Monday, September 22, 2008

Where's Terry Burton?

I am so eagerly awaiting to hear from you, Terry. I want to know your thoughts on the possibility of Ray shutting down his blog because of us evil, nasty atheists. Please, don't deny us your insight, your rationality, your warmth. Come to us, Terry. Unburden your heart. Let your insanity flow free.


  1. It's possible he hasn't yet chewed through the leather straps at the asylum this morning.

  2. Or maybe someone close to finally did have him committed. For real. It would be good if he got help, but I'd kinda miss the nutcase. In the sick, perverted way I'd miss Ray's blog.

  3. Rufus, I really do hope that he gets some sort of professional help or at the very least has some family to look after him. Otherwise, the only way he's going to survive in this world is to become a televangelist so no one will notice just how insane he really is.

  4. Thank you, nonmagic. Now I can amuse the hell out of myself imagining The Terry Burton Power Hour on TBN.

  5. I think it might just consist of one repeat right after the other of HBKS and him undulating himself all over photos of Ray.

  6. I'm also curious about what Mark W. Laine and All Fired Up, among others, will have to say. Should be fun. And I've noticed Ray has enabled the word verification feature.

  7. Terry did a drive-by on my blog today. Unless he's got a twin psychopath using the same account, it's sadly apparent that he's still a free man

  8. Whateverman:

    Did Terry mention anything about Ray shutting down his blog? I can't believe he hasn't been here yet. He must be planning something big.

  9. Guys, it is not socially responsible to taunt Terry.

    Psychologically he really does fit the profile of a serial murderer or rapist.

    All joking aside, please really think about this.

  10. Rufus: no, he's said nothing specific. He reposted that bit about ministering to Buddhists in Tibet.

    Mask Guy: I agree to an extent, I don't think Terry's stable. I'm not going out of my way to antagonize the guy, but he's getting no respect from.

  11. Sincerely, make sure you don't have anything that could really be tracked back to you on your profiles. Especially the women.

  12. I'm not sure any more. As the event now known as Hurricane Terry got worse and worse, I began to think as you do: that Terry was a danger to himself or other people. That's why I asked everyone to stop responding.

    And then the next day he was calm and plugging HBKS again. I don't think anything we do will cause another event: Hurricane Terry was sparked by Ray.

    However, we've yet to see what effect "I might close the blog" will have, so maybe Mask is right in this case. I'll join you in making fun of Terry when nothing serious is happening, but not when another tropical storm is brewing in the distance...

  13. Mask,

    Is that a thinly veiled threat?

    I have about as much confidence in Terry Burton to track someone down through the internet as I do in him getting dressed by himself in the morning.

  14. Nonmagic,
    That made me laugh... (about him getting dressed in the morning)
    No threat from me, and you're probably right. But better safe than sorry. I just think the guy is genuinely on the dangerous edge of a shooting rampage.

  15. Well, Mask, if Terry goes shooting it isn't anyone's fault except Terry's and those around him that didn't get him help. He doesn't get to get away with acting like a idiot just because he's psycho. People will call him on it.

    And really, why are you wearing that mask? You're a Raytractor aren't you? Just take it off, please.

    Being afraid of Terry is like a bunch of kids sitting around a campfire trying to spook each other by tell tales and jumping at shadows.

  16. Terry goes shooting it isn't anyone's fault except Terry's and those around him that didn't get him help.

    I don't think Terry has anyone around him. I think these different "personalities" he's displaying are his attempt to create "friends," as well as live out a double life with his sexual repression on one side / and his attempts to be "good" on the other side. (It really does remind me of the movie Psycho.)

    And really, why are you wearing that mask?

    You're supposed to finish that line with "Were you burned with acid or something like that?"

    Then I say, "It's just that they're terribly comfortable. I think everyone will be wearing them in the future."

  17. :::puts on mask:::

    You know this is kinda comfy.

  18. THEY'RE HACKING MY INTERNETZ!!22111111!!!!

  19. Otherwise, the only way he's going to survive in this world is to become a televangelist so no one will notice just how insane he really is

    Its pretty sad that televangelists can be soooo fucking crazy, yet its OK. Not to us obviously, because we actually notice the psychosis, but a large majority of this country sees them as great, wise, "in touch with the lord" type of people. Its scary.


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