub having a drink with their extrovert friends.

  15. I got an ENTJ :) Woo Hoo for me :)

  16. Lance,

    We screen ALL of our phone calls and only pick up immediately when it's family. If it's a friend, then I pick up based on how long it's been since I talked to them and my mood.

  17. Rocky,

    "So you INTJs can just bow before me now, if you put up a fight you know my assertiveness will win in the end and you would elect me to lead, so why even bother. ;)"

    Haha! So appropriate!
    But, "The ENTJ has a tremendous amount of personal power and presence which will work for them as a force towards achieving their goals. However, this personal power is also an agent of alienation and self-aggrandizement, which the ENTJ would do well to avoid."

    In the meantime, while you are self aggrandizing the INTJs will be masterminding your demise. You will never see it coming, and when it happens it will be swift and violent. :>

    So, the next question is what personality type did you chose as a mate?
    My wife is an ESfP, of all things- "The Performer." No shit! She's a singer songwriter, ahem, performer."

    Accepts everybody loves people, etc. But don't cross her.
    "The ESFP has a tremendous love for life, and knows how to have fun. They like to bring others along on their fun-rides, and are typically a lot of fun to be with." One problem is that in a social setting they are so exuberant that she may spontaneously break out in song or something, to the consternation of their INTJ mate.

  18. By the way, if you enter your type into google search, the first hit should be a report on that type called, "Portrait of XXXX"

  19. Dale,

    If I had to guess, and I will ask her later, my girlfriend is probably INTJ.

    I have contingency plans for your attempted coup no worries.

    Here are some interesting stats I found though.

    It is a rather small sample size but I can't really find anything else.

  20. I'm INTJ
    56 Introvert
    62 Intuitive
    12 Thinking
    1 Judging

    Does this mean that I can intuitively judge things badly?

    I'm pretty sure Ray would come out as

    100 Control Freak
    100 Unipygic
    100 Nihilarian
    100 Tumbrel

    100% CUNT

    [difficult words courtesy of:]

  21. Beamstalk said: "Here are some interesting stats I found though."

    Wow, female INTJ's made up 0.8% of the study! :-o

  22. In the other thread on this subject Freed said, "Dale explained it very nicely, saying there's nothing wrong with me, after me thinking forever that there was."

    Imagine that! A stupid atheist is able to help a Christian understand something about how to understand herself.

  23. dale,

    It's a miracle; clearly the Creator was was working his magic through you - did you feel the touch of his noodley appendage as you typed? (you didn't think I meant that other zombie-god, did you? Beer-volcano forbid!)

    I'm glad freed was able to find out a bit more about herself, it's all part of the game after all.

  24. dale said...

    Imagine that! A stupid atheist is able to help a Christian understand something about how to understand herself.

    Yeah, imagine that...and I appreciated it very much. Thanks to our discussion on the other thread, I have a new understanding about myself. Wonders never cease.

  25. Ex,
    "It's a miracle; clearly the Creator was was working his magic through you..."

    I'll be go to hell. I was divinely inspired!

    I'm a "Catcher." It's my job. :>

  26. "I wonder how this compares to the results of Ray and his followers?"

    Introverted: 78
    Intuitive: 75
    Thinking: 25
    Judging: 33

  27. I'm an ENTP atheist scientist. So suck that all you judgmental stay at home computer nerds.

    Ok, so I'm borderline on the EN side.

    I wonder how it plays out in career choice. I'm an ecologist dealing in conservation biology and sustainable use of natural resources.

  28. Kiwiinoz,

    "I'm an ENTP atheist scientist. So suck that all you judgmental stay at home computer nerds.

    Ok, so I'm borderline on the EN side."

    Just admit you're an introvert, you'll feel better for acknowledging it. :)

  29. TSS

    I'll only admit it when I'm hiding away from them all because I've hit emotional overload. :)

  30. haha, oh yeah I know how running away to recharge feels.


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